F1 ’06: What the press say

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Over the weekend the UK newspapers have been looking ahead to the new Formula One season. Top read was The Guardian, simply for the two page cartoon strip “Super Aguri saves F1” in their excellent 68-page mini-guide to the season published on Saturday.

The Guardian lead with Richard Williams’ piece on the ‘Michael Schumacher: will-he-won’t-he-retire’ saga; The Times, in Saturday’s F1 06 supplement, focus instead on the seemingly endless political woes at the heart of the sport. But Kevin Eason finds much to praise about new champion Fernando Alonso, who boasts “gumption and charisma”, even though Bernie Ecclestone and Martin Brundle have recently criticised the Spaniard for being too low-profile a champion to be a good ambassador for the sport.

Maurice Hamilton in The Observer doesn’t really come down in anyone’s favour, putting Schumacher, Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen joint favourites. Finally the News of the World, whose story about Kimi Raikkonen turning down a ?���ܣ57m contract offer from McLaren was recently rubbished by the Finn’s management, back ‘Schuperman’ to win an eighth title.

F1Fanatic reviews the daily UK newspapers’ F1 coverage after every Grand Prix.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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