F1Fanatic on the ‘Green’ Honda RA107

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Well I donated some cash and pledged to fit a few low-energy lightbulbs, and here’s what I got for my trouble (see picture).

I have to admit that, although it’s quite cool, I was hoping for a something bit more impressive – perhaps a note of thanks at least, or some data on how many other people made a similar pledge and what that might achieve?.

A cursory rummage through the search facility suggests that Honda have got quite a lot of people to agree to the scheme. A pity, though, that Jenson Button is apparently not among them. Honda have missed a trick there too, I think.

Did you make a pledge and get yourself a ‘pixel’?

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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2 comments on “F1Fanatic on the ‘Green’ Honda RA107”

  1. we did, and then we didn’t. i think we might have broke their site actually.

    can’t wait to the see the car though…right?

  2. Hello, I attempted to e mail you regarding this article although are unable to reach you. Please e-mail myself if get a moment. Cheers.

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