This weekend’s F1 alternative: F3 Bucharest

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There’s no F1 race this weekend but there’s a whole world of F1 alternatives to choose from.

As F1 is moving towards more street racing British F3 is one step ahead – they’re racing at a fascinating new course in Romania.

Plus there’s DTM action from the Lausitzring.

British Formula 3, Bucharest

When the 2007 British F3 calendar was announced the race on the streets of Romania instantly stood out as a highlight. The track encompasses the Romanian Parliament – one of the largest buildings in Europe – which should make for a stunning and unusual backdrop.

British F3 is a bit of an exercise in quantity over quality this year and there has been some lamentable driving in the middle of the pack.

But up at the sharp end Estonian Marko Asmer is doing the business and will forego a clashing engagement in Japanese F3 to try and add to his three wins from four races. But with 30-odd F3 racers crammed into a tight street circuit, this promises to be the motor racing highlight of the weekend.

German Touring Car Championship, Lausitzring

By way of contrast the Lausitzring road course must be one of the least inspiring venues visited by the DTM. The first corner promises mayhem and that’s really the beginning and end of it.

The championship itself is shaping up very nicely, though. Aspiring F1 driver Gary Paffett won last time out in last year’s car and team mate Mika Hakkinen was barged out late in the race. The championship is wide open and the Lausitzring could well frame the battle for the title.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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