Provisional 18-race F1 calendar for 2008

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The provisional 2008 F1 calendar has been released with a couple of interesting changes.

As has recently been speculated the French Grand Prix has not been dropped, but earlier reports that the season would open in Bahrain proved wide of the mark.

As predicted here the new street races at Singapore and Valencia will be held well into the second half the season, though subject to circuit approval.

There is no San Marino Grand Prix on the calendar, suggesting the remodelled Imola will not return. And the venue for the Japanese Grand Prix has not yet been announced, suggesting either Suzuka or new 2007 venue Fuji could hold the race.

There will be 18 rounds, one more than this year, and the calendar appears free of any unduly long breaks without races, although there are three week gaps in April and August.

The Canadian round – the only North American race with the loss of the United States Grand Prix – is listed as provisional, presumably in the light of changes required to the circuit following Robert Kubica’s crash.

Also the Turkish Grand Prix moves into the first half of the season, becoming the fifth race. It is the 12th round this year.

Provisional 2008 F1 calendar

16th March Australia
23rd March Malaysia
6th April Bahrain
27th April Spain
11th May Turkey
25th May Monaco
8th June Canada (Provisional)
22nd June France
6th July Great Britain
20th July Germany
3rd August Hungary
24th August Europe (Valencia, Subject to circuit inspection)
7th September Italy
14th September Belgium
28th September Singapore (Subject to circuit inspection)
12th October China
19th October Japan
2nd November Brazil

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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5 comments on “Provisional 18-race F1 calendar for 2008”

  1. reckons it’s because Canada now has to pay all of the additional freight costs to take cars to North America, which were previously shared with the USA. I don’t know whether they, you or both are closer to the mark. (But yes, if Canada hasn’t been ordered to make changes to the Turn 9 run-off, it should have been!)

  2. “Great Britain” means Silverstone, right?

    Is the threat of losing Silverstone a bit farther in the future than I was thinking?

  3. Silverstone has a contract up to 2009 as far as I’m aware.

  4. Last race in November, did we have that before ?

  5. Yup… I think the last one was in 1995, when the Aussie GP was still in Adelaide.

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