25 best groups for F1 fans on Facebook

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A bit of fun for those of you who, like me, use the Facebook social networking site.

There are all kinds of F1 groups to join from those who want Ferrari to sign Danica Patrick, fans who want the original Nordschleife back on the calendar, to the Canadians who want their own F1 team. Some of my favourites are listed below.

Not wishing to miss out on the fun, there’s even a group for friends of F1Fanatic.co.ukjoin us now! And don’t forget to look me up too.

Bring an F1 (Formula 1) Team to Canada! – Does what it says on the tin. 26 members.

Bring the N?�???�rburgring Nordschleife Back to F1 – N?�???�rburgring fans sharing the dream. 75 members.

Commercial breaks during F1 races are fundamentally wrong! – Not keen on ITV. 125 members.

”Bring Schumi Back to F1” Campaign – These guys reckon Kimi Raikkonen and Felipe are Massa not getting the job done. 323 members.

Ferrari is better off without Schumacher – Not everyone agrees though. 15 members.

Campaign to strip michael schumacher of his 1994 F1 “world champion” status – Regular readers of F1 Fanatic will remember that Max Mosley made some interesting remarks about Schumacher’s first championship recently. The group lists its office as ‘Under a pile of tyres on an Adelaide gravel trap’. 327 members.

Ferrari should bring Danica Patrick to F1 – Bernie Ecclestone would wet himself at the thought of America’s top female racing driver joining Ferrari. In fact, I wonder if he’s the one who set this group up? 16 members.

Forget NASCAR, Formula One is real racing! – F1 fans bashing American stock car racing. 229 members.

F1 Rejects – For fans of Jean-Marc Gounon, Pedro Chaves and friends. 17 members.

F1 97 the greatest F1 game ever – How anyone can think anything tops Geoff Crammond’s Grand Prix series is beyond me, but there you go. 6 members.

Get rid of James Allen from ITV-F1 – Sorry James. But I can’t help but think that anyone who feels the overnight sacking of Allen from ITV would suddenly make F1 exciting is kidding themselves. 717 members.

I drive my baby like an F1 car – If you live near these people, give them plenty of space on the road. 70 members.

I want to see F1, not Lewis Hamilton’s life story – An appeal for more balanced coverage of F1 in Britain. 266 members.

Martin Brundle – Great F1 pundit – great man – Appreciate for the driver-turned-talker. 40 members.

Max Mosley is ruining F1 – Think F1 has gotten too slow? This is the group for you. 26 members.

RIP Jordan F1 – For fans of the defunct yellow team. 48 members.

70s F1 fans – Remembering the days of ugly cars and even uglier facial hair. 91 members.

80s turbo F1 fans – For those who liked their F1 with 1,000 horsepower and gigantic wings. 64 members.

We want an F1 circuit in Lebanon – They’ve even come up with a street circuit in Beirut. 11 members.

Ban motorsports save the climate! – Not a chance. 2 members.

Designing and building our own F1 car – There’s nothing like setting the bar high! 45 members.

Bring back Formula 1 (and Murray Walker) to the BBC – As long as the licence fee doesn’t go up… 165 members.

Bring back the Formula 1 US GP to Indianapolis! – American fans want their race back. So does pretty much everyone in F1 apart from Ecclestone, it seems. 65 members.

Bring Formula 1 to the West Coast – F1 at Long Beach again? Yes please! 25 members.

Fans in support of Formula 1’s return to Watkins Glen – Who says Americans aren’t interested in F1? That’s three groups in a row! 20 members.

Photos: BMW Media | Daimler Chrysler

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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14 comments on “25 best groups for F1 fans on Facebook”

  1. The get rid of James Allen from ITV is the best one. Theres loads of petitions going around for that. As for F197, that IS the best F1 game around thats not on a PC, PC games are the best as you can modify them to the latest season

  2. American F1 fans may be outnumbered many times over by the NASCAR supporters but they are passionate and know the sport inside out. Their patience and endurance, in spite of being treated as worthless by Ecclestone, is a shining example in comparison to all those German fans who departed F1 with Mickey the Shoe. They deserve much better than they get (including a GP at Long Beach and Watkins Glen).

  3. There are loads of anti-James Allen / anti-ITV groups on Facebook. My personal favourite is “I’m clicking mute when Hamilton wins”. It’s kind of out of date now though because it was set up to consider the horrific prospect of what James Allen was going to say when Hamilton took his first win. It includes a video of James Allen’s commentary at last year’s Hungarian Grand Prix to back up their fears.

  4. Clive, spoken like a true American…

    Ive mentioned this before on this site, but does anyone play Rfactor for the computer? Its a modifiable racing game with some great F1 mods and some well run leagues. Well we’re on the subject of meeting people passionate about F1, this site is worth checking out.

    there is a great you tube video of their first season.

    They also have Porsche Cup, Champ Car, and GP2 series running (by doing good in GP2 you get a seat in there F1 league just like in real life). Most of the time the server is open to the public to run mock races and have a good time. Come join us!

  5. Anyone else still playing Grand Prix Legends (my computer is old. and slow)?

    I’m quite keen on the Prototype C mod for Grand Prix Challenge as well. Like seeing what I can do with one of those beautiful Lola T92/10s

    And how long would the NASCAR fans last if all the American drivers disappeared?

  6. Upgrade Patrick! You would love the F1 1979 mod for Rfactor.

  7. I would, but I think the next time I have money, a Nikon D80 is higher up my ‘must have’ list… The computer will just have to soldier on a little longer

  8. Well said Clive!

    I recently posted something of this nature,about it being hard to be an American F1 fan but,I am sticking to it even though Bernie doesn’t care.No race in America,No race in France,unbeleivable!

  9. Don’t forget the First-Ever Lewis Hamilton Fan Club!

  10. i might have to join that danica patrick for f1 group… thats hilarious

  11. Hmm, think I may need to resurrect my Facebook account!

  12. If you are a real F1 fan then join this Group
    ” I Love Formula 1 ” http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2255323591

  13. Sharif Ahmed
    6th June 2008, 22:19

    Hey Keith, when are you planning on updating this list, would you please consider adding our very own:

    “The Ayrton Senna F1 Fan Club”


    How a real Facebook F1 group should be done!

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