F1 in the news 52: Jackie Stewart ‘a halfwit’

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In the F1 news this week FIA president Max Mosley created headlines by describing Jackie Stewart as a ‘certifiable halfwit’.

Also this week you can buy Martin Brundle’s old car, find out where Bernie Ecclestone ranked in the 100 Most Important People in (American) Sport and read about the Russian former F1 tester who was the target of a bomb attack.

Sir Jackie a halfwit, says Mosley – FIA president Max Mosley launched a stunning and scathing attack on three-times world champion Sir Jackie Stewart, saying: “He goes round dressed up as a 1930s music hall man. He’s a certified halfwit. It’s annoying that some of the sponsors listen to him because he’s won a few championships. But nobody else in Formula One does ?�?�?����?�" not the teams, not the drivers. He’s a figure of fun among drivers.” In a follow-up article a Daily Mail correspondent alleges McLaren’s cars were, “built partly on information stolen from Ferrari,” which the WMSC hearing conspicuously failed to prove.

Ecclestone criticises Mosley’s hybrid plans – F1’s commercial boss is not convinced about the future ‘green’ direction of the sport.

The funding of the sport – Why does such a small percentage of F1’s income go back to the teams?

Formula 1 driver injured in car blast
– Russian former Minardi test driver Sergei Zlobin was the target of a bomb attack.

‘Autosport’ magazine (requires registration) – Following the departure of leading columnist Nigel Roebuck from Autosport, editor Andrew van de Burgt spoke to readers directly through the magazine’s online forum to discuss criticism of the magazine.

The most powerful people in sports – Business Week lists what should really be referred to as the most powerful people in American sports as NFL commissioner Robert Goodell comes out on top with NASCAR’s Bill France sixth and Bernie Ecclestone only 57th.

Alonso to Ferrari, Massa to Toyota – Do you believe it?

Japan flashback: Fuji 1976 – We looked back at what happened at the last Japanese Grand Prix at Fuji, while F1.com revisited the events of 1976.

Martin Brundle’s BMW M5 for sale – Pick up his motor with 87,000 miles on the clock for ?���ܣ12,750.

Fuji chassis preview – How the teams will prepare for the new Fuji Speedway.

Photos GEPA Pictures

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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10 comments on “F1 in the news 52: Jackie Stewart ‘a halfwit’”

  1. If Sir Jackie Stewart is a halfwit, then he has half a wit more than Mosley ever will. Has the guy got no respect for anyone??? Time to go I think, Max, you’ve truely outstayed your welcome.

  2. Ok, Max,go back to sleep now. Not even your “controversial” statements are worth a read any more.

    Alonso/Ferrari? Hmmmm. I thought there was something else going on on that podium at Spa. Alonso and Kimi getting on like old war buddies and Massa not on speaking terms with either. It just could be possible.

  3. Even if so, Max Moronsly still has JYS beat. He’s a full fool.

  4. Although I’m not the biggest fan of Massa, I certainly think he deserves better than to be exiled to the dead end that is Toyota! I hope this rumor, however likely, isn’t true.

    All in all, a great collection of articles.

    “He goes round dressed up as a 1930s music hall man”. That’s comedy gold right there. I’ll have to try that one sometime.

  5. This comment about Jackie Stewart from th guy who, if I remember correctly, banged his head walking thru an Indy hospitality suite so hard he had to be taken to hospital. Sounds like something from Monty Python, Max.

  6. Ha! Too bad no one got a vid of that to send to YouTube. But why insult MP? They were intentionally funny. That’s the difference between talent and none.

    Yeh, re: Massa, I have to agree it would be a crap thing to do to him-unless he got the McLaren seat. But how likely is all this? Isn’t Massa contracted for another year even if Alonso does leave McL?

  7. Massa is a superb driver, esspecially when he’s in front AND he does qualify well. The suspension failure at Monza cost him 6 points for a likely 3rd, had he finished 3rd and Kimi 4th the points standings would be 83 to 83 …… He’s as good as anyone but has little fan support. Alonso is good but would do no better in Massa’s Ferrari.

  8. Concerning MadMax……a man often sees in others what he is himself.

  9. jonathan seagull
    6th March 2009, 14:21

    Never mind about the slanging match between two old Farts!! News from Hobbitown is that a certain nasty little hobbit is currently planning to sell UK F1 fans down the river by giving next years British GP to Russia! Insiders say that Donnington may miss the boat and if so do we cos the drivers will be wearing fur hats not helmets.

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