ITV loses F1 coverage to BBC from 2009

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British F1 fans will be able to enjoy live Formula 1 free from adverts next year as the BBC have won the right to screen live coverage.

ITV has broadcasted the sport since 1996 and angered many fans by missing up to 15 minutes of every race with advert breaks. Last year ITV missed the moment that decided the world championship – Lewis Hamilton’s gearbox problem in Interlagos – because they were on an advert break.

More recently fans have bemoaned the obsession with Lewis Hamilton in much of the coverage.

And lead commentator James Allen, who took over from Murray Walker in 2002, has never enjoyed popularity among the sport’s fan base. It’s not yet known who BBC might put in the lead commentary chair – Walker did the European Grand Prix for Radio Five as a one-off last year but he has said he’s not up to doing a large number of races per year.

ITV-F1 hasn’t been without successes though. The appointment of Martin Brundle as second commentator was an excellent move and has been very well received. And they began broadcasting F1 live online this year, allowing British viewers to watch two of the practice sessions for the first time.

BBC’s deal will allow them to broadcast F1 on television, online (via its iPlayer service) and on mobile platforms. BBC already has some high definition channels as well, so we might finally get to see F1 in HD as well.

Ironically television communications regulating body Ofcom had recently revealed it was looking into changing advertising restrictions which might have forced ITV to reduce the number of adverts in its coverage.

It also appears ITV’s existing F1 deal has been cut short. At the last extension of their contract it was reported they would show F1 until the end of 2010, but that appears to have been cut back by two years. Was this ITV’s choice?

More on ITV and F1

2009 F1 season

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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94 comments on “ITV loses F1 coverage to BBC from 2009”

  1. This could well be the best news we will have all year.

  2. Wow, this put a smile on my face this morning!

    Hopefully they’ll move Brundle across too, and of course bring back the ‘proper’ F1 theme music :)

  3. I support both those ideas :-)

  4. Brilliant to have coverage back on the bbc … just don’t get Gary to front the coverage.

  5. Woohoo!!! This is great news. Can we all join hands and shout "HD!!!"

    I just hope Brundle comes along…

  6. Fantastic news. Couldn’t believe my eyes when I read it.
    The original theme tune surely must return. At least now we won’t miss a second of the action. :)

  7. It sounds like good news, after all the adverts are bloody annoying; however, I do wonder about their pre-race coverage.

    If there is one thing you can say about ITV is that it had a very slick look and feel to it, as you would expect from commercial TV. Will the BBC be able to live up to that? or will it be a little raw like the Moto GP tends to be?

  8. Dum,
    Da-da-dum, da-da-dadi-dum Dum!

  9. I want in decending order of importance:

    the Music

    If they don’t bring Brundle accross I’ll be very disapointed.

  10. According to The Guardian ITV pulled out of its deal. So what we have here is ITV giving up and the BBC taking over more or less by default. They did have two more years to run on their contract.

  11. sChUmAcHeRtHeGrEaTeStEvEr
    20th March 2008, 8:59

    great news if brundle goes and theres more than the 15-20 minutes of build up pre race. most football games on the bbc get 15 minutes build up hbopefulloy they will follow itv in that respect but otherwise im just delioghted that i wont have to listen to james allen talking aload of crap for 2 hours every other sunday :-)

  12. You want them to get rid of Brundle? I think he’s great.

  13. This is truly fantastic news! The BBC will have to up to Auntie (if you pardon the pun) to package it as well as ITV have done but no advert breaks will increase the standard of the coverage no end.

    I agree with most; Brundle getting the gig must be the top item on the BBC’s priority list, followed by cloning Murray Walker.

    I feel sorry for Steve Ryder getting his timing wrong but hopefully the Beeb will see sense and take him back. Having a host who actually knows what he’s talking about is a massive boost.

  14. Scott Joslin
    20th March 2008, 9:12

    Great news! I hope they dedicate more time to it consistanly than the Beeb currently do to Moto GP. You can only access Moto GP sometimes via the "red button" and they never really schedule it on for prime time, or it is hidden away in BBC3 scheduling and I don’t want to go head to head with 2 pints of larger and a packet of whatever!

    I am going to dig out Fleetwood Mac!

  15. Christopher
    20th March 2008, 9:40


    Alex Andronov summed it up nicely.

  16. From the BBC site :
    Dominic Coles, BBC Sport director of sport rights, said: "The biggest motorsporting event in the world is returning home after 12 years.

    "We were delighted when Bernie Ecclestone approached us about the return of F1 to the BBC.
    An ITV statement on Thursday said: "ITV plc today confirmed that it has decided to exit Formula One at the end of this season.

    "This was a straightforward commercial decision for ITV and we are pleased that F1 will continue to be broadcast free-to-air.
    So did they jump or were they pushed ?

  17. On other sites it is suggested that this is all linked to a deal over the rights to the soccer Champions League.
    Which BBC and ITV have been fighting over

  18. I don’t know much about football – can anyone tell me more?

  19. @Kieth
    Sky have the broadcast rights to most football, so BBC and ITV are squabbling over the scraps, which includes the European Champions League series

  20. Well it didn’t take long for the rumours to start –
    David Croft from Radio 5 Live to be a ‘shoo in’ for James Allen.
    Jonathan Ledgard to be a commentator.
    Martin Brundle to be the only one retained.

  21. Fantastic news.  I’m sure Brundle will move across – he’s an independent contractor I believe.  Not sure if James Allen is as well – let’s hope not. 

    I should imagine Steve Rider will move across as well as he worked for the BBC for a long time and I think he has done pretty well fronting ITVs coverage (certainly light years ahead of Rosenthal) and he is a true F1 fan. 

    Hopefully the BBC can find someone good to replace James Allen – anyone would be an improvement.

    Very good timing on the BBC’s part, as they are likely to be taking over just after Hamilton wins his first championship…

  22. So who do we think is responsible? Has Bernie decided he’s unhappy with ITV’s standard of coverage and pushed them out? Or have ITV decided F1 isn’t making them enough money and bailed?

  23. sChUmAcHeRtHeGrEaTeStEvEr
    20th March 2008, 10:48

    i dont mean get rid of brundle i mean itl be great if brundle goes to the bbc too! whats the original theme music?

  24. sChUmAcHeRtHeGrEaTeStEvEr
    20th March 2008, 10:54

    can someone put a link for the original theme music for me i only started watching f1 properly in 97 when itv had just taken it over and i was only 9 then!


  25. It’s Fleetwood Mac – The Chain

  26. sChUmAcHeRtHeGrEaTeStEvEr
    20th March 2008, 11:01

    ok thankyou

  27. Here it is along with the four themes ITV have used:

    Debate: The best ITV F1 theme tune

  28. I’m playing it now to get me in the mood :)
    The theme is about the last minute of the track

    I think the beeb should start with a whole new team. Def not Hill! Leave Brundle too!

    The radio team are good!
    I hope they can provide some unbiased commentary! Yee haa
    Music to my ears

  30. Strange how ITV went all out on their new f1 website only to announce they werent going to show f1 from next year :S Hopefully they will keep Martin and get rid of James but I’m just so happy we won’t miss any of the on track action in 2009 :)

  31. I thought it a little strange that this happened just after they revamped their website too!

    Hopefully the BBC’s web coverage of F1 will be expanded greatly to accomodate the live stream, etc – they are pretty on the ball so I presume they will already have plans for this.

    Will be interesting to find out what else they have planned – Bernie says they have some "innovative" ideas…

  32. Innovative = Maybe picture in picture – of Hami and Kovi simultaneously pressing the eject button accidentally

  33. At long last both the BBC and Formula 1 have gotten something right.  


  34. That’s a surprise indeed ,ITV deciding to bail out of covering F1 before the contract’s finished.

    I can only guess the"straightforward commercial decision" meant they weren’t able to make enough money from it (remember they were hoping to sell sponsorship rights for a lot more than Sony eventually paid for it).ITV have got a few things right with their coverage – especially Martin Brundle , and some of their features were very good in explaning how the sport works (I remember Grand Prix School or something like that shown during 1999 as a good example when I was getting seriously interested in the sport.)

    As for commentators , having Murray do only a few races won’t be a problem at all – much better than hearing James Allen , who in all respect is a far better as a F1 writer.I’d have David Croft or Ben Edwards covering the rest .Brundle made the colour commentator role his own , and there’s no way that should change.Put  John Watson (Ted Kravitz role) and have Dr Jonathan Palmer do some of the reporting and other things
    (not sure though if he’ll be too busy running Brands Hatch amongst other things these days)..Then get back Steve Rider and Maurice Hamilton to front the show , in a proper studio.

  35. More from the BBC site:
    BBC director of sport Roger Mosey said: Our understanding is that F1 did have a termination right at the end of the 2008 season, and that appears to be what has happened

  36. Not even lighting James Allen’s trousers on fire can get him to commentate like Muzza. Although sometimes I wish they would, sorry James. What about getting Rory Bremner to impersonate Murray Walker and give him the job alongside Martin Brundle.
    What ITV had going for them were the features before the race, couldn’t fault them. But they have committed cardinal sins such as:
    1. Cutting press conferences due to Coronation Street being delayed and for many other reasons
    2. Not using ITV2,3,4 to show practice sessions instead choosing to show 1970’s re-runs and the like (maybe they weren’t paying enough to Bernie!)
    3. Putting Martin’s grid walk on at the time the drivers are getting into their cars, very sensible
    4. Not cutting the adverts during the race and moving them to before, UEFA champions league football manages to fit in two adverts before the game, during half time and after the game
    5. Not replacing Murray Walker with someone of as good as a personality, set the trousers on fire!
    6. Occasionally not showing qualifying sessions, Canada was always dropped until recently

  37. Good news, although remember ITV have done a far more thorough job than the BBC ever did (quali sessions were only shown from 1994 onwards) and the first time all the races were shown live was 1995. Even now the BBC is quite happy to shunt Moto GP onto digital if it clashes with a dog show.

    No adverts is great news, although I imagine we will all get bored in a safety car heavy race (where ITV fill dead time with ads).

    My other concern is that a lot of current BBC sports coverage is really dull and worthy, and is too busy ‘explaining the sport’ to new viewers. The Moto GP coverage in particular can feel very flat, especially as that commentary team just flat out doesn’t work.

    In terms of commentators I can see Martin Brundle being retained, but the other commentator is a big question mark. I imagine David Croft will probably step in to the role as they will need someone with prior F1 experience, although there is probably quite a strong case for keeping Ryder, Allen and Brundle

  38. Ben, I would hope & imagine that Bernie (got’s something right for a change!!) has stippulated that the format is similar to what ITV have, ie live quali & race on the main channel. Let’s face it, what is actually wrong with ITV’s coverage??? The obvious one is the ad breaks, so that one problem is removed straight away..So what’s left after that?? Just the presenters in my view. Brundle MUST move over, so ,I hope, would Steve Ryder too..
    On a lighter note knowing the Beeb, they’ll probably have ‘guest’  main presenter, like Have I Got News For You. One race Murray could do it, then Graham Norton (!) and how about Davina McCall, aslong as she’s not pregnant of course. Even the Stig could get in on the act!

  39. I’m glad to see that this page has already collected plenty of signatures for the ‘Take Brundle to the BBC’ petition!  He has become the voice of F1 since Murray hung up his microphone.  So, where are we going to set up the petition?  ;)

  40. Robert McKay
    20th March 2008, 13:22

    Still a bit shocked by this news. But in a way, there’s a symmetry about it…BBC lost their contract in 1996, just as they were doing their most comprehensive coverage. And now ITV is losing it just as they are doing their most comprehensive coverage, with the online presence…

    But I think there’s more to this than ITV pulling out – I don’t believe that, that is just spin to cover up the fact Bernie had a clause to get rid of them.

    I dearly hope Brundle gets taken across. The rest of them are a bit more difficult to care for, but Ted Kravitz has become fairly solid after his shaky start a few seasons back now. And watching a race with no adbreaks will be a strange thing to get used to again :-D

  41. I’ll be singing to myself all afternoon now! :-D
    Excellent news.

    Thanks, AndyWolf – I’ve got a lovely picture in my head of Stig doing a grid walk… it would make a change from the drivers refusing to speak to Martin!

  42. I’m with AndyWolf – what about the whole presentation from the Top Gear team? Alternatively as a challenge they could enter as the 12th team if Prodrive don’t materialise

  43. Is it possible that the BBC will just get the existing production company to make the new program? As was Chrysalis or whatever?

  44. really wish we could get the BBC here in the states…. well ok, we do have BBC America, but it’s about 6-8 months behind… that’s a bit of a tape delay.

    I couldn’t imagine being able to watch F1 without adverts.  At least speed is pretty good about it though… they have definitely put off adverts whenever anything seems to be going on.

  45. will the BBC be following ITV in showing everything on the internet?

  46. If you want Brundle, you can use this page to contact the BBC TV motorsport team

    Just make sure you select the motor sport on TV option and type away, I dunno, maybe also tell them we don’t want James Allen

  47. Interesting comments on the BBC Sport Editor’s blog.

    Comments seem to be:
    1. Bring back ‘The Chain’
    2. Keep Brundle
    3. Murray?
    4. No James Allen
    5. HD?

    All in all, very positive, though there are a couple of strange/negative posts.

  48. Those (indeed strange) negative posts seem to be from people who simply have no knowledge of the sport – those who complain about their license fee and / or think that F1 is about ‘going round in circles’ (I feel dirty just for saying it!!).

    So who is everyone putting their money on for the spot alongside Martin Brundle in the commentary box (assuming, and hoping, that James Allen doesn’t get it)?

    Personally I wouldn’t mean listening to the infectious enthusiasm of Ben Edwards….

  49. This is great news! No more advert breaks! But BBC needs to get it right, and that means:

    – Get Martin Brundle into the commentators box!
    – Get Steve Rider and Maurice Hamilton into the studio (maybe Ted Kravitz at the paddock too…)
    – All races and quali sessions must be live
    – Bring "The Chain" back! :-)
    – …And please, please, please don’t shift the eariler or later races onto your digital channels…some people don’t have access to digital, you know?!

  50. "BBC should be concentrating on beautiful team sports like football, rugby leauge and cricket…"

    Excuse me, but what the hell is that?
    Having at least 100+ people working together to put the car onto the track to win a race, that’s more teamwork than football could ever be…

    I agree with Cooperman on this point.

  51. Excellent news… I have seen some ITV coverage in past. Camerawork is not exceptional. Commentary was the weakest link in the chain. So however it has come to it, it is good.

    Now as beeb is publicly owned, some of their videos are free for public to copy and keep… will it be legal for us people to record and keep whole season???

    I think this should give bernie enough nightmares, would it?

  52. I must be the only person in the world who has an immunity to James Allen. What is so bad about him? Sure, Murray had enthusiasm and a knowledge of history, but he was always commenting on a completely different race than the one we were watching!

  53. Not everyone seems to be happy about it:
    Politicians are getting involved now!

  54. No one mentioned Louise Goodman! :(

    +1 Brundle
    +1 Kravitz

    – 1 Blundell
    -1 Allen

    What about other retired drivers as a commentator along side Brundle? Irvine? Coulthard, when he retires! actually, my vote goes to.. Barrichello

  55. What is this politician sticking his oar in for – I thought the BBC was independent – not censored by the government – he should move to Iran or China.

  56. Can someone explain Brundle… god, NOOOO….
    F1 needs some new blood in the commentary box. Someone who can get excited, someone who can read the race….

    I just want to know why Brundle?

    Definitely no Louise, no Blundell, no Ryder and no Allen, oh and no Ted either… they get redundancy pay?

  57. Thank you BBC – I’d start from scratch with the commentary team (apart from Brundle of course). ITV’s coverage gives the impression that none of the guys know what they’re talking about (especially Ted Kravitz).

  58. Sorry Arnet – can’t see your point of view on James Allen.

    Murray may have got the wrong end of the stick sometimes but there’s no-one better in the commentary box for conveying an undying love and enthusiasm for any sport. Listening to him on Radio 5 last summer (could have been the summer before) brought it all back!

    And if nothing else he certainly livened up the occasional dull race.

    James Allen simply can’t get me sat on the edge of my seat with excitement like Murray used to, without fail.

  59. It’s just occured to me – Jeremy Clarkson as host of the BBC’s F1 coverage. Love him or hate him, just imagine it.

  60. Clarkson is good in Top Gear, but I think he’d be too noisy for F1.  :)

    And yes, KEEP BRUNDLE!  Croft would make a wonderful partner, I think.  But they should keep Allen, albeit in a writing, NON-SPEAKING role.  :)

  61. Keep Brundle (no brainer) as main commentator. Have Couthard (he’ll be out of a drive next year) for the grid walkabout because the young drivers remember him as an ex-F1 driver. He could then comment on the technicalities. I’m sure Brundle & Coulthard would work well together.

  62. Sooooperpigdog
    20th March 2008, 18:30

    arnet, to be fair, you can’t blame ITV for the track side camerawork (except for Silverstone), it’s the TV company in that particular country that’s responsible for that.

  63. Robert McKay
    20th March 2008, 18:57

    I’m more worried about Brundle than I am about the bloody Chain. It’s a great piece of music’n’all, perfect for F1, but it’s for 30 seconds at the start of the show. I’d be extremely disappointed if we lost Brundle’s commentary, which is for a full season!

  64. I am delighted that we will get hd – dolby surround – wide screen – plus ipod and online coverage through the bbc – bernie has removed one of itv’s biggest potential revenue earners – putting them in more danger of collapsing – but that is another story.
    As for keeping mb – fine – a little piece with mw reminising on past years – not commentating – please – I can still remember and it wasn’t all good/funny.
    That leaves who? – lets see – it cant be any of the top gear team – too obvious and dont think they could respond quick enough – so yes a recently retired driver would suit – god I miss hunt the shunt now

  65. I’d like to see Suzie Perry out on the track. She’s a really good commentator

  66. The first entry on this summed it up, best news all year.  I’ve been fed up with ITV for years.  Not showing qualifying from Canada or Indy has always annoyed me and they really do take the mick with the adverts.Brundle is great, keep him.  Get rid of James Allen.  If I wasn’t already an F1 fan listening to James would not convince me to be one, unlike M Walker.Louise Goodman, Ted Kravitz and Tamara Ecclestone (god forbid we have to suffer more "features" from her this season) should be chopped.I would quite like to see Ben Edwards (he was always quite good on Eurosport back in the late 90’s CART days) or if either of them could be stolen from Moto GP Charlie Cox or Toby great website, keep up the good work!

  67. Surely Martin Brundle is a non-negotiable? Decent sports commentators are as rare as hens teeth so it just would not make sense to overlook one of the best.
    I would miss James Allen though – if only for the amusement factor. I think Ted Kravitz is alright but am less enamoured of the token female, Louise Goodman. We don’t have the ‘pleasure’ of the Tamara Eccelestone features here in OZ, and that sounds like it’s something I should be enternally grateful for. But if you guys think the ITV coverage is diabolical, you should see what we have to put up with here ! I only hope the Beeb has online coverage that I can access & give Oz free to air TV a miss altogether.

  68. Best bit of news so far this season.

    I would be suprised if the BBC take anyone from the Top Gear show, but I suppose Clarkson would be the first one in the BBC to put his name forward to be the host of the show.

    Hopefully they’ll bring back the music, take Brundle across,  introduce HD and show all sessions on BBC3/4 and on the web.

  69. Doesn’t Brundle manage Coulthard?

    As long as they go into a studio again, its daft when they are trying to out shout an F1 car,

  70. Yeah Brundle manages Coulthard. Now this article here makes for an interesting read: I’m going to put my conspiracy hat on and say that ITV gave Formula One to the BBC provided they didn’t bid on the Champions League.

  71. Anyway, I hope whoever they get to host the coverage can say the word ‘sixth’ correctly ;)

  72. "I’d like to see Suzie Perry out on the track. She’s a really good commentator" – Ollie

    Me too, she’s a Wolves fan after all!

  73. or was the J who i quoted….?

  74. Vertigo what a brillinat idea. That would be amazing!CLARKSON ALL THE WAY!!!!!
    Vertigos actually name is Jack Butler lol( Sorry Jack).  

  75. I love Top Gear and think they do an amazing job, but I don’t want to be chuckling through the race. Leave them where they are. Give us someone who is an F1 expert, not just a car nut.

  76. Arnet, you’re spot on!

  77.  arnet, i dont think you understand. Clarkson has watched F1 all his life and he will now the ins and outs of the sport. The comedy will just be a added extra.

  78. I know Clarkson knows his stuff. I love the show, and I read his magazine from time to time and think he is a witty and clever writer, but I don’t he can resist his impulse to ham it up and to complain. I want to be informed while watching a race, not entertained. The race is entertainment enough.

  79. From what I’ve heard and read the only member of the Top Gear team in any form of running to present F1 on the BBC is Richard Hammond in a sort of studio presenter role.

    I’ve also heard rumour that the BBC might use the Top Gear team for other things like interviewing the drivers and things to get more people into F1.

  80. Here is my view:

    Presenters: Steve Rider and Suzi Perry (alternating between MotoGP and F1).
    Analysts: Maurice Hamilton or Jardine
    Commentators: Brundle and Croft/Edwards
    Pit Lane: James Allen (He was good in that role!)
    Bring back Chain and let Muzza commentate on British GP

  81. Well ITV loosing it shall be good and bad, ITV do a brilliant job atm, apart from the adverts. The team which produce it is outstanding and the presenters comentators do a real profesional job what ever anyone else says. The BBC getting it means no uninterupted coverage but, we run the risk of getting shocking comentry form new people, whcih can only be bad if it is to the level of Five Lives coveage. And you cant have Suzi Perry in it keep all the team especialy blundel and brundle who know what they are taling bout. And the top gear thing using them presenters is so bad, they dont do F1 it shall ruin it as they dont know anythign about it hamond has been know to say he doesnt like it. So all i can see apart form the adverts being removed the BBC brings nothing to the sport of F1, if anythign they sahll make it worse.

  82. It’s been said many times above, but on the off chance producers for the new BBC coverage check for opinions on forums such as this, the single most important decision they make will be to ensure Martin Brundle remains the co commentator for all live coverage. In addition they must return to a studio structure, and Brundle should be part of the post race analysis. I understand that Coulthard is also going to be involved in this. Mark Blundell should not be allowed anywhere near a video camera – he is bland, speaks only in narrative not analysis and adds no value. Allen as we’ve already established is mind blowingly tedious.

    The odd Top Gear style F1 preview mid week before big races could be an amusing addition, but I agree with those who have said for the race coverage itself we need credible experts. Let’s get Barry Davies in to commentate – I’ve never heard him provide a bad commentary on any sport – he’s been grossly underused by the BCC, and I’m sure he could do the requisite research!

  83. We need HD – Freesat may help there – come on BBC!

    I agree – with the majority – keep Martin Brundle.

    John Watson and Richard Nichol were good on Eurosport in the early nineties, before BBC did all races live but Eurosport showed ALL sessions and nearly all live including the now defunct Morning Warm Up! – and repeated them all in full later – the good old days! (

    Bring back The Chain – maybe a remix.

    Don’t bring back Studio presentation though – the presentation is better done from the paddock/pits as now – more in the middle of things – No mentions of Jim Rosenthal yet – I think he was better then Steve Rider is.

    Keep the full hour build up and use Red Button to carry on the post race analysis if there’s a clash – the BBC do already do this with some football.

    Murray as Main Commentator? No – let him enjoy his retirement – but he could be a guest on some European races where he doesn’t have to travel as much.

    And James Hunt ??? No disrespect as he’s passed on but he was useless – just waffled about foreshortening due to the camera angle and the ‘two loti’ (Andretti and Perersen driving for Lotus)

    Lets hope the BBC read these forums and take everyone’s views onboard……….

  84. can we all please stop and think before we say any of the top gear team should be involved. if they want to do a special section on there own show then fine, but its a serious sport and i dont want them bafooning around on F1. I love top gear, but its a different show. Do you remember when they did the radio show thing and what a mess they made of it. I know some of its was probably for entertainment, but serious F1 presenters, they aint. Mays brilliant and i have his book, but he’s too laid back. Clarkson is brill too, and also have his books, but he’s a bafoon, and plays for laughs and effect. also he used to say (not all that long ago)that he hated F1. He seems to come round now, and talks with enthusiasm, but i dont know where his loyailty is, and he’s a clown. And Hammond has long said that he hated F1. When he drove the renault he said before-hand that he had no interest in F1, so where will the historic knowledge come from? Please please help me stamp on this F1 Top Gear team of presenters, or part therof, in its entirety before F1 (the sport i love) becomes a joke.
    Oh and leave Dr jonathan palmer and tony jardeen and such like, where there are too. It was like watching paint dry.

  85. Hammond made it very clear on Chris Moyles’s show this week that even if they asked him he wouldn’t be interested.

  86. in fact – to follow on from my No. 85 above, i dont think there is much wrong with any of the team on ITV at present. People slate James Allen but i think he is actualy quite good. He talks about what is going on during a race and offers some useful technical and strategic insights in this, the 21st centuary. Murray Walker was undeniably brilliant, but if you listen back to him (there are few examples on places like you tube) then apart from the moments of histeria then it was a “such and such is third, such and such is fourth” kind of commentary, and a bit bland in places. He was hugely enthusiastic and that was fabulous, but its not all about that. I think James Allen has a good amount of peaks and troughs. All i wish from the current presenters is that it was a bit less one sided and wasnt just the lewis hamilton show. Even when he went up the back of alonso and the telemetry proved alonso didnt lift, dreary blundell still wouldnt accept it!

  87. High Definition: It would be great but even the best LCD TV’s suffer from motion blur – even when showing HD. Plasma is better but the smallest is currently 37 inch and can’t show true 1080I(maximum current broadcast format)or 1080P HD.

    Commentary: BBC often offer Radio 5 Live commentary as a Red Button option on live football – even on Freeview – so they could do the same with F1.

  88. Get rid of Brundle hes so monotone and cuts in when the drivers are on the car radio yes he has alot of knowledge but hes never enthusiastic. James Allen is quite good dont understand why people think hes poo, bbc should have nigel mansell and murray walker as comentators both have alot of knowledge of F1 and would be a welcome edition. Glad bbc have taken over no more cilit bang and dodgy car ads

  89. Scott Joslin
    8th July 2008, 11:26

    Interesting news floating around at the moment that Brundle and Coulthard are supposed to be on the BBC’s wish list for next year, but with Brundle moving to the anchor position that Steve Rider has at the moment and with DC in the commentary box.

    This doesn’t sit quite right with me. Brundle is far better in the box. DC would be a suitable replacement for Blundell. Still no news on the lead commentator – Hope to god it is not Charlie Cox, bless him!

  90. Scott Joslin
    8th July 2008, 11:32

    Interesting news floating around at the moment that Brundle and Coulthard are supposed to be on the BBC’s wish list for next year, but with Brundle moving to the anchor position that Steve Rider has at the moment and with DC in the commentary box.

    This doesn’t sit quite right with me. Brundle is far better in the box. DC would be a suitable replacement for Blundell. Still no news on the lead commentator – Hope to god it is not Charlie Cox, bless him!

    Interestingly no one ever seems to remember Murrary Walker being completely blinkered to the English drivers. Mansell and Hill could no wrong in his eyes, I bet he would be James Allen levels of obsession toward Lewis if he was still behind the microphone today.

  91. only thing that annoyed me about Murray was he kept praising schumacher waaaaaay to much and im glad he was biased towards to Mansell and Hill wouldnt you be if you was in the box?

  92. glad no adverts

  93. looks good but like to see james allain on the bbc

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