Tomorrow the FIA Senate meets to discuss the future of president Max Mosley in the wake of the sex scandal that was revealed in March.
Should Max Mosley resign over the sex scandal?
- Don't know (4%)
- No (16%)
- Yes (80%)
Total Voters: 403
We’ve already had several discussions about the Mosley scandal (see links below) as new information surrounding the story has come to light.
Mosley has not disputed that the video published by the News of the World in March showed him paying to take part in a sadomasochistic sex session lasting several hours with up to five prostitutes. He has denied the newspapers’ claims that the occasion had an explicit Nazi theme, and is suing the newspaper for invasion of privacy.
Many leading figures within Formula 1 and the FIA have publically criticised Mosley and urged him to resign. F1 commercial boss Bernie Ecclestone, a close friend and ally of Mosley’s since the 1970s, joined them over the weekend.
I agree with Ecclestone as have many of the comments received on this site. (Many have also remarked that Mosley should resign anyway because of his handling of Formula 1 in recent years, but the FIA Senate will principally be concerned with the sex scandal).
However I think it’s fair to say a small but vocal minority do not feel the scandal prevents Mosley from being able to do his job, and agree with him that the News of the World’s article is an unjust invasion of his privacy.
Which side of the argument are you on?
F1 Fanatic will have coverage of the FIA Senate verdict as soon as it becomes available. Check back here for the latest and follow me on Twitter for more updates.
2nd June 2008, 10:04
No question in my mind. Max should go.
The fact that we’re all talking about this (still) is a sure enough sign that he’s bringing the sport into disrepute (one of his very own favourite accusations).
2nd June 2008, 10:15
I went for “No” in this vote as I don’t think it would be fair for someone to be sacked because a “newspaper” actually broke the law in revealing this “news” whereas Max himself has done nothing illegal. Furthermore, I don’t feel that it has affected Max’ ability to do his job properly and one must remember all the excellent work Max had done before this, particularly in the area of safety.
2nd June 2008, 10:18
reasons he should quit
sex scandal
intervention of 2005 US grand prix.
kicking Toyota out of rallying in the 90’s
not being able to bring a resolution to the COlin Macray debacle (hence he didn’t race)
allowing Ferrari on the World motorsport council.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
2nd June 2008, 10:27
It’s always nice to get the balance of the debate within the first two comments!
But Rohan I cannot agree that the revelations have not stopped him from doing his job properly. The Bahrainis asked him not to go to their race, and although he showed up at Monaco he spent most of the time holed up in his office trying to hold meetings, some of which had to be cancelled because people representing car makers don’t want to be seen with him.
2nd June 2008, 10:44
I’m no fan of excessive political correctness and I certainly am no fan of the gutter press. But I abhor hypocrisy, double standards, and inconsistency more than over-PC-ness and tabloids.
An tabloid expose of similar nature would have led many similarly prominent figures to resign from their posts. But let’s ignore this. After all, Max’s privacy was invaded, and I do not support the media’s right to intrude in such a manner just because their target is terrible at his job.
Another matter entirely is Max’s reference to a known certified dyslexic as a ‘certified half-wit’. Even if accidental, this was a low and no-longer-acceptable remark. If that remark wasn’t enough to call for his resignation, his failure to apologise since certainly is.
He cleverly did not mention the word dyslexia or even Jackie Stewart in his rant, so there could be no outcry from dyslexia associations. For if there were, Max could say that it was the associations themselves, and not he himself, that made the connection between ‘dyslexia’ and ‘half-wit’. No dyslexia organisations would want to be seen making such a connection, so his remark did not recieve the denouncement it deserved. After all, does anyone (even Green Flag) honestly doubt that the term ‘half-wit’ was intentionally aimed not merely at Jackie Stewart but at his dyslexia?
Michael K
2nd June 2008, 11:27
Hehe, I think Green Flag will have some spin on that too, however unfounded it will be as Max seems to be his pin-up. ;-)
As I said many times before, when it comes to the question whether he should resign or not it doesn’t matter how the information came about. We’re not in a US court discussing whether his dismissal would be illegal or not. As Keith already mentioned, he can’t do his job properly anymore and I could never ever take him seriously if I would meet him in a business discussion and I think this is how most of the people involved with him will feel too.
I already thought a few months ago that he couldn’t sink any lower, he has managed that outstanding feat, so I won’t say that he couldn’t sink any lower but remain in the hope that he will just go now…
2nd June 2008, 11:42
Although I can agree that the newspaper is guilty of invasion of privacy, I do not agree with Max’s wanting a European directive (correct me if I have that wrong) protecting the privacy of celebrities – they are covered by the same laws as the rest of us already.
Also, yes, that particular newspaper is guilty of hypocrasy, it always has been, I think, there are many more like it in the world. But Max himself is being hypocritical as I feel that had it been anyone else from Motorsport in the same situation, he would be one of the first and the loudest to demand their immediate resignation, going by his outbursts during ‘Stepneygate’.
The worrying aspect will be what happens after the EGM. If the majority of the Racing Clubs go with Max, will he try to mend the fences that have been broken in recent weeks and get his opposition on side again?
Or will this lead to a split between the official FIA and those who run the teams? And how would that affect the rest of Motorsport?
If, on the other hand, Max is forced to resign (which might be a logical compromise within the FIA), then there will either be a power struggle with FOG (as previously mentioned on this blog), or we are destined for a new FIA President, who is just waiting for the correct moment to step forward.
Either way, this is possibly the end of Motorsport as we know it….
2nd June 2008, 13:13
Let’s look at the situation much more simpler than what it is. Regardless of how it arose it’s plain as day that the man can no longer do his job as he was intended to do so, therefore he has to go.
2nd June 2008, 13:33
Keith, I see your point, but have one issue – is the cause of those cancelled meetings not the fact that Max enjoys S&M, but because of the allegations (which are, imo, unfounded) of the sex sessions being Nazi related?
If so, surely if (once) these allegations are dismissed, there should be no reason why Max can’t continue in his job (of course, this may only be true in a “perfect” world).
2nd June 2008, 13:34
If an elected head of any organisation can not get anyone to come and meet him – then he is powerless if his buddy and F1 supremo tells him to go – then go he cant repair bridges with manufacturers – they have said they want him to go as well and leaders of state – who would want to be photographed shaking hands with him??
Max retire and just enjoy whatever private fun you can – celebrity – NO!!
Just another sad ex public schoolboy – read tom browns schooldays and you have the background – sad really
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
2nd June 2008, 13:38
I think Mosley himself is the best person to answer that Rohan: Why Max Mosley should quit – in his own words
2nd June 2008, 14:57
I agree with Jackie Stewart; regardless of whether the Nazi slant is true, or whether or not The News Of The World are an authority on morals, you simply cannot have the head of an international organisation being associated with this sort of behaviour.
It’s not a case of whether it’s Mosley’s private business or not because the stark reality of it is that it’s now in the public domain. Therefore it’s public. You can’t hide it away somewhere – it’s now in the open.
The FIA, the brands of Formula 1, Rallying, GP2, Touring Cars, etc. etc. and all of the billion dollar names associated with these series are now all linked with this story that’s been going on now since March.
If all of the people and brands he ‘represented’ as President were part of a normal democracy and weren’t concerned with the possible outcomes of voting against Mosley and the President retaining his power, he’d have been forced out back in March.
His behaviour since the story broke (which is certainly public) is every bit as disgraceful as his the allegations put forward in the British press.
2nd June 2008, 16:47
Bernies latest comments on this make interesting reading – he says that everyone in a position of power who speaks to him is urging Max to resign (but why are they talking to Bernie and not the FIA?), and he is willing to stand by Max and help him resign now and not face the vote, so that he can carry on doing the good work in the FIA, just not as President (but is this Bernie as a friend or Bernie as FOG?)
I have that a bit garbled, but read the reports in the newspapers and you will see what I mean.
If Bernie is a friend, why is he urging Max to go, and if this is Bernie as FOG, is it any of his concern what happens within the FIA?
James B
2nd June 2008, 18:01
I voted for ‘Don’t know,’ for two reasons.
a) It’s the racing I’m interested in, and not the politics.
b) I don’t know who was in the wrong, Max or the newspaper. If Max wants to be involved with 5 prostitutes, then let him. News of the World did invade his privacy, and I understand Max suing the newspaper. But I’m not a fan of Max in the first place and it doesn’t really make me feel sympathy for him.
2nd June 2008, 18:13
Should he resign? Don’t know, leaning towards “No”
Should everyone move on and find another reason to hate him? Yes. It’s getting boring I think. Mosley can go shag animals for all I care. As long as it’s not frontpage news, I don’t really give a damn. Besides, do you really need to look far to find some other criticism about him? Everything he does/doesn’t do is criticised anyways.
James B
2nd June 2008, 18:52
I forgot to mention that Autosport has written 67 news articles about this scandal. I think it could get to at least 80.
2nd June 2008, 19:27
I’m of the camp that he shouldn’t resign over what happened either – he may not be what people have perceived to be the model FIA president even outwith the scandal, but I still think that he should not stand down because of the events that have unfolded.
However, there is a bit of truth in what Bernie has said, and that it would be better for him to stand down, than to be “fired”. Better to walk away, than to be booted out.
It’s only a little more graceful, but with so many industry people and bodies, vital to the performance of duties for an FIA President, declaring themselves against Mosley, there seems to be little other choice.
A lot of people in high positions have various “hobbies” that are not socially accepted – at least Mosley was not breaking any laws, but the context was too far gone for many people. I still think it’s a shame that he’d be leaving for the wrong, and different, reasons for why he should (handling of the sport amongst other matters already mentioned by other comments).
Green Flag
2nd June 2008, 20:24
Of course Mosley can do his job properly, and any comments to the contrary are pure conjecture. Although he’s currently shunned publicly – and it’s understandable why many highly placed people would not want to be seen associating with him while the “scandal” and its attendant hysteria is still newsworthy – doubtless meetings and dealings that are necessary to the proper running of the FIA that require Max’s input are held in private and the FIA’s authority and functionality is in no way compromised.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
2nd June 2008, 20:43
Green Flag, if you have read reports such as this you would have to be either totally ignorant, incredibly naive, or blinded by devotion to Max Mosley, not to see how his current circumstances make him incapable of performing his duties effectively:
Autosport: Car makers skip FIA engine meeting
“Doubtless meetings and dealings that are necessary to the proper running of the FIA that require Max’s input are held in private and the FIA’s authority and functionality is in no way compromised,” you say. I beg to differ.
Green Flag
2nd June 2008, 21:18
Keith, I may be many things but naive is not one of them. Quite the opposite, in fact, and the realpolitik of business is that much of what’s important happens behind closed doors. The manufacturers that won’t meet in public – their PR people decide that sort of thing – will and do meet in private, or on conference calls and the like. And if you don’t understand this then it’s you, my friend, that is naive.
FYI, I have no blind devotion to Mosley but I am totally against anyone being forced from office – whether you like/respect them or not – by unscrupulous and dirty means. Organizations like the NOTW and those that colluded with them to embarrass and harm Mosley must never be rewarded for their vicious and unlawful actions, and Max’s resignation at this stage would do just that.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
2nd June 2008, 22:21
How generous of Mosley to facilitate their portrayal of him as an untouchable.
2nd June 2008, 22:32
Green Flag, most people have wanted Mosley out before the sex scandal.
so yes you are naive.
I find it funny how you moan about YOUR own character when defending Mosley.
Pink Peril
3rd June 2008, 1:16
Exactly Sush, I have wanted him out since his atrocious behaviour regarding the 2005 Oz GP. Not to mention Indy of the same year.
At this stage the care factor about what it takes him to go is so far below zero it’s not funny, I just want him gone !
3rd June 2008, 1:52
I’m not sure this is the right place for it but I want to place my prediction for what will happen:
I think when all is said and done, he will be kicked out of office Max Mosley style: No, I don’t mean bound and gagged, I can’t believe you went there! He will be terminated from his position immediately, and by immediately I mean sometime after November. In his mind, that is a fair way to hand out punishment to himself: in such a way that it doesn’t really punish him and allows him to continue to do his job. He was going to retire at the end of 2009 anyway; this will just mean that all the wacky ideas he intended to put in place by then will have to be carried out in half the time. So Toyota-branded Hybrid Synergy Drive boxes on every car? Off-season testing restricted to just 36 kilometers between November and March? Ferrari gets the first eight garage stalls at each GP? It’s all within the realm of possibilities.
the limit
3rd June 2008, 2:45
I believe, speaking as a Formula One fan, that the real problem with Max Mosley does not begin with the sex scandal. The common complaint about Max and his presidency is that the sport of Formula One, the racing, and its heritage, have taken a back seat to all the political infighting.
At times, the politics and language used by the FIA and others has become almost childish, and unprofessional. Its his fault, no its your fault. The finger pointing, has become really tiresome!
A president of any organisation, does not call one of the most respected members within its ranks a ‘certified
halfwit’, not out in the open in front of those who are being represented by you, the FIA president.
A president is responsible for who and want he/she leads and represents, and to Mosley, that is the sport of Formula One motor racing.
A sport that attracts an annual tv audience of 650 million viewers worldwide, a sport that is supposed to be the elite, a sport people are supposed to look up to.
When the president, or in this case, the behaviour of the president, begins to overshadow everything else, then it is time for somebody else to be put in charge.
The silence, or public silence, of the teams is almost deafening. I can fully appreciate their reasons, and highlights the grip Mosley has for them to remain silent.
There is still a chance, albeit slim, that Max Mosley will hang on to power. The hammer, I would imagine, will fall swiftly and sharply on all those who spoke openly against him.
For me all that matters is the sport, and its integrity. There are many other types of motor sport out there for the viewing public to follow, some could argue that there are others far more rewarding to watch than modern day F1.
I have remained loyal since 1984 due to the sports integrity, due to its class and in some cases its aloofness.
I have never been so concerned for Formula One in my twenty four years as a fan until now. This situation needs a solution, and a solution that is final.
This shambles cannot continue if this sport has a future, we cannot move forward with any hope if this remains unresolved.
If those incharge had any thought or passion about F1’s future, then Max Mosley would go, and go now.
Nothing personal Max, its just good business!
3rd June 2008, 8:39
@the limit – i agree entirely. I am only worried about the future of F1 and motorsport if this scandal continues to go on. We have to remember that whatever the outcome of todays EGM, there is still the court case to follow, so I hope that the FIA memebers see sense and ask Max to resign his position and continue his private affairs in private – as would have happened already in any other business. I am worried that it was Max who called the EGM himself, and not his deputies, or even his opponents – this sounds very much like a ‘let me continue and I will see you well’ scenario to all the members of the FIA. That is no way to run an international organisation!
With Bernie and FOG trying to take away some of the FIAs duties, I think that the timing of all this is very suspect, but I am also concerned that the FIA will vote for a status quo, and we will go back to pretending that there aren’t major deals being done in private meetings (as green flag puts it) that are going to affect everything in years to come.
And remember, if Max goes, he will have to be replaced by someone, and you might not like that someone either!
Amarjit Singh
3rd June 2008, 11:16
Although most people have wanted Mosely to leave for ages, especially with some rule changes he’s made in recent history, namely banning tyre changes, his argument that F1 will fail without him has some merit.
For example, without his influence current spending in F1 would be much higher, and perhaps without him, things such as the need to continually improve safety may go unnoticed.
3rd June 2008, 11:51
According to the BBC, Max won the vote of confidence. I’d post a link but I’m posting from my mobile.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
3rd June 2008, 11:59
Thanks Noel: Max Mosley wins FIA vote of confidence
3rd June 2008, 12:54
Mosley indeed won the vote of confidence and this really shows the FIA are a corrupt organization beyond believe.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
3rd June 2008, 12:58
We have got a discussion on the vote going on here Pingguest: Max Mosley wins FIA vote of confidence