Mansell ‘considering sports car comeback with sons’

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Nigel Mansell is planning another return to motor racing according to Motor Sport magazine.

The magazine claims Mansell, along with sons Greg and Leo, is planning to race a Lola LMP1 sports car.

The Mansells tried out a Lola-AER 06/10 LMP1 at Estoril, former home of the Portuguese Grand Prix during a Dunlop tyre test.

Mansell won the world championship for Williams in 1992 and left the sport at the end of the season claiming Frank Williams would not meet his contractural demands. He went to Indy Car racing, won the championship in 1993, then lost interest halfway through 1994 as his Newman-Haas was unable to keep pace with the dominant Penskes.

He made a partial return to F1 with Williams, largely at Bernie Ecclestone’s instigation as F1 lacked a major star following the death of Ayrton Senna. He won the season finale at Adelaide but was dropped by the team. An attempt at a season with McLaren the following year ended with Mansell walking out.

Since then he has made occasional appearances in other categories. He drove a Ford Mondeo in several rounds of the 1998 British Touring Car Championship.

Last year he shared a GT2 Ferrari with Chris Niarchos at the British round of the FIA GT championship at Silverstone, finishing seventh in class.

Greg and Leo Mansell raced in Formula BMW in 2006, then British Formula 3 in 2007, and are now in Formula Atlantics in America. After three of 11 rounds, Leo is 16th and Greg 20th.

According to the Motor Sport story Leo (23) was impressively quick in testing but Greg (20) had by far the better season in F3 last year. He scored in 16 of the 22 rounds with 79 points to Leo’s two.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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