Who do you want to be champion? (2)

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One of these men will be F1 champion in six days' time

Robert Kubica was the driver most F1 Fanatic readers wanted to win the Formula 1 championship when we did a poll on it before the Chinese Grand Prix.

Kubica is out of the running now and only Lewis Hamilton and Felipe Massa can win the title this weekend. So, who do you want to be champion?

Who do you want to be F1 champion?

  • No preference (7%)
  • Felipe Massa (41%)
  • Lewis Hamilton (52%)

Total Voters: 1,369

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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63 comments on “Who do you want to be champion? (2)”

  1. yorricksfriend
    27th October 2008, 14:25

    Not a big surprise here that most people want Lewis to win imo. I chose Felipe because I don’t believe he will have this good an opportunity to win the WC again, much like Irvine in 1999, whereas Lewis is signed with arguably the best car for many years to come with a relatively uncompetitive team-mate and should have plenty more chances to become WC.

  2. Yorricksfriend –

    I chose Felipe because I don’t believe he will have this good an opportunity to win the WC again.

    Massa is at Ferrari until the end of 2010, I think. Surely he’s going to have another few shots?

  3. I vote Lewis, as he is the most consistently entertaining driver to watch, if not to listen to.

  4. I vote Massa… team and mechanical failures aside, the only real blot on Massa’s copybook was the silverstone farce, but his teammate also spun more than once in a car which was obviously a dog to drive in those conditions.
    Lewis on the other hand has had a remarkably reliable car and a perfect pit team, if he has lost points this year its of his own making (spa excepted, although it was his impetiousness that brought that about).
    Therefore, Massa has really raised his game this year, even more so when compared to his World Champion teammate. As Fisi said, Lewis should be a two-time champion already… he only has himself to blame that he ain’t.

  5. schumi the greatest
    27th October 2008, 15:10

    i agree with keith, ive heard alot of people saying massa wont get another chance at a tittle. Why not?? many of these people are prdeicting raikkonen to return to form next year, bu lets face it he just isnt that much better than massa, if anythin g massa is more hungry than kimi is now and that could be whats making the difference.

    and also at the people saying they dont want to hamilton to win because hel get plenty more chances….how do you know?? when hamilton was announced as mclarens 2nd driver for 07, the 06 mclaren car was hugely un-reliable and not very fast. next year mnclaren could build a bad car, it happened in 04 after kimi challenged for the tittle in 03 so why cant it happen again.

  6. Once again I voted for a Hamilton win.
    With Massa, I figure if he’s needed that much assistance from the powers-that-be to keep his championship challenge alive, then he doesn’t really deserve to be World Champion this year.
    I think this year has shades of ’94 to it – a spectacular, divisive, naturally gifted, agressive racer in a fast car up against a likeable, vastly improving, hard working and very capable driver in a very fast car.

  7. I voted for Felipe again, Lewis Hamilton is F@#$% Great but I’m brazilian and Ferrari’s Fan so…

  8. & schumi the greatest (& Keith): ITV were reporting at the last F1 race that Ferrari have a 9,000km test program planned for Kimi over the winter to solve whatever problems have caused him to be “off the boil” this year. This has led to certain sections of the Kimi fanclub on many forums prophecying that he will destroy Felipe in 2009, but I’m not so sure…

  9. Lewis, Mclaren fan so yes and plus he’s british. Anyway if he does win it will probably be the sweetest WDC of all time after having fair and unfair penalties hurled at him including the Spa decision. He is the most aggressive and entertaining driver out there.

    Sorry to go off subject. Keith apparently Toyota might quit F1 in future and go back to Le Mans.

  10. I vote Lewis. If Massa wins it will be by less than three points, and we’ll be arguing about the Valencia, Belgium and Japan incidents for years to come. On the other hand a Hamilton victory will be clear.

  11. @ Dougie – Sislverstone was not Massa’s only blip this year. What about Adelaide, Hockenheim and Singapore?

  12. schumi the greatest
    27th October 2008, 16:10

    @ ade, well thats fine but it doesnt neccesarily mean he’ll blow massa away does it?? i think alot of people under estimate massa, me included, well i did. ther’s no doubting that he is inconsistent and he never really does anything unless hes on pole but he is very quick.

    the same can be said of raikkonen who on his day is blindingly fast but then on others (or for whole seasons, like this one) hardly features.

    massa has improved immensley since he joined ferrari, his wild ways have nearly all but dissapeared. he could be an even bigger threat next year if he learns from his experiences this year.

    anyway, i voted for hamilton

  13. Heart says Lewis; Head would prefer Massa.

    If Lewis the WDC, it’ll be seen that he’s already learnt all that he needs to. Personally, I believe there is still room for improvement and the attitude can only get worse when surrounded by yes-men and a WDC title. Yes in theory if Belgium hadn’t happened and Japan had been handled differently, he would already be champion. Doesn’t mean he should be and I’d love to see another British WDC.

    Massa on the other hand has definitely shown what he’s made of and has matured this year. Yes he has benefited from some dubious decisions, yes he has made some howling mistakes and sometimes Fate appears to have worked against him. Can’t help but feel that in a reversal of fortunes, he would have remained philosophical about the outcome and not let it affect his performance. Irrespective of the WDC outcome, I’d like him to win on Sunday as Lewis has already savoured a home GP win this year.

  14. schumi the greatest
    27th October 2008, 16:11

    el gordo do you mean melbourne?? theres been no f1 in adelaide since 1995

  15. This is a horrid pole. Either pick a driver who can’t drive, with a team that I absolutely hate. Or, pick a little arrogant ******* I hate who drives for a team that is fairly crooked.

    Guess I will have to vote for Lewis. If Kubica was a choice still, I would vote for him though.

  16. @ schumi the great – for what it’s worth, I agree with both you & Keith. It’s just that some people seem to think that Felipe is a natural #2 to Kimi’s undoubted #1 and this year he’s proved that’s definitely not the case. If he out-performs Kimi next year after Kimi’s 9,00km of testing, then there will be no doubt to his abilities.
    Having said all that, I still rate Hamilton higher. I just hope he doesn’t start releasing records with his girlfriend in the off season (as Planet F1 reported today) :-(

  17. Mussolini's pet cat
    27th October 2008, 16:25

    Stevenson, I got confussed for a minute.. I thought Kubica was a nice pole……

  18. @El Gordo… Melbourne was not Massa best race, you got me there. However, a 3rd at Hockenhiem with a difficult car is not a bad result… and you can hardly blame him for the pit incident at Singapore, his subsequent spin may never have happened if he was still leading and not needing to push.

    The thing is if you restore the points from the dubious FIA decisions, and restore points lost through mechanical/team failures… therefore leaving just the drivers mistakes… Massa would be champion already.

    However… as Murray loved to say “IF is F1 spelt backwards”… we are where we are.

  19. I think Hamilton will win, I’d like Massa to win. But I’ll be on a plane during the race, so will miss it anyway!

  20. Lewis, Massa doesn’t deserve the seat or championship. Lewis is a douche, but he does have some pace albeit in the fastest car.

  21. I don’t particularly like either of them, for different reasons. In Keith’s poll I voted for Massa only because he won’t get another shot at the WDC. Next year, w/ slicks back on and a brand new set of aero regulations that will allow overtaking, Kimi will destroy him. And when Kimi leaves, the reds will likely get Alonso who will still be the best of them all.

    Lewis is the better driver between the two, but whereas he will surely get other chances, this is Massa’s only one. But in the end I do think Lewis will win the WDC. I can;t see a way that he won’t, barring car failure or a collision at the start. He will go for pole (even perhaps at the cost of being very light, if needed), get clean air for the first stint and then cruise to the finish line.

  22. lol, I took this friday off work just to watch the practice.

  23. I vote for Lewis coz he has been the most consistent and gas worked the hardest to try and win. Massa is not bad but he has been granted a lot of freebies this year and I dont think he truly deserves it this year. Go Lewis!!!

  24. I’m a bit baffled by this ‘Massa will never get another shot at the title’ line of thinking – he’s in the best car now, he’ll be in the best car next year and the year after that, why won’t he get a chance to win again? I don’t get it.

  25. I voted for Lewis. Im a big fan of both drivers, but I like Lewis more.

    I also agree with Bob in that if Massa wins, it will be contested by F1 Fans because of the penalties

  26. @Keith… I’m with you on that one, if Ferrari give him the car, Massa has just as much chance as Kimi or anyone else next year and beyond.

  27. Thank’s Keith…

  28. @Keith – I’m not sure Massa’s in the best car now, or has been for the majority of the season.

  29. Keith, F1 armchair pundits are a very funny (peculiar) bunch. Once one says something, it sort of becomes a fact and then is repeated again and again without any analysis as to whether it’s the truth.

    Examples: this “Lewis is arrogant” tag – he is not arrogant but once 10 people say it, it becomes a “fact”. “Massa won’t have a chance next year” – again untrue but said so many times, people take it as read. Then there is the ‘Daily Star’ story about Lewis doing music with his Pussycat Doll – we all know that the ‘Daily Star’ is as factual as Jackanory, but for some incomprehensible reason, Planet F-1 published this tale, and now the Hamilton-haters have another reason to slag him off as they have predictably done.

  30. paul sainsbury
    27th October 2008, 17:43

    I am still totally amazed by the amount of negativity here, particularly regarding Lewis……..

    The guy has mindblowing talent, and yet we get remarks such as those from Dougie (post number 4) that he only has himself to blame that he isn’t already a double WDC…….What planet are you on? We are talking here about a bloke that has not even done 40 GP’s, for crying out loud! He has had an unheard of level of sucess, and before anyone starts with the ‘silver spoon’ drivel, he was equally sucessful when he was a kid in cadet karts.

    So why the vitriolic hatred? I really despair.

    Where is the respect? We should be in AWE of these drivers, instead of slagging them off all the time.

  31. Keith, I never consider Massa as a big driver.In this season he proved me wrong , but not because he became a cutting-edge driver but just because he gather 7 more points than 2006.because of McLaren’s bud luck(stewards preferances) , because of kimi’s nap, Lewis’ immaturity, heiki’s inability and Ferrari’s superior car.
    I think(hope-in order to have a better championship) that all these factors will be gone in 2009.
    *McLaren is preparing a much better car than ferrari’s(rumor)
    *Stewards system will change
    *Lewis will be 24…
    *Kimi will wake up as he is the favorite red driver of the Italians
    *There will be much better medium-class teams(Williams 2009 fully focused since July, Honda since May ,BMW allyear-poor Kubica- and the upcoming Renault also don’t forget Newey’s designed RBRs)
    *Heiki will raise performance, otherwise he’ll be out of McLaren and possibly will lost his only chance for being in a winning team.

    So Keith, I agree with you that Massa will have another chance, but only if these factors happen again something very difficult in my opinion.And…I support Lewis because Britain and McLaren need this…He deserves to win…’Justice for all’

  32. I voted for Hamilton again. Although I want Hamilton to win, because I am a pessimist I feel Massa will win it in the end, either through a Hamilton mistake, McLaren problem or FIA penalty.

    If I was neutral I think I would still want Hamilton to win because Massa can’t win by more than the 7 points that he need to because of dubious penalties.

    If Massa gains a position by Kimi letting him through again I hope Massa doesn’t try to claim he passed Kimi on merit, like he did in China. (For the record I have no problem with team orders such as this at this stage of the season).

    I also don’t understand this argument that people want Massa to win because he won’t get another chance. He will still be with Ferrari for at least the next two years and if people don’t think he can beat his teammate in future seasons then he doesn’t deserve to be champion.

  33. Massa.

    And he’ll have a chance to win the WDC in future providing Ferrari produce the car, and don’t blunder pitstop 101s. You can’t really write off a driver that has been getting better, and producing the results as proof, for the past 2 years (arguably before that, but I’ve started from Brazil 2006).

    S Hughes: I somewhat imagine if Hamilton did release some Lewis-cat record, of which my idea of hell my ears can’t even imagine, you’d be the first in line to buy copies! Just think if they release some poster edition too ;-)

  34. Loki, mmmmm, you could be right … I like the term “Lewis-cat”.

  35. I am at the bottom-of-my-heart a MSC fan. After that a Ferrari fan.
    But Lewis’s demolition of Alonso ( who defeated MSC the year before ) means that automatically; I support Lewis.

    This year; has been perfect for me: Lewis for WCC and Ferrari for WDC :-)

  36. I am going to revise my answer. I wish the next WDC had the following traits:

    – was likable by his fellow drivers
    – didn’t drive a Ferrari or a McLaren
    – has some personality and isn’t afraid to speak his mind … a little bit (a driver who is always going over the top is kind of annoying at times too *cough*Coulthard*cough*)
    – hasn’t been a part of any kind of scandal or controversy over the past 5 years

    Who does that leave though, really?

  37. Australia 1986-winner Prost=>WDC
    Australia 1991-winner Senna =>WDC
    Australia 1996-winner Hill=>WDC
    Australia 1998-winner Häkkinen=>WDC
    Australia 2000-winner Schumacher=>WDC
    Australia 2001-winner Schumacher=>WDC
    Australia 2002-winner Schumacher=>WDC
    Australia 2004-winner Schumacher=?WDC
    Australia 2006-winner Alonso=>WDC
    Australia 2007-winner Räikkönen=>WDC
    Australia 2008-winner Lewis=>WDC

  38. I voted for Lewis.
    Though I do have respect for Massa and he definitely has improved a lot this year. If he were to win the title this year, I’d think of him as the one who won the 2008 WDC but could never place him in the category of a ‘World Champion’

  39. 35, wots being liked by anyone got to do with being a good driver????? By the very nature of the sport, you’ve got to be single minded, arrogant to a degree, selfish etc etc…. I dont wont to marry these guys, want to see them race to the best of their abilty!

  40. @Paul… lets be clear, there is no “vitrolic hatred” in my posts or for that matter in my heart. That quote came from Fisichella. The fact remains that last year the title was his to lose with 2 races remaining, and lost it he did. If he had learned anything from last year, to curb his impetiousity, he would have this year wrapped up already.

    That I believe shows a belief in the man beyond his years of experience.

    I voted Massa simply because I believe he has made less mistakes and been more consistent throughout the year, and team/mechanical failures aside would have already been champion…even without Ferrari International Assistance.

    I’m sorry if that is not the patriotic answer you are looking for.

  41. Dougie

    Mistakes are proportional to the risks you take. If Hamilton wins, it’ll be because he risked more. The consistency argument still strikes me as completely nonsensical for the same reason: if Lewis wins, he’s been consistent enough. The instant Kubica had real pressure dumped on him – in China – he totally blew the car setup, qualifying etc. This is the pressure Hamilton has faced, in his first two seasons in F1, every race. I agree completely with Paul that failure to recognize his achievement at such an early stage of his career is bizarre.

  42. If Alonso had a Ferrari or McLaren this year Lewis and Massa wouldn’t have had a chance. Unfortunately one of them will be world champion and it doesn’t really matter which one; they’re both pretty mediocre drivers and neither deserves the title.

  43. @David… I completely agree “that failure to recognize his achievement at such an early stage of his career is bizarre” and my previous post shows that I completely recognise his achievements in only his 2nd year in the top echelon of the sport. There is no denying what he has done for the sport is exemplery and he has brought new blood and excitement to it.

    Doesn’t change the facts though. Although, I guess Coulthard has obviously taken lots of risks this year, and he should be hailed as the Champion elect ;-)

  44. …If this…If that…Oh God ! give me strength

  45. Lewis all the way.
    Ive followed him for ages and i kind of like the fact he has come in to F1 and torn up the field. Yes i know he has a great car and great team but you still gotta get that thing to end of the race. He is unlike any driver we have seen in recent times with his aggressive style and some of his overtaking has at times been breathtaking. Not to mention Silvi on the inters. He has made the odd reckless decision but come on, its been brilliant to watch.
    I wont be sad to see Felipe do it though. He has improved an incredible amount the last couple of years and hes just a really nice guy.

    FIA aside, the most exciting season ive watched for years

  46. I have no reason for supporting a particular driver. It’s just something I like to do, because it makes watching GPs more enjoyable (if you support a driver who has at least a reasonable chance of winning, of course)

    I’m mystified by some of the explanations given for supporting some drivers. Like KC, I don’t understand why this is Massa’s last chance. But I’m also baffled by the reiteration of Fisichella’s comments today – that Lewis should have wrapped up 2 championships already. Firstly, Lewis’s performance in the past two years is a terrible indictment of Fisi’s driving. – He was trounced by Alonso in 05 and 06, and embarrassed by Kovalainen in 07 despite Kovy’s poor start to the season. But Lewis bested both Alonso and Kovy, which kind of proves Fisi to be third rate. Secondly, I think Lewis’s performance has been measured against the wrong yardstick.

    Don’t get me wrong – I understand why many people don’t rate Lewis so highly as a driver – they just plain don’t like him. There’s nothing wrong with that. I was exactly the same with Michael Schumacher. I never liked the guy, and only now that he’s two years retired can I bring myself to admit that actually he was quite a decent driver. I still haven’t forgiven him for what he did to ‘our’ Damon all those years ago in Adelaide (was it Adelaide?), but there is a reason why he wrapped up 7 championships.

    No driver in the history of F1 has won the championship in their rookie year (Nino Farina doesn’t count), but Lewis came within a point, beating double world champion Fernando Alonso in the process. The whinging and whining we have heard from other drivers this year (which usually comes in inverse proportion to their manifest talent) really only serves to reinforce their inferiority. But maybe I’m just biased.

  47. No preference.

    I like Massa and always have, he comes across as the kind of guy you’d like to have a few pints with while being an exciting driver to watch.
    He’s not a great driver but he likes to push the car close to its limits and that’s always good to watch.

    I’m also a Ferrari fan and while the WCC should hopefully be going to them it’d be nice if they could do the double.

    I’m not Lewis’s biggest fan but I think he’s got the potential to be a great driver one day and regardless of how many mistakes he’s made this season he’s still leading the championship going into the last race, therefore he deserves to win as much as Massa does.

    To be honest though I’m just hoping we get another great race at Interlagos :~)

  48. @ Beneboy, you’ve expressed my sentiments exactly!

  49. As a McLaren fan who has had Lewis as my favorite driver since getting into this sport last year (as there are no Americans, nationality dosen’t count for me with the current grid), I’m pulling for Lewis. However, I woulden’t be crushed if Massa won- I think he is a high-quality driver who has gotten a bad rap from many fans in the past two seasons. So while I am all up for Hamilton, it will be a good championship either way.

    On the topic of Massa and next season’s car, I think anything can happen when it comes to the new regs, but Ferrari still has all the knowledge and resources to compete at the front of the grid, so logic says Massa can still do quite well.

    ade (post #8)- quite an interesting development in regards to Kimi’s offseason testing regiment- apparently it will require him to ditch some of the parties and getaways this offseason and ut a little bit more time in at the track.

  50. @ Trip Hazard

    I agree with you. I don’t care about the drivers personalities but for their skills.

  51. To be brutally honest, before the Belgium Grands Prix, I was not too bothered by who won the championship. I am just happy that the series is more competitive now than is was during Michael Schumachers’ five year winning streak.
    I have every good will in the world towards Felipe Massa. He achieved a huge success by getting the Ferrari drive in the first place, thanks to his manager Nicholas Todt, son of Jean Todt. He got to drive alongside the most successfull driver in the sports history, when four years earlier his career appeared to be going in more of a Scott Speed direction than that of a future champion.
    His pairing with Raikkonen in 2007 looked perfect. He would be the ideal foil for Raikkonen, who at the beginning was expected to be Alonso’s main threat. He is loyal, well spoken, and has the typical South American charisma. His performances are far from Schumacher consistancy, Massa can be great one week and poor the next, but he can produce the goods.
    The move on Hamilton at the start in Budapest was picture perfect, and who could forget that Villeneuvesque move on Kubica in Japan last year.
    Hamilton is the real deal, but like Massa can make mistakes. This is what makes these two guys interesting, in that they are not robots. I will never forgive the officials for defacing the result of this years Spa race, just as I never forgave them for Suzuka 1989. The battle between Raikkonen and Hamilton was one of the best we have seen in decades, and the result will always be remembered for all the wrong reasons.
    In Hamilton, I don’t see a complicated person, a politician. I see a race car driver with only one ambition in life, one desire, and that is to be the very best driver of his generation.
    His climb to the top has been as steep as ever, and he has shown signs that this may get to him. By winning in Brazil the championship, he will have prevailed against awesome odds, and a whole paddockfull of enemies and detractors.
    Senna once said that a driver cannot ‘rely upon the other drivers around you, after all, they are the
    opposition. You cannot expect them to wish you well’.
    Hamilton will need to have that in mind when the lights go out at Interlagos in six days time. They both will!

  52. Keith,

    if you think Massa will get another shot at winning the WDC, you must believe that he will outrace Kimi next year or Alonso at some point after ’09. You seriously think he will be a better driver than either of them, in a more or less equal car and w/ slick tyres and overtaking-friendly regulations ? We are talking about a driver who basically can’t win unless he starts from pole. And, in Kimi and Alonso you have 2 of the top 3-4 drivers in number of on-track passes (here’s an idea for some research: who are the top 5 drivers in this category over the last 5 years ?).

    Kimi is already faster again than Massa, now the he has apparently resolved his car’s set-up issues. I can’t wait for next year already, with or without common engines.

  53. Massa, Definitely.

  54. yorricksfriend
    28th October 2008, 5:42

    @ Sumedh
    “This year; has been perfect for me: Lewis for WCC and Ferrari for WDC”

    Not to be pedantic but Lewis isn’t a constructor and Ferrari isn’t a driver.

  55. I voted for Lewis. He drove every race wanting to win. Of the two, Massa is least deserving of the title of champion.

  56. I’d agree that a driver’s personality has nothing to do with how well he drives, but it does affect whether or not I’d like him to be more or less successful than someone else.

  57. Ceedas –

    I’m not sure Massa’s in the best car now, or has been for the majority of the season.

    I don’t agree. Apart from Hockenheim and Shanghai there’s scarcely been a race Ferrari haven’t been capable of winning. The F2008 set fastest lap in 12 of the 17 races so far; the MP4/23 only three.

    F1Fan –

    if you think Massa will get another shot at winning the WDC, you must believe that he will outrace Kimi?

    Before this year, no. But look at the points standings…

    I would expect Alonso to be quicker than Massa in the same car – but Raikkonen is contracted to stay at Ferrari until the end of 2010.

  58. I don’t understand the poeple on here who are voting Massa because they, “don’t think he’ll get another chance”…

    To quote PJA (#32) – He will still be with Ferrari for at least the next two years and if people don’t think he can beat his teammate in future seasons then he doesn’t deserve to be champion

    Exactly, couldn’t have put it better. How can a driver deserve the WDC if he can’t beat his team mate in the same car?! This would surely mean he’s not as good a driver… ergo not as deserving.


  59. I voted no preference

    In my view neither of these two drivers really deserve the world champion because they have made far too many errors this season to be worthy enough of the championship. (Massa in particular)

    Hamilton has probably made about 1, 2 or 3 less race ruining mistakes than Massa, but even so, he has made at least 4 this season.

  60. @Keith – that’s quite interesting (who have the other 4 fastest laps?), and I’ve seen some stats which actually back-up your point, but I still feel the Ferrari hasn’t been good in cooler conditions, which we’ve had plenty of this year, and was shockingly bad at Silverstone. If this summer had been unusually hot, I think Ferrari would’ve been the better car.

    Ironically, I think McLaren have been the better team, given their reliability and ability to perform a pitstop without too much fuss, but it looks likely that Ferrari will win that title.

  61. Gotta go with Lewis on this if only because of the Spa and Mt. Fuji issues.

  62. I Hope Lewis ***** Up Again For Being An Arrogant Crank The Reason For This Is The Way Alonso Was Mislead, By Falsely Being Promised No1 Status At Mclaren Being Told He Was Brought There To Bring Back The WDC Title With Outright No1 Status Until Obviously Lewis Meant To Be In His Rookie Year Spat The Dummy Out(By The Way After Alonso Let Him Win If You Remember The 200Mph Show Where Alonso Slipstreamed Lewis Came Along Side Waved Then Let Him Win)Looking Back On Alonso Doing This He Could Of Won The 2007 Season By 1 Point Had He Not Of Let Lewis Win His 1st Race.I Hope He Crashes In Brazil. And To Top It Off Alonso Only Held Lewis Up In The Hungary Pit Incident Due To Lewis Not Letting Alonso Through On His Out Lap Ruining Alonso’s Qualifying But Of Course It Was All Alonso’s Fault.It Would’nt Be That Bad But It Is Clear Lewis Has No1 Status Over Heikki And Even Though Heikki Is As Fast As A Snail Mclaren Have Still Extended His Contract So That Ron’s Golden Boy Can Look The Part Enough Said Hope Ferrari * Off As Well Sick Of Them Winning Sulking Cause Of Engine Polarity I Know Why Because Thats Why They Win So Much There Engine Is Far Superior To Most Rivals Bar Mercedes And Bmw It Should Be About The Best Driver Not The Biggest Budget So Hope To See Vettel Win Next Year

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