The 2008 F1 Fanatic top 10

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In at number five: Ugly-as-sin 2009 style BMWs

Max Mosley videos, ugly 2009 F1 cars, the first ever F1 night race… none of these were the subject of the most-read article on F1 Fanatic in 2008.

So what was it? Read on to find out.

1. KERS technology revealed

Sometimes you spend hours and days painstakingly researching and crafting a new article. Other days you spend a few minutes writing up a press release and it becomes the most-read article of the year. Over 43,000 people have read this article, most arriving from search engines looking for information about Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems.

2. Ten videos Max Mosley should watch

This article (which, like the one above, was also written in 2007) performed very well simply because a lot of people were looking for a certain Max Mosley video in April. At one point it was getting over 5,000 reads per day.

3. Which F1 drivers do you like?

A straightforward poll on the most popular drivers in F1 which got a lot of attention – and a somewhat skewed result – when several major Polish sites listed it. Result: 14,409 votes for Robert Kubica – twice as many as all the other drivers put together.

4. Codemasters 2009 F1 game wish list

There’s huge interest in Codemasters’ 2009 F1 game and there are already 169 responses suggesting what they should put in the game. I’ve been in tocuh with Codemasters since this article was written and they are having a look at the different suggestions put forward. I’m hoping to get some feedback from them on what they will be doing early in 2009.

5. BMW tests its 2009 Formula 1 car prototype – and it ain’t pretty (pictures)

The first glimpse of what 2009 F1 cars will look like has a lot of people worried.

6. Proposed Singapore F1 street track layout

Another post from 2007, as F1’s first ever night race drew a lot of attention.

7. BBC’s 2009 F1 team: Legard, Brundle, Coulthard, Humphrey and McKenzie

The promise of Martin Brundle staying on as an commentator was good news for British F1 fans.

8. Ferrari reveal their 2008 F1 car: the F2008

F1’s most popular team launching its new car is always big news.

9. ITV to broadcast all F1 sessions live online this year

One of the most surprising and welcome F1 news stories this year. Surely BBC will let F1 fans see all the practice sessions live online? They’d be mad not to.

10. What cars do F1 drivers use on the road?

They might have fast cars but this article did 0-16,000 page impressions in less than a month….

F1 Fanatic wishes all F1 fans a happy new year – see you in 2009!

Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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4 comments on “The 2008 F1 Fanatic top 10”

  1. I guess perhapsn the team bosses who are so against KERS should perhaps take a look at this site for the popular opinion….

    Best wishes on a very Happy New Year everyone!!!

  2. Totally unrelated but I found a petition to stop Tilke destroying tracks and it really needs more signatures…
    Happy New Year

  3. Im surprised KERS was top. Not as surprised that no one has yet thought to put another acronym before KERS. Wheel Added Nucleus for example

  4. “A straightforward poll on the most popular drivers in F1 which got a lot of attention – and a somewhat skewed result – when several major Polish sites listed it. Result: 14,409 votes for Robert Kubica – twice as many as all the other drivers put together.”

    What a shame! :/ unfortunately, Poles “love” only Kubica and don’t notice other talented drivers like Alonso or Massa…

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