The operators of the Singapore Marina Bay circuit, which held F1’s first night race last year, have revealed they are making changes to the track for 2009.
What would you change about Singapore’s street track? Would you leave it the way it is? Here’s what I think needs fixing – and what doesn’t.
The organisers plan to re-configure two sections of the track. These are the opening sequence of bends (turns one, two and three) and the infamous turn 10a/b/c chicane, where Kimi Raikkonen crashed out of last year’s race.
They also plan to flatten out the bumps to make the track smoother.
What they should change
Turn 10 (red marker)
Turn 10 is a bit of a fudge at the moment – it’s clearly not an ideal solution. The compromise of having a straight section of track with an artificial chicane inserted came about because of a lack of available room for run off where the track bends left.
Apart from re-routing the track entirely, it’s difficult to see exactly how they can fix this. It looks as if the designers wanted to take the track this way so it would cross the picturesque Anderson bridge. Presumably they thought it infeasible to send the cars down Connaught Drive (see map below) instead, or were just keen to have the cars drive past the city hall and supreme court.
Turns 16-21 (blue marker)
Again it seems the track planner’s first thought was to create a clever design feature – in this case, a section of track that passes beneath a grandstand.
But doing so created an unattractive series of six consecutive 90-degree bends: a throwback to the days of Phoenix and Detroit.
It’s hard to escape right-angles on street circuits, but could they have done a better job here? Would it be better to have the track carry on along the harbour front instead of turning under the grandstand?
Having said that, I know Journeyer was in that stand at the race and he might feel strongly about keeping the track as it is!
Pit lane entrance
Many of the drivers were unhappy with the design of the pit lane entrance. During practice we saw drivers spinning at the the final turn, which revealed how susceptible they were to hitting the beginning of the divide between the pit lane and track. It also caused problems in qualifying, where Nick Heidfeld received a penalty.
What they shouldn’t change
Turns 1/2/3 (green marker)
The designers think that by changing this they might be able to create an opportunity for overtaking. I can’t see how, because the preceding corner (turn 23) is quite quick. I don’t think there’s much to be gained here.
This might be controversial, but I think the bumpiness of the track is part of its appeal.
Tracks need not be so bumpy they shake the cars and drivers to pieces. But Formula 1 tracks should be demanding – they don’t all need to be as smooth as putting greens.
There’s a line to be drawn between making tracks safer and dumbing them down. Getting rid of the bumps entirely would neuter the challenge of racing at Singapore.
Better than some
I think Singapore is one of the better modern circuits on the calendar. Although its first race was hailed as a sucess by many (though not all) it’s good to see the organisers aren’t resting on their laurels.
As Ollie said:
I’m not sure if Valencia are intending to make any modifications ahead of their second race in 2009, but comparing the two street circuits that debuted in 2008, I’d say Valencia needs more work than Singapore.
More about Singapore Marina Bay circuit
8th January 2009, 7:37
I only don’t agree with change turn 10. it is a corner where the drivers need to be concentrated every single lap. if they’re not, they’re in the wall, like Raikkonen did. so this is a corner that keeps the drivers awake. keep it as it is.
8th January 2009, 8:07
I think they should keep the bumps and the right angle turns, these are what define a ‘Street Circuit’ to me, and what are missing from Valencia.
So the engineers have to change the set-up on the cars, and the drivers have to concentrate on the corners – isn’t that the point? If the drivers (especially Kimi) haven’t learnt from last year, then they aren’t worth the money they are paid…..
On the other hand, the Pit Lane entrance does need to be moved or altered, as that was dangerous!
8th January 2009, 8:16
On Turn 10, I agree with Bassfighter here. Turn 10 produced a lot of incidents throughout the weekend, so it probably means that it is indeed a challenging corner. It’s Wall-of-Championesque, and brilliant!
As for Turns 16-21, no, I wasn’t under THAT stand. Our stand was just before Turn 16 (the Marina Grandstand as labelled on the map), but the Bay Grandstand is visible from where we are. But yes, I very much like how it goes under the stand. It’s one the things that makes the place unique!
What would be the ideal solution is for the track to be revised. Move the hole under the stand to the other end of the stand, so that Turns 16 and 17 form the tunnel instead. The drivers enter the tunnel from behind the stand, and exit in front of the stand. From there, it should be a long blast to the final turn and the start-finish straight.
But changing the Grandstand tunnel will be difficult, as the Grandstand is not an F1-specific structure. Therefore, if this ideal solution isn’t possible, they should keep it as it is.
Yes, the pitlane entrance needs to be modified, but probably not by much. Turns 1-3 can actually be modified, if Turn 1 is tightened, and Turns 2 and 3 are widened (i.e. the reverse of the current configuration, which has a wide Turn 1 and 2, and a tight Turn 3).
Lastly, KEEP THE BUMPS! Enough said. ;)
8th January 2009, 8:19
I only want to see changes if it improved the changes of overtaking.
I wouldn’t change turn 10. This is a demanding corner and these are suppose to be the best drivers in the world. They shouldn’t be hitting the curbs. If they make a mistake then they hit the wall and out they go. That seems fair to me.
8th January 2009, 8:36
the hole can’t be moved I think unless they totally rebuild the whole structure. that grandstand has been there for years. it was not built for F1 but for the Singapore national day parade but it clearly came handy for the F1 :-)
I think some modification shold be done around the Turn 1. I do not know if they can do anything to make it more overtaking friendly but I think they should modify that pit lane exit – very often especially during the practice sessions the slow pitlane exiting cars were getting in the way of the cars on their quick runs
when it comes to the bumps and Turn 10 – I would not touch that … sometime fixing what ain’t really broken causes more harm than good …
8th January 2009, 8:42
Agree with Journeyer. Keep turn 10 as it is (even if I’m not happy with Anderson Bridge course, which seems to me too slow and tight).
They should change pit entry, probably getting room in the inside of the track before the two last bends, close to the big wheel. That way they could build a longer pit entry lane, outside from the actual track, allowing the drivers to face the last two bends (challenging enough) without the risk of having a slowing car before.
8th January 2009, 8:43
The only part I’d change is the pit lane entrance after the problems in the 08 race. Other than that, wait and see how the 09 spec cars cope with it.
8th January 2009, 9:15
Sure, the pit lane entrance and exit should never have been accepted and need to be changed.
However, the most important thing (and this should be the case for all city circuits) is a MANDATORY training in Monaco for all track personnel so that they can learn that removing a crashed car should not take three laps.
8th January 2009, 9:19
Overtaking isnt everything. Its a red herring to chase cars that can easily over take. If you do that then the fast cars out of position whip by and within 5 laps its a procession.
Great question Keith.
The FIA should really forget about rules regulating cars, engineers get round efforts to slow them down every time. Id add bumps to the track not question whether existing bumps should stay. Eau Rouge has lost some of its sparkle partly because its so billiard table smooth now. Put in a few adverse cambers and ban spirit levels- just get in a few cowboys to lay the tracks basically. The lads who did my drive for starters! Id even add a bit of dust, engineers would soon enough design cars that were stable in a power slide. Well theyd probably add hoovers to the nose but you take my point.
8th January 2009, 9:32
I don’t see why turn 10 can’t just be a simple left hander, seems the best option to me.
As for the bumps… all tracks should be that bumpy.
I’m thinking they may reduce the number of laps too, seeing how close the race got to being 2 hours long.
8th January 2009, 9:57
Ajokay said:
Keith says:
Ajokay also said:
Awww… I like it as it is, how it’s always going to run close to 2 hours. :D
8th January 2009, 10:03
Oh I loved seeing the drivers emerge from their helmets panting after 2 hours too, I just think maybe the drivers didn’t see it that way and they may ask for the race to be shortened.
Fair play about the chicane I guess. It did pitch Kimi into the wall, so I can’t complain.
I liked the 90 degree turns at the end of the lap too. Sure, when an entire track is just 90 degree turns it is a bit naff, but that quick sucession of them, being so narrow and precise, with the tunnel as well, I quite enjoyed it.
8th January 2009, 10:13
I go with straightening the corners out so to speak, by getting rid of the artificial curbs in the corners. This will make the track flow better and hopefully improve the racing. Some friends have suggested that the walls should be the track edge in the corners as well, and no additional curbing should be needed after all this is street racing. Improving the pit entry is a must. As for the natural bumpiness of the track, this is great and makes it more exciting to watch.
El Gordo
8th January 2009, 10:34
The only bit I’d go about changing of Singapore is the Pit Entry and Corners 1-3. There could be a bit more excitement about that first section, to encourage some more over taking, and the pit entry is just dangerous.
Other than that, keep the chicane and keep the bumps. It made it a challenge for drivers to stay on the track, and isn’t that the what F1 is all about? Obviously, I want it to be safe, but it is supposed to be the ultimate motoring challenge – not something that could be said about Malaysia or Bahrain (unless the challenge is meant to be fighting off boredom).
8th January 2009, 10:43
I know it sounds silly but i think it might be interesting to extend the length of the starting straight.
Let the track run all the way to Republic Avenue. After that it’s one left turn into Republic Boulevard, which will be long and straight like Raffles Boulevard. By doing that turn 5 will be an overtaking spot just like turn 7.
Alianora La Canta
8th January 2009, 11:02
They can’t shorten the race at Singapore unless the organisers are granted an exemption by the FIA (like Monaco). Total race distance is governed by the number of complete laps it takes to cover 305km, though due to the aforementioned exemption, Monaco is only 269km. Personally, I don’t think it needs shortening. Circuits like the Valencia city race need shortening, but the best solution for that is to make the city segment 0km and transfer the whole thing to the permanent circuit 12km away.
There was only one modification that I felt was needed to Turn 10 and it was made before qualifying last year. Given how effective the first line of “tortoises” was at deterring chicane-cutters, the second line of them simply made it harder for drivers to do anything about mistakes. While a left-hander could work there, it wouldn’t be as interesting for drivers or spectators. At least Singapore is a track with more than one interesting corner…
The bumps, while large, were fine, and worked especially well in the night because of the sparks generated. It’s not a comfortable circuit, but then a calender with 18 comfy circuits would be rather dull.
Whether re-profiling the original complex is worthwhile depends on what they do with it. Those three turns are not doing what they were supposed to do but I’m not sure a better solution could be completed without running into planning permission issues.
The pit straight is a mess and really, really needs sorting out. I can hope that the 1/2/3 reconfiguration encompasses a better pit exit, but someone needs to tell the organisers that the pit entry needs sorting out as well because it is currently an unnecessary hazard.
As for the marshalls, their performance was sub-standard. Hopefully a year of doing F1, plus whatever other races they marshall at, will improve performance. One does wonder how the theoretical speed they must presumably have showed at some point (to be permitted to marshal, you have to do efficient work at some race…) was lost when F1 came to town.
8th January 2009, 11:25
The reason the pit straight is a mess is because it was designed with a CLOCKWISE direction in mind. After the revisions meant it became COUNTER-CLOCKWISE, the pit straight design was never changed.
John Spencer
8th January 2009, 12:10
I don’t know about the bumps – didn’t Mark Webber say he had to be careful not to put his tongue between his teeth in case he bit it off?
The guy’s had enough problems with his leg, I wouldn’t want him suffering a speech-threatening tongue injury as well.
But then again, why would you put your tongue between your teeth anyway? And wouldn’t a more Stig-like mute Webber be more enigmatic? On second thoughts, keep the bumps.
8th January 2009, 12:11
Not a good pit exit even for clockwise track…
8th January 2009, 14:43
Turn 10 is a classic corner. It’s rather unique.
It provides a challenge.
I think they should see how the new cars handle on it for 1 more year before changing anything.
Pitlane – Maybe they could start the pitlane from T20 and run it round the back of the Singapore Flyer and then round to the pits. It would make one very long entry to the pitlane, but it would be a safer option.
and keep the bumps. :D
8th January 2009, 15:43
I would keep the turn 10 bumps but change them from the small half-circle shape to a more standard double plan shape while keeping its height. I’m sure it would still cause drivers to take off but maybe in a more predictable way. It would probably wouldn’t be as bad if the cars hits them aswell.
Steven Roy
8th January 2009, 20:12
I don’t understand how the track ever got a safety certificate. Reversing the direction of the track made the pit entry ridiculously dangerous. Remember the Trulli incident. The pit exit fed into a chicane which is stupid to a ridiculous level.
I don’t like that all tracks are billiard table smooth but so long as wings are allowed teams will choose to make drivers suffer rather than compromise performance by raising the ride height and softening the suspension. Drivers will always choose a competitive car ove a car with better ride.
The biggest problem for me is the marshalls. They were utterly incompetent and any remotely serious accident could easily have resulted in a death. It is unacceptable that they were allowed to be so bad once but if it were to happen again and a serious injury or worse resulted the FIA should end up in court and those reponsible should be locked up and have the key thrown away.
8th January 2009, 22:31
I think tn 10 is great so i hope they leave it be. Pit lane should be tweeked a little.
As for the bumps, the only area i would change would be that left hander (i think is 6 or 7) where the only genuine corner to overtake is. I remember an interview with Nico Rosberg after he took Jarno were he said it was a seriously scary moment for him. Maybe if that was smoother we may see a bit more overtaking there. Rather than someone losing it under braking as that wall looks pretty unforgiving lol
But i wouldnt mind in the slightest if they didnt change it at all as i thought i was just fantastic!
9th January 2009, 0:29
i wouldnt change anything, except for sily artificial turn for example after the turn 10/a/b/c chicane, there’s another artificial chicane which does nothing to enhance overtaking, in fact hindering it if some makes an error at 10 they cant get by as the 11 chicane is too close and only a 1 car turn! in stead, make a quick blast right/left as they speed is low cos of the t10 chicane b4 it, the danger wont b there!
Pink Peril
9th January 2009, 2:13
I liked the chicane at turn 10. While I am not generally in favour of chicanes, that one did produce a few fireworks & as someone above said coined the “Wall of Champions Singapore-style”, so I think keep it as is.
I also liked the bumps (although the drivers may disagree with me) – the shower of sparks was something to behold in the night sky.
I also like the Bay grandstand – it was me that was sitting there Keith – where the cars go between your legs as it were. Truly unique and amazing to watch. Plus if you ever want to go deaf, go stand in the tunnel there when 3 or 4 cars are coming through – should do the job nicely.
Definitely the pit entrance should be changed though. Dangerous and unsightly.
9th January 2009, 10:59
No one touch any bumps. If at all; I would suggest adding bumps to other tracks. The drivers need to EARN their millions..
Turn 10 tortoises can be removed. But I would like if they raised the curbs like Magny Cours. We would have shots of cars first on their right wheels; then left; then right again ! ! !
Pit-lane entrance could be changed; but how? I have no clue
9th January 2009, 12:51
I think the F1 calendar should have all types of circuit on it so keep the bumps. Apart from that I don’t want to see it made easy, but there is definatly scope for some changes such as the pit entrance.
Pete Walker
9th January 2009, 14:30
Just echoing the sentiments of everybody else really, keep the bumps as they are. It saddens me to see the drivers act like such a bunch of prima donnas and whinge about bumps on a street circuit. Go back 25 years and I’m sure you could find bumpy sections on just about every circuit on the calendar and everybody managed just fine.
I like the turn 10 chicane too. A little idiosyncracy that, if left unchanged, will become an iconic corner of the Marina Bay circuit.
So leave the damn bumps alone. And for that matter, give Monaco’s Sainte Devote its barriers back!
9th January 2009, 21:47
I’d leave the bumps, makes it harder for the drivers so they should stay.
The only changes I’d make to the track would be to the pits, the exit & entry are dangerous so should be changed, other than that they should leave it as it is.
We’ve had lots of changes to the cars this season so should keep the tracks as unchanged as possible to give us an honest comparison.
I’m getting sick of them changing the tracks too, it all starts off with good intentions but you end up with a corner like the new Bus Stop at Spa.
Unless it’s to prevent serious accidents they should leave them alone.
10th January 2009, 10:30
after watching the onboard footage numerous times ive come to the following conclusion.
1. Move the Turn 1,2,3 grandstand a bit further and combine T1,2,3 into a Hairpain followed by a chicane.
2. Keep the bumps. i like to see some sparks coming out of the back of the cars.
3. Keep T10 the way it is. but removing those HUGEEE concrete blocks.
4. Combine T22 and 23 into a slow 90 degrees left hander. (but im not sure this would work because there wouldnt be much run off areas left)
ive put together a REALLY simple drawing of my modification (im not good with photoshop etc). Black lines represent the modification and the purple line represents the pit lane entry.
There really isnt much you can do about the track because of the layout of the streets. With my modification T1 would be the only overtaking point of the track.
29th January 2009, 5:16
Instead of going around the cricket field they should use the road that cuts between the current circuit. There would be no stupid chicane to worry about.
john brownlie
3rd February 2009, 14:12
the only things they should change are pit entry and exit – leave the rest alone for another year!!
29th June 2009, 4:34
Singapore would be better as a day race because you would see the beauty of singapore.
The whole track really needs to be changed.
28th September 2010, 12:35
Singapore is a true street-circuit, not that Valencia crap (which is probably smoother than a billiard table!)
It has produced some great races!