F1 links: Playing catch-up

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After the server problems of the past few days I’ve got a backlog of links to get through. Here’s today’s bumper crop:

Williams Without KERS For First Six Races

“Looks like we’ll have to wait for the flying ninja wheels of death.”

What’s with the Williams-bashing?

“I’ve seen a fair bit of negativity around Williams lately in the media.”

Pay as you go Formula 1

‘And before you accuse me of being uncaring, of course the thought of several hundred people at Honda’s Brackley base losing their jobs is awful. I know what it’s like to be out of work, but don’t follow my example if you have to suffer the indignity of signing on for your dole money. I was in a very long queue that wasn’t moving and I stupidly shouted out, “Hurry up mate, some of us have got jobs to go to…”‘

Bernie Ecclestone eager to help save Honda

“The emergence of Ecclestone’s involvement will come as a boost to the Honda workforce, who have been waiting nervously to discover whether Nick Fry, the chief executive, and Ross Brawn, the team principal, have been successful in their search for a way forward.”

Bruno Senna has not joined Honda

“Not only are the reports regarding Senna untrue but Petrobras have pulled out of a sponsorship deal with Honda for 2009.”

Petrobras rules out sponsoring Honda

“Not only have Petrobras denied any plans to support Senna, the company has also announced that it does not wish to see through a $10 million (USD) sponsorship deal that it signed with Honda at the end of last year.”

Could it be Virgin?

“The most intriguing idea is that Branson might be involved in a bid to put Reynard in charge of the team of which he was one of the founders and a shareholder in the early days. Reynard still owns the land on which the team’s factories are built and is believed to own one of the two buildings as well, although these are leased to the team. Reynard and Branson have long been pals and he is one of the founding members of Virgin Galactic, Branson’s company dedicated to taking normal (rich) people into space.”

Dennis: F1 still attractive for sponsors

“I want to take this opportunity to emphasise the fact that Formula One remains a hugely attractive sponsorship proposition, which offers an extremely powerful return on investment for the companies involved.”

Just sign here

“Please note that an IndyCar Series license fee is only $1,000 (U.S.) – a bargain that includes your/three guest hard cards for venue admittance, participant accident medical insurance coverage and other benefits. There are no closing fees, user fees, points fees or even landing fees for your aircraft.” IndyCar’s open letter to F1 drivers.

Iconic Donington bridge is removed

“The bridge, which has been a feature of the 2.5-mile track since May 1977, took spectators to the inner section of the circuit.”

You’ll Race Still Quicker On The Highways Of Heaven

“The doctors ordered Nuvolari to take a month off to allow the lacerations on his back to heal. This didn’t wash with the Italian though, and heavily bandaged up, Nuvolari competed in the Nations Grand Prix at Monza less than a week later on his motorcycle. It is reported he had to be tied to the bike as his legs were also injured in the car accident. He won the race.”

Saving the German Grand Prix

“The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Rhine-Neckar region of Germany, which represents the interests of more than 65.000 member companies, has written to its members urging them to buy tickets for the German Grand Prix in 2010, in order to save the race.”

Why Red Bull’s gamble might pay off

“The design bears certain hallmarks of a Newey ‘hunch’.”

Heikki: It feels better than last year!

Heikki Kovalainen: “My feeling at the moment is that I have a better feeling this year than I did last year at the same time and I know we have a lot of upgrades coming the team has always been able to improve the package really well throughout the season so I dont see any reason why we shouldnt have another competitive year but its difficult to make any further predictions than that.”

Anthony Davidson Swaps Steering Wheel For Microphone

“It will be a great shame not to see Anthony driving, and as Formula One hypes the many younger talent coming through the ranks, it seems as though Davidson’s chance to race at the top of the motor-sporting ladder is getting slimmer and slimmer.” Couldn’t agree more. Davidson should be racing in F1, not talking about it.

Days that Shook the F1 World – Spanish Grand Prix, 1980

Part of Sidepodcast’s excellent series on F1 history


Official site of the former Minardi team – Italian only, seems the English page is still under developement.

Will downturn put brakes on Nascar?

“Advertisers like sports where it is easy to grasp the profile of the crowds; so they love Nascar. It is a vehicle for selling everything from whiskey and beer to cheese-flavoured crackers and indigestion tablets – at least it always has been until now.”

Glock: Licence fees not fair for all

“Maybe not everyone is a millionaire in F1.”

Getting momentum behind the USF1 team

“The key to the project is finding the funding but with the reduction in F1 budgets expected in 2010 it is hoped that the team can find enough money to get started.”

The USF1 team plans a launch

Peter Windsor says that the new USF1 team will be launched on Speed TV on February 24. The new team hopes that the announcement of the project will result in more backing arriving.

Renault loses one of the old guard

“The French daily sports newspaper L’Equipe is reporting that Renault F1’s chief engineer Denis Chevrier is to be dropped by the team.”

The Fastest Driver Who Never Raced

“Imagine Rory Byrne taking an F1 Ferrari round Spa faster than Michael Schumacher. Just think how impossible that is and you get some idea how remarkable Rudi Uhlenhaut was.”

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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6 comments on “F1 links: Playing catch-up”

  1. Sounds funny, but I really thought structures like the Donnington Bridge did a good deal to add flavor to a circuit. Here’s hoping they find a home for it somewhere after the revamp is complete.

    I am quite eager to see the USF1 launch- the team has recently started to creep into the mainstream American sports media, but it is largely due to their reported interest in Danica Patrick.That’s a great PR stunt, but hopefully that’s as far as it goes…

  2. Chris Reynolds
    17th February 2009, 2:14

    Yes to USF1 for sure ..It’s been a long time comin’ baby!

    I love controversy, well, let’s put it this way it is great to create it as long as your the one on top. Leave people thinking WHA? While you plow ahead full steam in your direction. Wonder which driver will be penalized first when the season starts?? My money is on Massa – Ferrari must test the limits no?

  3. Bernie spending his own money to save Honda? Where was he when SuperAguri were short of cash? Perhaps he should be asking Minardi back into F1…..

  4. Roll on the USF1 launch…

  5. Gillett’s said they’ll find a new home for the Dunlop bridge but I don’t think its going to be over the track any more. Its a shame. Silverstone has an access bridge at Bridge Corner so I’m sure with a little modification they could make the iconic Dunlop arch fit over the circuit somewhere…

  6. It’s nice to see the irl making fun of the overpriced super licence.

    I can’t wait for the USF1 launch but i fear they won’t be very good as finding two drivers from the US that are good enough for F1 is impossible (like super aguri signing ide). If they test Danica like they want to it’ll just be for publicity.

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