2009 F1 testing: February 17th (Updated: pictures added)

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Jarno Trulli testing a Toyota TF109 with an anvil wing at Bahrain

Ferrari, BMW and Toyota continue testing at Bahrain today and we’ll be following their progress below.

Today’s testing line-up

Ferrari – Kimi Raikkonen
Toyota – Jarno Trulli
BMW – Nick Heidfeld

Sites with live laptime updates


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Pictures from today’s test

2009 F1 testing

Images (C) Ferrari spa, Toyota F1 World

Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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10 comments on “2009 F1 testing: February 17th (Updated: pictures added)”

  1. Isn’t there suposed to be one more group test in Barcelona this week?

    1. Some sites are saying Renault and Williams are testing at Barcelona tomorrow, but there isn’t anything about it on their sites so I haven’t got it on the calendar yet. Do let me know if you see anything about it though.

  2. Times so far:

    1. Jarno Trulli – Toyota – 1:33.000
    2. Kimi Räikkönen – Ferrari – 1:33.108 +0.108
    3. Nick Heidfeld – BMW Sauber – 1:33.195 +0.195

  3. Heidfeld had an electrical problem this morning and Raikkonen had a problem with KERS cooling, which caused him to loose 3 hours of testing.

  4. Final Times:

    1. Kimi Raikkonen 1.32.102
    2. Jarno Trulli 1.32.230
    3. Nick Heidfeld 1.32.585

  5. According to the press release they put out last Friday, Renault are going to test the week before Melbourne instead of next week.

  6. …instead of _this_ week, I mean.

  7. Press release from BMW:

    Weather conditions: Sunny in morning, hazy in the afternoon.
    Temperature: Air: 20-29°C, Track: 21-35°C

    Number of drivers participating: 3 from 3 teams
    Fastest lap overall: Kimi Raikkönen (Scuderia Ferrari) 1:32.102min
    Circuit length: 5.412 km

    Nick Heidfeld Chassis / engine: BMW Sauber F1.09-02 / BMW 86/9
    Test kilometres today: 563 (104 laps)
    Fastest lap: 1:32.585 min


    Despite the weather not being as perfect as yesterday, the BMW Sauber F1 Team continued with development work on the F1.09 car. Nick Heidfeld concentrated on the mechanical set- up, trying various specifications of dampers and torsion bars. He also did a couple of practice starts in the morning and at the end of the session. “Today I drove the new BMW Sauber F1.09 in warm weather conditions for the first time, so the most important thing for me was to learn more about the general balance of the car”, Heidfeld said after completing 104 laps.

    “Overall it was a good day because I tried a lot of different set-up solutions. I already feel happy about how the car reacts to changes.” In the morning the car stopped on the track when a standard kill switch accidentally cut off the main electronic control unit and engaged the automatic fire extinguishing system. With some modifications to the switch linkage – and a cleaned up car – Heidfeld resumed testing.

  8. I think by the time the teams arrive in Australia I will have got used to the new rear wings. As long as you don’t look at the cars dead one there isn’t an issue.

  9. Raikkonen was fastest despite a problem with the KERS on his car – a report on the official Ferrari site says the team spent three hours fixing the problem:


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