Edit TV competition winners

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Congratulations to the three winners of our Edit TV competition.

The following three F1 Fanatic readers will each receive a PCTV Nano Stick Ultimates and a copy of Edit TV:

Amy Cooper (United Kingdom)
Ray Lewis (United Kingdom)
Danilo G Galdino (Brazil)

If you didn’t win this time, commiserations, but keep an eye out for a new F1 Fanatic competition starting later today.

See here for more information on Edit TV and the PCTV Nano Stick Ultimate. F1 Fanatic readers can buy the bundle at a reduced price of £49.99 plus £4.99 P&P.

Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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2 comments on “Edit TV competition winners”

  1. Conrats to all three winners. Enjoy your new toys.

  2. Congratulations winners. Well done! :)

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