Renault announce TW Steel deal (pictures)

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Good news for Renault fans – the team have announced their first new sponsors since losing ING and Mutua Madrilena after the Singapore scandal.

TW Steel logos will feature on the cars at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. Here’s some renderings of what the R29 will look like this weekend:

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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20 comments on “Renault announce TW Steel deal (pictures)”

  1. Prisoner Monkeys
    29th October 2009, 0:54

    Hmmm, not bad … but for such a minor sponsor, TW Steel are getting a lot of coverage. Mind you, I’m only really comparing them to other teams that have watchmakers as sponsors. I can’t think of any off the top of my head, but maybe TW Steel just paid more.

    1. BrawnGP are sponsored by one…can’t remember who, but they’re on the “wing” mirrors…and Honda used to have a tie-in with Seiko…

      McLaren of course are sponsored by TAG Heur and I think Ferrari have a tie-in with someone too…

      Personally I’d love to see Omega in F1…maybe if we ever get Aston Martin F1 then they could sponsor them, along with Martini and then you’d have the ultimate Jmaes Bond F1 team…hello, why are there men in white coats here???

    2. Oris sponsor Williams. When you see an Oris advert in a racing magazine, you have to scan the picture of the car for a while before you spot the Oris logo. (It’s on the front wing end plates)

      I guess it’s a big deal that Renault has attracted a new sponsor, no matter how small and insignificant.

  2. Something is better tan nothing.

  3. good news for F1 too of course. really want ot see Renault back at the toop of their game next year.

  4. Thought ING were always pulling out at the end of 09. Nothing to do with Singapore scandal.

    1. Prisoner Monkeys
      29th October 2009, 7:57

      Yes, ING were departing, but the Singapore investigation really hurt them. It gave them a bad reputation, so finding new sponsors was always going to be a little more difficult than it should have been.

      1. Agreed Prisoner Monkeys, I’m amazed they found another sponsor at all (even though it will give T W Steel coverage Renault are at the minute still linked with and recognised by the scandal which is a big shame) but very pleased for the team.

        I still think the car is good looking :s

        1. Prisoner Monkeys
          29th October 2009, 11:37

          I find it significant that this is a deal done in time for the final race. It lets TW get space on the car before anyone else who would be new for 2010.

          1. Yes and they will get more coverage anyway-usually we barely bat an eyelid at most sponsorship deals but after Singapore it is a surprise, they have beat other sponsors to it and will be shown at the final race of the year.

      2. It was no surprise that ING pulled out early (so to speak). Remember the pictures and video of Piquet’s smashed-up car (the Singapore one, haha) on the national news, all over the F1 websites, everywhere — it showed the big orange ING logo every time. That must have hurt.

    2. They (ING) pulled out early because of the scandal.

  5. What an odd way to show the sponsor – on the nose – I would have expected the Renault ‘diamond’ there, and TW further up…..

  6. Two “nostrils” on the nose… now the R29 really looks like a pig.


  7. I’m guessing TW Steel are hoping for a lot of front-on camera shots of the Renault this weekend, because I can’t see how their name is going to be seen from any other angle.

  8. Off topic but Nico finally confirming he is leaving Williams.

    1. Prisoner Monkeys
      29th October 2009, 11:38

      Off-topic, but closer to the actual topic of new sponsors: Brawn have a one-time-only deal with Qatari telecom conglomerate Qtel for Abu Dhabi.

  9. Could that be the most boring sponsorship logo of all time?

    1. Yawn. Upon clicking the article link I was looking forward to the return of the yellow and black livery. Never mind eh.

  10. Now any time I see that watch I will want to retch in memory of the livery and that front wing…

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