F1 Fanatic Predictions Championship begins with a three-way tie for the lead

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Our top three players all predicted the podium correctly

Hanalou and Arpi_ are our first prize winners of the 2010 F1 Fanatic Predictions’ Championship.

They are tied for the lead of the championship with a third player, J-Canada, after the first round.

Hanalou wins a copy of “The Lotus Story” DVD boxset provided by Duke Video and Apri_ wins a print of the race winner courtesy of Motorsport in Print.

Impressively, Hanalou, Arpi_ and J-Canada all predicted the top five finishers correctly – though none of them also correctly named Sebastian Vettel as the pole sitter.

How close they came to predicting the pole sitter was used as a tie-breaker which put Hanalou on top followed by Arpi_. In future races I’ll include an extra question to serve as a tie-breaker should a similar situation occur.

These three lead the championship table with 48 points each. But there’s still 900 points to be won over the rest of the season.

Over 1,750 played in the first round – find out how you did in the table below.

Don’t miss a single round of the F1 Fanatic Predictions Championship. Subscribe to F1 Fanatic using RSS, email or Twitter: Click here for more information.

The prizes

This year we’re giving away a pair of prizes every race weekend.

On top of that at the end of the year the top 12 finishers all get prizes – and whoever scores the highest overall will be going to the 2011 British Grand Prix. Here are the prizes in full:

Grand prize: Two grandstands tickets to the 2011 British Grand Prix

The person who scores the most points in the 2010 F1 Fanatic Predictions Championship will win grandstand tickets to the 2011 British Grand Prix at Silverstone.

This is the first time we’ve offered F1 race tickets as a prize at F1 Fanatic and I hope you all agree it’s a fitting reward for the F1 expert who can best predict who will be on top in 2010.

The grand prize winner will receive tickets to all three days of the 2011 British Grand Prix with reserved grandstand seating for the race.

Second place prize: An F1 painting of your choice

The second place finisher in the championship will win an F1 painting by Rob Ijbema.

You get to choose which F1 driver, present or past, will feature in the painting. Or you can pick one of the other motor racing paintings on Rob’s site Car-a-day.

Runners-up prizes: Autocourse 2010-2011

The ten players who finish in third to 12th positions in the championship will win a copy of the 2010-2011 edition of Autocourse.

The highly respected journal of Formula 1 and other major international four-wheeled racing series is published at the end of every season.

This year the publication marks its 60th anniversary edition.

NB. 2009 edition cover used for illustration

Race winners prize: The Lotus Story DVD Box Set

Duke Video are supplying the prize for the player who gets the highest score in each round.

With the Lotus name returning to F1 in 2010 what better prize than a DVD box set showing the history of this great team. This four-disc set “The Lotus Story” chronicles Lotus’s participation in F1 from the company’s beginning in 1948 up to its F1 withdrawal in 1994.

Duke are also offering a special promotion exclusive to all F1 Fanatic readers – whenever you order from them you can get 15% off using the promotional code F1Fanatic at the checkout.

Race runners-up prize: F1 race winner print

The second place finisher in each race will win a 40x35cm print of the race winner from Motorsport in Print.

How to enter

Entries will open in the week before every race. You have until the start of free practice three on Saturday to make your predictions. A reminder will be posted on the site after free practice two on Friday.

Each player may predict the pole sitter and the top five finishers in the race. See below for the rules in full.

Competition terms and conditions

1. Maximum one entry per household.
2. The competition is not open to employees, friends or family of F1 Fanatic, Silverstone Circuit, Duke Video, Motorsport in Print, Car-a-Day or Icon Publishing Ltd.
3. Predictions will open up to one week before the start of final practice on the Saturday of a Grand Prix weekend and will be promoted on the front page of F1 Fanatic before closing prior to the start of final practice.
4. In each round players are invited to predict (a) who will be on pole position and (b) what the top five finishers will be (five different drivers).
5. Players accumulate points in each round as follows:
a. Correctly naming the pole sitter: 2 points
b. Correctly naming one/two/three/four/five driver/s who finish in the top five: 1/2/3/5/8 points
c. Correctly predicting where one/two/three/four/five driver/s finish: 2/6/14/24/40 points
6. Whoever scores the most points over the 19 races from round one (Bahrain) to 19 (Abu Dhabi) wins the grand prize.
7. In the event of a tie on points the winner will be determined by who picked the most race winners correctly, then second places finishers and so on. If that fails to produce a winner the editor will choose a means of deciding who has won.
8. Predictions must be entered using the form or e-mailled to [email protected]
9. Once a prediction has been made it cannot be altered.
10. In the event of a dispute the editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
11. No cash alternative is offered for any of the prizes.
12. Grand Prix tickets: Children must be accompanied by an adult. Accommodation and transport to the venue not included. Event date TBC.
13. Players who have won prizes will be notified by email within seven days of each Grand Prix. Lotus DVDs and F1 paintings will be despatched within 28 days of that email being sent. Grand Prix tickets will be despatched once they are available. Autocourse books will be despatched once they are published.

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Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

Got a potential story, tip or enquiry? Find out more about RaceFans and contact us here.

91 comments on “F1 Fanatic Predictions Championship begins with a three-way tie for the lead”

  1. Sirko 24 19 19

    Wow, not bad :)

    1. Equal with me and several others, but i’m happy with that. not a bad start.

      1. Let’s make it into the top-20 next time :)

  2. Awful, awful, awful start.

    1. Bad for you, I forgot about the whole thing!

  3. Definitely my favourite sports tipping comp. Although it’s not for the faint hearted – picked 3 of the top 5, albeit only Alonso in the correct position and have only 5 points. Maybe the FIA should take more notice of the scoring system – not much reward for mediocrity!

    Thanks Keith, great work on this.

    1. Glad to hear it! Am very happy with the prize line-up this year, thanks once again to our suppliers.

  4. Congratulations to everyone who got more than my measly 5 points!

    1. Haha, The mighty Calum GP Team got 5 points too!!

    2. Barney Gumble
      16th March 2010, 20:42

      5 for me too… pretty crappy

      Also I stupidly changed my name from Ned Flanders to Barney after using it for the predictions championship, now I’m stuck with it… (nice plug for my new identity!)

      1. Hmmmm… so you clearly identify with cartoon neighbours…

        1. Barney Gumble
          16th March 2010, 21:45

          Only if they’re from Springfield

          1. I always thought Mo was lovely :P Surprised you didn’t go with a whacky races character…

  5. Could have been better.

  6. Hey hey! equal 57th ^^ 17 points btw…. oh and I’ll have you know someone has the same name as me, I thought I’d put my real name in by accident when I saw it…… I’m beating him…..

    1. i have 5 points :( not a great start, there are alot of mike combos up there, im one of the loxer scoring ones tho :(

  7. Wow! Thanks Keith! I am so glad!

    To be honest, I can’t stand Alonso but he look so determined on pre season testing…

    Anyway I haven’t got any confirmation e-mail yet. Is that ok? Or something went wrong?

  8. I must admit, There was a great deal of luck involved in my prediction. Although on its face Bahrain was a rather dull race. This prediction championship made the race more interesting for me to watch! Vettel’s hardship, yet ability to hold of Roseburg, was the key to my line-up!
    -Even if this is a boring season on the track, the prediction competition will spice things up!

    I really wish I would have predicted pole better-missed out on some great swag!

    1. I know I feel so harsh having to pick between three people who did great predictions. Will perhaps do “guess pole position time” as a tie-breaker next week.

  9. Alonso in the top of the favorites. Ferrari will be champion!

  10. I’m kind of curious: who was the most predicted pole, winner, etc?

  11. 7 pts. 403th place. happy with the result.
    this season will be hard. consistency is the key.
    predicting the race winner is the same as predicting 2nd up to 5th place. the aim is really to predict the top 5 finishers (8pts) and placing them in the right order (40 pts) pole will have a bonus of 2pts. Max of 50pts per race. one missed driver for example predicting correctly from pole and 1st to 4th place in correct order but missed the 5th place will only have a max of 31 pts (2+5+24) – 19pts difference compared to perfect score. this is really hard and very challenging. you really need some luck plus a crystal ball :)

  12. Woo Hooo!!! Ranked 683rd!!!!
    I’m coming Apri_!!!!

  13. Wow, this is a lot of fun. Thanks for organizing it Keith. I was pleased with being ranked 112th. Not too bad. It adds another element to the race. It is a long season though, consistenncy will be key :)

  14. Hmm so there was something wrong with my entry.
    I am sure I had 13 points.
    I will try from my home pc next time.

    1. Which Peter are you on the list?

  15. Hi Keith,

    Something went wrong I guess, because I’m not in the list. When I tried it, I dind’t see the table with all the entries, so I already got a bit worried, so I added my prediction in het comments and after that even tried again.

    I copied my comment at the original article here.

    If you could correct this, that would be very nice, however, don’t go through too much trouble – maybe you can use my experience to check what happened, because I remember at least one other in the comments stating the same.

    Thanks, and do keep up the good work!

    verstappen says:March 13, 2010 at 7:26 am


    Thought of it just in time. Very difficult this year. Because McLaren also looks very good, but… but…

    verstappen says:March 13, 2010 at 7:31 am
    just like Mike above I tried to enter again afterreloading the article, to be sure it is entered, but got no error message about duplicates?

    1. I reckon Keith will help you out, In the grand scheme of things I don’t think anyone will be upset by it.

      Unless you win, then you cheated ^^ (jk)

  16. Hi Keith,

    Is that the full table? If so, why can’t I find myself on there?


  17. Can’t find myself

    1. 112 (11 pts) Not bad at all

  18. 683rd :( oh well

  19. Yes i am 1252nd!

    1. The Comedian 39
      17th March 2010, 9:14

      same! we’re so good eh?

  20. Wow, that was not so good. Should have waited another day, so i could first see some running on friday.

    Only 4 points, so i must do better the next time.

    Quite a lot of participants joining already so it was hard to find my own entry.

    Keith would it be possible to include a search option to find a name? now i copied the entire list into MS excel to filter for my name.

    1. you can use Ctrl-F and type in your name

    2. you can also press F3 button and type in your name. this works in most browsers.

      1. thanks you guys very helpful, and i’m sure many others will be grateful too.

      2. command-F, for Mac users

  21. AH found me!! 683rd not too bad :p only way is significantly up though

  22. I dont get it…. I got 5 out of 6 right and scored 3pts and i got them all in order (except number 2 as i wrongly put Button)
    Handybaggy ALO BUT HAM VET ROS SCH 2010-03-13 00:10:21
    Is this right? can anyone help me understand a bit better?
    Thanks :o)

    1. No, it isn’t.

      In each round players are invited to predict (a) who will be on pole position and (b) what the top five finishers will be (five different drivers).

      Correctly naming one/two/three/four/five driver/s who finish in the top five: 1/2/3/5/8 points

      1. Thanks, i just worked it out lol :)

  23. If using Firefox, use CONTROL+F and search your name. :) Don’t know it it works in IE.

    1. control-f should work on every computer out there

      1. Ah ha! you would think so but it isn’t true! You F1Yankee do not even comprehend the way of this world for you see! On mac it is Apple F! Ah ha! how do you feel now you silly ill knowing kenigget?

        No I didn’t just write that……..

        nor did I post it….

  24. Ohh i get it now…..Pole sitter
    then the top 5 finishers, ie: alo, alo, bar ect Oops silly me lol :oO

  25. hi keith! can you tell us about how you calculate the results? do you use excel, or is it built into the poll software? plz don’t tell me you do it by hand :)

    1. I used to do it by hand and Excel but then a very nice chap called Ian Haycox came along and wrote a clever piece of software to do it.

  26. Woo joint fourth!

  27. Woohoo – joint 403rd – read it weep mortals. LOL – this is fun :D

  28. Mike Bradshaw
    16th March 2010, 20:12

    267th? Wow. I am pleaseantly suprised. Not picking Williams EVER again should help the score.

  29. 112th place, that is really considering over 1,750 took part. Thanks Ferrari, for getting the one two finish.

    1. Whoops typo. I was meant to say “that really good considering…”

    2. Ha, i too am at 112, i was quiet upset with that, i wanted higher. :-(

      I do hate coming anywhere but 1st in anything though.

  30. STRFerrari4Ever
    16th March 2010, 20:35

    680 wow didn’t expect the competition to be so fierce well Melbourne predictions will have to be much more accurate.

  31. I didn’t find my name!
    I bet

  32. Barney Gumble
    16th March 2010, 20:48

    I like the team called ‘Lets be avin you Norfolks war cry’!

  33. Well I made wishfull ones, I guess I will have to be realistic next time.

  34. I put Vettel for win and pole. Stupid spark plug!!!

  35. For whatever reason I am not in this list despite selecting Alonso as the winner and I’m sure I had Vettel somewhere in the top 5. Keith, Whats up?

  36. A few people have said they can’t find their names on the list – I’ll have a look into why that could be and report back.

    1. Cool, thank Keith!

      Next year is there going to be the possibility to budget a free fantasy league for F1? It would be nice if we could set up our own private leagues and join public leagues. A friend wanted me to set one up and I realized that in the US there aren’t really any. One would think that Espn or Yahoo fantasy would have one for America, but there are only pick em type, not season long fantasy leagues. Just wondering. I know that running them is hard on servers and it takes a lot of work, so I my guess is not gonna happen, but I thought I’d ask.

      1. To be honest, there’s loads of them around and I don’t think very much of them so it’s not something I’m interested in doing.

        This competition is special to F1 Fanatic and it’s different and I’d like to focus on this. As ever I’m open to being convinced otherwise.

    2. Hi, Keith. Since you brought it up: can´t find myself either. I got to see the clock above the form on another computer and sent my prediction (my very original name is “Lot-of-Lotus-for-us”). Hope you find me there somewhere…

  37. 24th with 33 others..good job

  38. 112th not too bad i’ll take that. This prediction game seriously makes a boring bahrain gp more exciting roll on melbourne!

  39. wow , iam in 4th position. will try for better position next time.
    Its great that so many fans have taken part in the first round. good job keith.

  40. Terrible, very terrible start.

  41. I think there should be an option where you can automaticly see where you are, other then scrolling down a never ending list of peoples names. I still don’t know what I am in yet.

    1. press ctrl+f and write your name. You’re 267th with 9 points.

      1. Hi Enigma, are you The Predicter Formerly Known As SaloolaS?

  42. The Pink Bengal
    17th March 2010, 6:42

    I only got 2 points but later in the weekend when me and a friend of mine bet real money on the race we managed to pick the top 3 correctly. That was after watching the qualifying though.
    For this prediction I decided to try something; I compared last years second practice and race results and placed them exactly the same. Didn’t work that well :D

  43. 5 points. :( Well, like Lewis Hamilton I will go on to win this championship. :D

  44. IN the Spirit of Lotus, at least i am in the ranks… true it’s only 5 points, but for those complaining, We’re ranked, we’re in the Race…^^&%$ You…. LOL…

    now i have to sharpen up my skills and try to get it right next time…

  45. 403rd, I’ll settle for that :)

    Great feature by the way, very addictive!

  46. rank 683!! terrible start.

    May be I should enter my predictions late. After FP2, not on wednesday, like I did this time.

  47. keith , everyone will apprciate if there are some small prizes for 4th & 5th rank people.

    1. There is in the overall championship, not for each race.

  48. Verstappen, Neal Brown, Cotrim and SeattleChris: I’ve not been able to find any record of predictions made using your email addresses.

    If you left your comments above using different email addresses to the ones you posted your comments with, send me an email letting me know which email address you used to enter your prediction.

    These may be the reasons why your predictions weren’t received:

    1. As Verstappen describes, if you aren’t shown the table with the entries after making your prediction, the prediction wasn’t received. We’ll look into changing the system to make it clearer whether your prediction has been received in future.

    2. If you submitted your entry after the deadline your predictions will not have been received, even if you opened the page to begin entering your prediction before the deadline.

    Remember that if you are concerned that your prediction may not have been entered you can always enter by email as described in the rules.

    Sorry for the inconvenience to those whose predictions weren’t counted. It seems only a very small number of people were affected but we’ll look into why that was and see if there’s a problem to be fixed.

    1. thanks Keith, I sent you an email on the competition address.

      And indeed next time if there’s anything not looking OK, I will use that address to enter.

  49. 112th with 11 points tobad Vettel beated Massa otherwise i was higher. But i am going to wait and see the pratice first before posting )

  50. Wow, didn’t expect to win. I thought it was all over once vettel got pole, and didn’t think about it since. Certainly a shock when I read this article!

  51. Yeah, I’m tied for 1636th with 2 points! :D



  52. i’ve looked through it twice…haven’t seen my name….i guess it wasnt received…i think it was around the same time seattle chris made his, because i remember seeing a post in the comments by him shortly after i made mine (it could have been a different story though)

    1. sorry i just came across it…apart of the elite 10 point group! 264!th

  53. 4th, not bad, not bad

  54. Joint 403rd…might need to do a but better next time!

  55. a magnificent 9 points, haha

  56. Kieth, where do you stand in the predictions? i know ur not in it to win but u have to play…

  57. I’m in about 400th place but the other Ciaran on F1Fanatic is 7th.

Comments are closed.