Spanish Grand Prix team-by-team: HRT

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HRT’s home race was not a happy affair as Bruno Senna crashed on the first lap and Karun Chandhok was taken out by Jaime Alguersuari.

Karun Chandhok Bruno Senna
Qualifying position 24 21
Qualifying time comparison (Q1) 1’26.750 (-0.372) 1’27.122
Race position
Average race lap 1’34.141
Laps 27/66 0/66
Pit stops 1 0
Spanish GP lap times: HRT (click to enlarge)

Karun Chandhok

Out-qualified Senna for the second time but was dropped behind him on the grid due to a gearbox change penalty.

Ran ahead of Lucas di Grassi’s old VR-01 before being hit by Alguersuari. That knocked the front wing off the HRT and although Chandhok stopped to have it replaced he later retired due to damage from the accident.

Compare Karun Chandhok’s form against his team mate in 2010

Bruno Senna

Slowest in qualifying but started 21st due to other people’s penalties. Got up to 17th at the start but he crashed out at turn four.

Compare Bruno Senna’s form against his team mate in 2010

2010 Spanish Grand Prix

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    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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    7 comments on “Spanish Grand Prix team-by-team: HRT”

    1. I think Karun was doing pretty good, between being hit by passing cars. Running close to Di Grassi and being able to fight with him is not bad.

      Maybe Klein did give some input in car setup? Or just a reminder, that even the slowest car does not exuse him from giving his all.

      1. Sush Meerkat
        10th May 2010, 16:06

        Klien was running 19th or 18th in that practise session, the HRT isn’t a complete dog of a car its just being driven by inexperienced hands.

        It was made by Dallara after all, and no way would Dallara make an F1 car with GP2 performance.

        Lack of testing to fine tune the car has hampered that team big time.

    2. This was a really really poor weekend for Bruno. He was consistently outpaced by Klien and Karun over the course of the weekend, and dropping it in turn 3 just topped off a disappointing weekend.

      He is really going to need to lift his game for the rest of the season if he wants to secure a drive in a quicker team. He isn’t driving like the man who Honda were about to put their faith in for 2009…

    3. @ Sush Meerkat – I agree totally, it’s not completely awful – sure it’s underdeveloped but I think the Chassis actually looks the most advanced of the three new teams – They would benefit from running Klien full time….

    4. Er, why is Klien a test driver if he’s more experienced and better than the 2 main drivers? How about swapping a seat?!

    5. My guess is Klien doesn’t bring in as much money.

    6. Klien’s better because of his experience. These two drivers are rookies and probably way out of their depth, it isn’t the easiest job but they coudl show more potential than Klien in the future. It would be good for them to ahve an experienced team mate though

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