Monaco Grand Prix Live TV times

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Here are the details of the BBC’s live video coverage of the Monaco Grand Prix and the F1 Fanatic live blogs which will take place during all five sessions this weekend.

If you would like to help run the live blogs this weekend please get in touch by emailling me, using Twitter or leave a comment below..

Thursday 13th May 2010

Monaco Grand Prix Free practice 1 – 09:00 – 10:30 (BBC Red Button and online)
F1 Fanatic live blog will run throughout this session

Monaco Grand Prix Free practice 2 – 13:00 – 14:30 (BBC Red Button and online)
F1 Fanatic live blog will run throughout this session

Saturday 15th May 2010

Monaco Grand Prix Free practice 3 – 10:00 – 11:00 (BBC Red Button and online)
F1 Fanatic live blog will run throughout this session

Monaco Grand Prix Qualifying – 12:10 (BBC1*, Red Button and online) (Qualifying starts at 13:00)
F1 Fanatic live blog will begin around 12:15 and end around half an hour after the chequered flag

*BBC2 in Scotland, thanks Dank.

Sunday 16th May 2010

Monaco Grand Prix – 12:10 (BBC1, Red Button and online) (Race starts at 13:00)
F1 Fanatic live blog will begin around 12:00 and end around half an hour after the chequered flag

Please share details of the F1 coverage in your area below.

Find times for every F1 session with the F1 Fanatic Google Calendar.

Read more: 2010 Monaco Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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17 comments on “Monaco Grand Prix Live TV times”

  1. I *think* that the Scottish FA Cup is on BBC One Scotland next Saturday, so F1 qualifying is on BBC Two Scotland from 12:10 to 14:35?

    1. It is, will revise accordingly.

      1. and surely the practice sessions on thur and sat start at 8.55, 12.55 and 9.55?

    2. It will be. Also the reason I shall miss quali:P

  2. Great, although how come there’s no Friday Practice?

    1. There’s not been Friday Practice in Monaco for yonks now. They re-open it to the public to help elevate the moans for the locals.

      Though a few support events take place in the morning still.

    2. Prisoner Monkeys
      11th May 2010, 13:05

      I believe it’s because the Crown Prince of Monaco likes to have Friday lunch in peace. Or at least, that’s how the tradition began. They run Friday practice on Thursdays now.

      1. Also because it lets the residents get away for the weekend. If I’m not mistaken, the Monaco Grand Prix is always held on the weekend after Ascension Day, so many residents travel outside the principality for the holiday.

  3. Looks like the weather gods may play their part, again. Wouldn’t mind seeing something like 1996 again, for the sake of my sports betting account.

  4. For those in Australia, Qualifying on Saturday is on OneHD at 10:30PM in Melbourne, 9:30PM in Adelaide and 10:00PM in Perth.

    The Pre-Race show starts on OneHD at 9:00PM in Melbourne, 8:30PM in Adelaide and 7:00PM in Perth.

    A delayed telecast of the race will be on Ch10 at 10:30PM in every city.

    1. Prisoner Monkeys
      11th May 2010, 13:41

      Wait, people still watch the pre-race show?

      1. damonsmedley
        11th May 2010, 14:03

        The OneHD pre-race show is commercials…

    2. Terry Fabulous
      12th May 2010, 4:05

      And Sydney viewers are getting Qually live at 10pm.

      Unfortunately though we will miss out on the live broadcast of Geelong and Brisbane.

      Our loss I guess :)

  5. Andrew White
    11th May 2010, 13:37

    I have booked holiday off work this week, so I’ll actually get to see the qualifying live for once. :D

  6. Hi there, I’ve just moved to the USA from Australia and wondering if anyone can help me out here… As much as I liked watching Aussie Mark win in SPEED TV last week, watching F1 without hearing Martin Brundle just doesn’t feel the same… is there any way of streaming the BBC feed iver here?


  7. I believe it’s because the Crown Prince of Monaco likes to have Friday lunch in peace. Or at least, that’s how the tradition began. They run Friday practice on Thursdays now thankx

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