Monaco GP team-by-team: Virgin

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Both Virgins failed to finish once again in Monaco.

Timo Glock Lucas di Grassi
Qualifying position 20 21
Qualifying time comparison (Q1) 1’17.377 (-0.487) 1’17.864
Race position
Average race lap 1’31.943 (-0.666) 1’32.609
Laps 22/78 25/78
Pit stops 0 1
Monaco GP laptimes: Virgin (click to enlarge)

Timo Glock

Glock had a brief but exciting race before a broken track rod put him out.

I had a problem at the start and then lost position to Lucas, but I had a really good first lap and overtook Lucas and Jarno Trulli at Loews. This got me into a good position behind Heikki Kovalainen and I could go a similar speed to him, but I had a bit too much tyre degradation on the rear and some problems with the brakes as well. Unfortunately in Casino corner, the rear suspension failed, which ended my race, so we now have to investigate and understand why that happened.
Timo Glock

Compare Timo Glock’s form against his team mate in 2010

Lucas di Grassi

Lucas di Grassi enjoyed his brief battle with Alonso before a technical problem on the old-specification VR-01 ended his race:

The first part of my race today was good. I overtook Timo and had a good fight with Fernando for a couple of laps, but then as soon as we made the pitstop we had a wheel problem that forced us to abandon the race.
Lucas di Grassi

The team later confirmed their were problems with all the wheels fitted during the pit stop.

Compare Lucas di Grassi’s form against his team mate in 2010

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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1 comments on “Monaco GP team-by-team: Virgin”

  1. Problems with all 4 wheels?! Perhaps there was a lack of pressure to the wheel guns or something.

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