Turkish GP team-by-team: HRT

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Both cars were hit by fuel system problems during the race.

Karun Chandhok Bruno Senna
Qualifying position 24 22
Qualifying time comparison (Q1) 1’32.060 (+0.794) 1’31.266
Race position 20
Average race lap 1’37.936 (-0.243) 1’38.179
Laps 52/58 46/58
Pit stops 1 1

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Karun Chandhok

For the second race in a row Karun Chandhok was a classified finisher despite have stopped.

This time a fuel system problem ended his race. He was running ahead of the delayed Lucas di Grassi at the time.

Compare Karun Chandhok’s form against his team mate in 2010

Bruno Senna

Qualified ahead of di Grassi thanks to the Virgin driver suffering engine problems in qualifying.

Senna passed the other Virgin of Timo Glock and kept his rival behind for almost 20 laps. The fuel problem ended his race early too.

Compare Bruno Senna’s form against his team mate in 2010

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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4 comments on “Turkish GP team-by-team: HRT”

  1. “This time a fue lsystem problem ended his race”

    not that it matters, i can see what it’s meant to be. must just be typing incredibly quickly. Or have fingers made of corned beef :)

    1. Sorry, space in the wrong place. Fixed.

  2. nice too see that Bruno was almost more than a 1 sec faster than chanduk during their first stint! Maybe a wakeup call for the people who say Chandok is better.

    1. Absolutely, Bruno had a great weekend. It’s a shame his car died on him near the end. You can tell from the chart that they must have kept him out in the hope the car would see it to the finish.

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