F1 Fanatic round-up: 23/6/2010

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If you like to get your race predictions in early the European Grand Prix Predictions are now open.

Here’s today’s round-up:


Fernando Alonso’s Ferrari California (Twitpic)

Snapped at the Canadian Grand Prix by Virgin reserve driver Luiz Razia.

Did Ferrari extract a competitive advantage from last week’s ‘media’ track day? (The Daily Telegraph)

“I am informed the issue will ‘be discussed by engineers in small huddles’ in Valencia as they plan how and when to deploy similar ‘media’ days?���?�”

Ferrari ‘F10b’ picture (F1 Around)

Shot of the updated Ferrari with its RB6-style exhaust.

Why people should give Schumacher a break (Autosport – subscription required)

As I wrote here last week, Tony Dodgins believes Michael Schumacher’s race at Montreal wasn’t as bad as was widely reported.

Fans Forum

F1 fans are invited to join in a panel on the sport in London next month.

In My Own Words #1, A Blog by Alexander Rossi

“I’ve now driven Skip Barber National, Formula Renault 2.0, Formula Atlantic, Formula BMW, Radical, Formula Renault, F3, GP3, Renault World Series, GP2 Asia, GP2 Main (different than Asia) and F1 – and I can say that I’m still on the right side of 18.”

The development race (Renault)

Renault technical director James Allison: “Obviously CFD and the wind tunnel are incredibly useful for predicting how our aero packages will work at the track. These tools predict the size of the gains that eventually unfold at the track within errors that are substantially less than 0.5% of the total downforce on the car. For the mechanical parts we rely on computer simulations, which we then validate on our chassis rig. We also have a suite of endurance rigs that can subject components to loads and forces to make sure they can cope with the F1 environment. These tools allow us to turn up at the track confident in the knowledge that our latest parts are reliable and will perform as we expect.”

Comment of the day

Qwerty_uk has a radical plan for changing the Valencia circuit layout:

I know this would require some serious demolition and infrastructure work. But I think this layout might just work:



From the forum

Would you like to see an iPad version of F1 Fanatic? Or is this technology just flash-in-the-pan gimmickry? Your thoughts here, please.

Happy birthday!

No F1 Fanatic birthdays today. If you want a birthday shout-out tell us when yours is by emailling me, using Twitter or adding to the list here.

On this day in F1

Keke Rosberg won the United States Grand Prix at Detroit on this day 25 years ago. It was an especially happy week for the 1982 champion as soon Nico was born just four days later.

Keke narrates the race in the video below in which several drivers hit the wall and Martin Brundle collides with Philippe Alliot while lapping the RAM driver:

Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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29 comments on “F1 Fanatic round-up: 23/6/2010”

  1. Drats on the Meeting. I don’t get to UK until Jul 7th. Bummer. Would be fun to go ohh well will have to wait for the race ;)

    Ferrari interesting but expected and previously reported, wonder if they got pull rod suspension as well on that car.

  2. that valencia track looks much better than the actual one!

    1. isn’t that just the circuit Gilles Villeneuve but rotated and placed in Valencia? hehe

      1. yes it is, would be an improvement, wouldn’t it?

  3. LOL! the twitter from that Virgin reserve driver also shows Kobayashi’s car !

    MY GOD: http://twitpic.com/1yzucd

    1. That’s worse than my car was this morning… (I washed it this afternoon!)

    2. He needs a bumper sticker that says: “My other car is a Ferrari… sort of.”

    3. looks like de la rosa’s got a nice bmw at least.

  4. Does this mean that Nico Rosberg will have to celebrate his birthday at Valenica on race day itself? Not exactly the most inspiring of places to do so…

    1. Yep that’s right.

    2. I think he was pretty happy the last time he had his birthday on track.

  5. Nice work from Qwerty_uk. It looks familiar with the Canadian GP track but still it will provide some good racing.

    1. That’s the joke, by the way!

  6. Nice to hear the absolute joy and excitement in Keke’s voice. (Compared with Mika H., that is).

    1. Interesting, how much he knows about the race. I like his commenting on Mansell going off track almost each lap.

  7. Alonso’s Ferrari by chandhok too!

    1. …and Chandhok’s own car. In the background you can see someone got stuck with a PT Loser/Snoozer. Wonder who that was.

      1. Whoops. Here’s the link: http://twitpic.com/1vclwh

        1. Thats a lot better than what Kobayashi is stuck with!

  8. I know how to fix the Valencia Street Circuit, instead of turning left at turn 3, turn right…out of the country.

  9. is that an F10b being tested at Mugello?

    1. Test / media day at Fiorano.

  10. Nice one qwerty_uk – Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in Valencia :)

  11. and also a nice pic of JB aswell !!

  12. Successful English sportsmen have been giving advice to our useless, overpaid, idiotic footballers.

    Jenson and Lewis appear in this video: http://bit.ly/d4NsFB

    1. Well it seems to have worked for England!

  13. Jose Arellano
    23rd June 2010, 17:43

    pretty cool blog by alexander rossi

  14. The very interesting piece about Renault shows how hard it is to really stop spending horrific amounts of money. Windtunnels, CFD etc. How many engineers do they have working on those continuous updates!

  15. Might BMW go into WRC with the Mini brand? It would be an exiting idea to have Mini’s challenging Citroen and Ford there! Much better than having giant Toyota.

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