Kubica extends Renault deal to 2012

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Renault have confirmed Robert Kubica will continue to drive for them until the end of the 2012 season.

Kubica said:

It was a straightforward decision for me to continue with a team where I feel at home.

What’s important for me is to be in the right atmosphere, with a good group of people, where everybody is pulling in the same direction. This is what we have tried to build from the beginning of my time with Renault.

Team principal Eric Boullier said:

There have been many rumours surrounding his future in recent weeks, which were a tribute to how well he has driven this year, and we are very happy to have agreed a multi-year deal.

Our clear goal is to become title contenders over the next two years. To do so, we need a driver of Robert’s calibre: somebody who is fast, totally committed and doesn’t make mistakes. His performances during the first half of the 2010 season were flawless, and we hope to achieve great things together in the future.
Robert Kubica

With Felipe Massa having extended his Ferrari contract for two more years and Mark Webber set to stay at Red Bull, there were few other places for Kubica to move to next year that might offer him a better car than the one he enjoys now.

Renault have surprised many by bouncing back in 2010. Kubica is sixth in the points standings ahead of Massa and both Mercedes drivers.

Read more: 2011 F1 drivers and teams

Image (C) Renault/LAT

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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49 comments on “Kubica extends Renault deal to 2012”

  1. Awesome news, if he can develop that car then I think Renault will be able to clinch a championship in the next two years. I hope Petrov is given another chance to stay with the team, his performance so far this season just deserve his seat with the team for 2011.

    1. Chances of Kimi coming back in F1 in 2011 is getting slim.

      1. I think they were less than slim, maybe in another year or two. But I think right now, he seems quite focused on WRC.

    2. I hope they get rid of Petrov. Come on! The guy is useless.
      His results this season have been very poor:
      Ret, Ret, Ret, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 14

      After 9 races already this season he’s not a rookie anymore and should be using the car to its full potential – a car that is capable of scoring points in each race.

      1. damonsmedley
        7th July 2010, 15:15

        I don’t mind Petrov actually. He is aggressive which is great for the sport. He crashes a bit but I think he is getting the hang of it now. If he can find a balance where he is aggressive but not overly prone to becoming involved in accidents I would love to see him stay!

        1. I do agree that when you compare him with Kubica’s performance then he haven’t done anything good, but I do think that guy deserve another driver may be that is coming from the heart.

  2. A 2-year extension is good for both parties as Kub will settle down now for more racing than guessing into the future……. BTW, this will tally with the exit of Massa at Ferrari or Alonso?…….. who knows ;-)

    1. And Schumi at Mercedes! So we can expect 2012/13 silly season to be pretty exiting, multiplied by having potentially new wheel diameters and new engine suppliers wanting to come in, all of which make for a guessing game who will be where in 2013!

      1. Alonso and Button were on a 3 year deal too. Hamilton as on a 5 year deal starting 2 years ago.

        All Ferrari and McLaren seats would be open for change for 2013

        Vettel’s contract runs till 2013 too, but apparently Horner is trying to strike an early deal and keep him for an extra 3 years.

  3. no surprise here,nowhere else to go.
    gonna be a quiet drivers market this year and hopefully Kubica can continue his great start to 2010,driver of the season so far

  4. Great news! I think they’re a really good fit and I think they can bring eachother right up to the sharp end of the competition.

  5. Nothing surprising here, an obvious decision taking into account both Renault’s development rate and Kubica’s driving. Good for both parties.

    As far as the silly season goes, the gossipers will have to focus on Schumi and Kimmi. Poor guys ;)

  6. Keith,
    How do you know that?

    1. Renault just announced it.

      1. Here’s me thinking you had a pet octopus and put a Ferrari and Renault model in its tank!

  7. I think there’s a lot to like about post-Briatore Renault and I’m glad Kubica’s sticking with them.

    If it increases our chances of seeing more of the best drivers in the best cars that can only be a good thing as far as I’m concerned.

    1. I hope Renault reclaims full control and invests all the money it can afford to in the team. A shame to be such a great name and trail with a pay driver (albeit a good breed). I also hoped Renault could cash in on their F1 legacy and at last produce decent sportscars (CLIO F1… seriously…)

      1. Why should Renault do that right now. They will be eager to have Genie do that for them (Invest and build up the team) and lend it their name. Good return on investment for both.

    2. For some reason I’m just not too thrilled with Kubica sticking around with Renault for a couple of more years. I feel he has the potential to get a better drive by the end of 2011. Either Webber, or a struggling Schumache,r would throw in the towel and pave the way for Kubica in a more formidable team. I am just not convinced that Renault would be able to give him a race winning car within the next couple of seasons, but any of the current top 4 teams might give him the car.

      1. Well, we all know what can happen with contracts in F1. After all Raikkonen was supposed to be driving a Ferrari this year.

      2. “the current top 4 teams” – you mean of course RedBull, McLaren, Ferrari and Renault?…

        1. Mercedes. I’m going by the points standing in Constructors.

          No offense to Renault, as I know they are fighting Mercedes for 4th. In the long run Ross Brawn counts for Mercedes being in the top 4 teams.

          1. I know, it was a little bite, I’m sorry. But I’m surpriced that there are still talking about “the great 4” as we know them though Renault lately clearly outpaces Mercedes. Standings are misleading here because Robert scores alone.

          2. Yeah it’s more like there is a top 3 and then the group of Renault, Mercedes and Force India.

            Even Williams could be ahead of Mercedes after the last round of updates.

  8. He didn’t have any choice really. All the good seats are taken.

    1. Who knows which seat will be good in the next two seasons, heh? Maybe he chosen the best one? Who knows?!
      Anyway I’m very happy. It’s something in this “new” RF1 team that makes I like them more and more.
      Go Renault, Go Bob!

  9. The future of F1 is looking very interesting indeed! We could potentially have all of the best drivers in F1 racing for different teams and challenging for the championship:

    McLaren- Hamilton
    Red Bull- Vettel
    Ferrari- Alonso
    Renault- Kubica
    Mercedes- Schumacher*

    *controversial choice given his current form, I know, but it’d be silly to right off a 7 times champion too soon, the potential is there if he can sort out his current issues

    1. Actually I think part of the joy is not just that the top guys are in top cars but they generally all have top or at least competitive teammates.

      Vettel has no clear edge over Webber.
      Button lacking on pace slightly perhaps but can give Ham a run for his money.
      Massa he’s been ahead at times but I expect/hope he’ll be much better next season.
      Rosberg- not a fan myself but on his day he can be quick and many people seem to rate him.

      Renault is the only odd one because Vitaly is a rookie and Renault are perhaps looking to build the team around Robert anyway.

      1. Maybe they succeed in convincing Kimi to give them a year of his time?

    2. i don’t understand how that is the ‘future od F1’ when that’s the lineup right now ned!

      1. Yeah but now they’re all under contract for the next 2 and a half seasons at least, so we know what the line up will be for a while yet

    3. Would have to disagree with Mercedes having Schumacher as their #1 driver. I expect Rosberg to destroy him in the same machinery.

  10. Let the Kubica to Ferrari for 2013 rumours commence!

  11. This is great news and I don’t see why Renault can’t be winning again in a year or two. They were hit hard by losing Michelin tyres and they developed well throughout 2008. The R29 was a dog but like many other teams they were led astray by KERS and the whole crashgate thing can’t have done anything for morale. Now with fresh management and fresh drivers the team could be on their way back to the performance they showed 5 or 6 years ago. If they can sign someone like Glock or Heidfeld then that would make them very much a force to be reckoned with again.

    1. I hope they do all of that, or maybe get Kimi to give it a go with them (don’t believe he will, but it would be exiting)

  12. F1withMySon
    7th July 2010, 14:21

    He’s a top-level driver, very talented. Wish him the best of luck for the next two seasons. Go Robert!

    1. damonsmedley
      7th July 2010, 15:18

      I hope he can be a championship contender again soon – especially with the improvements Renault are making.

  13. there’s a report that Renault owner Gerard Lopez is keen to get Kimi for the replacement of Petrov

    1. Will Buxton reckons they want Jacques Villeneuve. Would be interesting, though I think there are way better drivers out there than JV

      1. Robert McKay
        7th July 2010, 16:08

        Legard tweeted they are interested in Glock and Kovalainen.

        I suspect those are more realistic choices than Kimi and better options than JV, who has been out of the game too long.

      2. I liked JV. I think he got bogged down in the playboy lifestyle etc post-Williams and got stuck at a poor team too. But yeah, out of the game for too long now I fear.

  14. charles fox
    7th July 2010, 14:43

    am i alone in wondering what on earth Renault and Gravity are doing running sooo many younger drivers at lower levels in various series’ when they’re clearly focused on Kubica and then geting another half decent/decent/at least F1 experienced driver in to go beside him. surely it’ll be di grassi/glock/senna/raik before some of their many younger drivers?

    1. They know that Robert will not stay if they fail to give him the equipment to do as they plan and might leave anyhow if he could get a Ferrari deal.
      So having a lot of guys to evaluate and get one or 2 of them ready in the next 1-4 years might be the smart thing to do.

  15. i see kobayashi or sutil replacing petrov, kobayashi would be a good choice because he knows bouiller from his time at dams.

    1. That would be fantastic if Kobayashi could get a seat with them.

  16. Magnificent Geoffrey
    7th July 2010, 23:40

    This news pleases me.

    I hope that their relationship proves successful over these next three years!

  17. Great news for the sport, we need more drivers who want to drive and not talk so much like Robert

  18. 2012 – The year that also Felipe Massa’s contract ends. Still hpoing for that drive in Ferrari (deserved).

  19. Raikonnen and Petrov have already been confirmed for 2012

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