Paffett and Turvey on McLaren test duty

2011 F1 testing

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Gary Paffett in the McLaren MP4-25

McLaren will run British drivers Oliver Turvey and Gary Paffett in the young drivers’ test in Abu Dhabi next week.

Paffett is the team’s third driver and Turvey has previously tested for them after winning the 2006 McLaren Autosport BRDC Award. Paffett drove the MP4-25 in the pre-season test at Valencia.

Turvey is currently seventh in the GP2 championship and will be racing in the season finale at the Yas Marina circuit this weekend.

McLaren managing director Jonathan Neale said:

We’re going to benchmark where we are on the Bridgestone tyres and then we’re going to have a very good look at how much we can learn as quickly as possible about the Pirelli tyres. That’s our principal focus.
Jonathan Neale

Read more: 2011 F1 testing dates confirmed

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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11 comments on “Paffett and Turvey on McLaren test duty”

  1. well Gary Paffett ain’t young

    1. But he is wet behind the ears in respect to driving a F1 race!

      Looks like McLaren are training him to be the Pedro replacement for years to come. I am afraid he will have to wait quite a while for a race seat.

      1. He is like Wurz or Badoer. Driver with good car but no chance to drive

  2. I like Gary Paffett, he seems like a nice guy when interviewed etc, but is he actually any good?

    I can’t remember exactly what times he had posted when testing in Valencia, but he wasn’t too far off was he?

    What is he offering McLaren?

    1. Well he was considered for Montoya’s replacement back in 2007 but lost out to you know who.

      He always deserved a seat in F1 but his career has been stuck in gear for a while now so I don’t think he’d make the best of his potential if he was to come into F1 now. Same with Anthony Davidson.

  3. HounslowBusGarage
    10th November 2010, 12:57

    Does anyone know when the Pirelli tyres will be available for the teams to test?

    1. At Abu Dhabi the week following the GP.

      1. Yep, right after the young driver test there will be a 2011 tire test.

        1. HounslowBusGarage
          10th November 2010, 21:31

          Many thanks to you both.
          I assume the times will be published, it will be a great opportunity to compare three sets of figures – race weekend, young drivers and new tyres.

  4. Will the young drivers run on Bridgestone or Pirelli tyres?

    1. They will test on the Bridgestones.

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