HRT beat Virgin to 11th

HRT race review

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HRT avoided finishing last in the constructors’ championship following another two-car finish in Abu Dhabi.

Christian Klien Bruno Senna
Qualifying position 24 23
Qualifying time comparison (Q1) 1’45.296 (+0.211) 1’45.085
Race position 20 19
Laps 53/55 53/55
Pit stops 1 1

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Christian Klien

Had to have his braking system changed between final practice and qualifying:

It was a difficult day for us and we had problems with the brakes in the third practice. That’s why we had to change the braking system which then worked better than before. Unfortunately, there was not enough time during the qualifying session to get used to the new set-up and I didn’t feel very comfortable in the car.
Christian Klien

He and Senna pitted for medium tyres under the safety car and ran to the end, Klien finished ten seconds behind his team mate.

Christian Klien form guide

Bruno Senna

After taking on medium tyres at the end of lap one, Senna spent the race chasing Lucas di Grassi.

Although he lost a lot of time being lapped, Senna ended the race just 3.8s behind his countryman, despite the HRTs being a full second slower than the Virgins in qualifying.

Compare Bruno Senna’s form against his team mate in 2010

2010 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

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    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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    9 comments on “HRT beat Virgin to 11th”

    1. Who would have expected this of HRT at the start of the year. There was not much sense in getting the car to lap quicker, other than doing a good setup (that’s what Klien was for), but at least they did get the reliability in it.

      Congratulations to you Mr. Carabante, Mr. Kolles and thank you to all the drivers driving and paying for the cars to be there. I feel this team will really belong into F1, with serious efforts to go up the grid next year. Now sign a good driver and stick with him.

      1. I feel that perhaps Huelkenberg should have looked at what the future can bring for HRT rather than decline being parked there for next year based on the speed of the car this year.

        The team learned the hard way to work on getting the most out of the car, and seem to have several things ready to be a lot better in 2011 – I wouldn’t be surprised to see them stay well ahead of Virgin.

    2. I was surprised that Senna outpaced Klien this weekend. Perhaps it shows that he is better than his pace against Yamamoto and Chandhok suggested.

      For example, Heidfeld picked up the pace when Villeneuve was replaced by Kubica.

      I think Senna will be around next year.

      1. Maybe Proton-Renault wants to “restore the old days” by recruiting “Senna”?

    3. senna has driver alot in yas marinas, don’t know if it was Klien first time there.

    4. correction driven*

    5. I honestly believe that HRT can be more than just another Minardi, with Telefonica looking to get involved they can hopefully focus on more than just staying in business throughout each season.

      This fact along with Virgin and Air Asia backing up the other new teams could give us some good competition in the midfield in coming seasons!

    6. Very embarrasing for Virgin really – the team with a huge backer and a decent driver in Timo Glock was a promising start for the new team but HRT, although scrappily done, finished ahead of them and ultimately won more fans.

      1. I think HRT would have won more fans if it hadn’t been for their sleazy explanations of driver swaps. Honesty would’ve gotten them much further.

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