Win a big bag of F1 goodies from Unlap


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Get ready for the new F1 season in style with a bag of goodies from Unlap.

F1 Fanatic has an exclusive competition for you to win �95 worth of prizes from Unlap.

And there’s five prizes for the runners-up as well:

First place prize

The first place prize winner gets:

2x A3 prints of your choice – see below for examples of the Unlap artwork available and check out their website for more
1x F1 2011 Line-up mug
1x F1 2011 Line-up ‘bag for life’
1x F1 Fanatic mug
1x Unlap keyring

Runner-up prizes

Five runners-up will each win an A4 print of their choice.

See below for examples of the Unlap artwork available and check out their website for more.

For your chance to win simply send in your answer to the following question plus your name and address using the form below:

Name one of the four new drivers set to make their F1 debut in 2011

This competition is now closed

The winners will be announced on Sunday, so get your entries in as soon as possible.

Unlap also produce official F1 Fanatic mugs and T-shirtsget yours here.

Competition terms and conditions
1. Maximum one entry per household.
2. The competition is not open to employees, friends or family of F1 Fanatic or Unlap.
3. In the event of a dispute the editor’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
4. No cash alternative is offered for any of the prizes.
5. Deadline for entries is midnight GMT on Saturday 19th March 2011. Winners will be notified by email.

Images © Unlap

Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

Got a potential story, tip or enquiry? Find out more about RaceFans and contact us here.

35 comments on “Win a big bag of F1 goodies from Unlap”

  1. Is this also for people outside UK?

    1. Yes. Anywhere in the world! :)

      1. Oh shoot :( I’m residing on the moon right now.

        1. Poor Damon… Keith, I am not sure if you can answer this, but is the winner ‘drawn from a hat’, so to speak? ;)

    2. Yes (I’d say if it wasn’t).

  2. Is only for UK? Or also for people outside UK? Because I’m from Indonesia

    1. Everyone can participate.

  3. Done. Hope I have more luck than the last competition :D

  4. this is awesome :)

  5. Elliot Horwood
    16th March 2011, 18:37

    on the 2011 driver mug, are the mclaren drivers gonna be censored in reall life if i get a mug?

      1. Elliot Horwood
        21st March 2011, 20:55

        Really? Why isit McLaren things that are like that and not any other?

  6. Daniel Grobe
    16th March 2011, 18:38

    Thanks from a avid US reader..

  7. Hurrah! I like competitions.

    Especially because I “won” a previous one and got to meet Keith and a few others ;)

  8. Do you have to be a member to enter?

  9. Done. A mug would be nice, I have one of a Benetton Ford with Camel sponsoring…
    (it does stay well even though I use it almost daily and put it in the dishwasher, but it is slightly outdated)

  10. JamieFranklinF1
    16th March 2011, 20:13

    I’m excited, I think that Brawn GP Jenson Button artwork would look great in my room!

  11. Done. Thanks for all these competitions Keith! They’re great :)

  12. I love un-lap, I’ve already bought two of their shirts. So I usually don’t enter these competitions but the thought of a print is very very tempting…

    1. I was going to buy an F1Fanatic t-shirt and wear it to the Australian Grand Prix, but I think I’ve left it too late to order. Silly me, I would have worn it with pride, too. :(

      1. So just print the logo for the website and stick it on for now!

        1. Or draw it out on a huge piece of card and try and get it on TV!

          1. But preferably not like that guy in Hockenheim 1999, or the other guy in Silverstone a few years later.

  13. Wonderfull competition. Thanks for the chance Keith & Unlap!

  14. JamieFranklinF1
    16th March 2011, 23:39

    Just out of interest, like the Amazon link, will F1 Fanatic get bonuses for products purchased through that link?

    1. I suppose so.

  15. Electrolite
    17th March 2011, 0:03

    Oh good lord I want that Brawn one.

  16. First time entering a competition, Were it says “Your Name” is it your username? or real name? Thanks in advance for the reply. :)

    1. I wonder about that too. And is it with surname and all if it’s the real name?

  17. I have entered, but the form is still visible. Does that mean my entry was unsuccessful? Because when I entered it told me it was saved. I’m confused.

    1. I think its supposed to do that, does the same for me.

      Great idea Keith and Unlap. I would love some great print on the wall.

    2. Did it for me too, just for some extra convincing :P

  18. Keith
    can I just confirm by providing our address are we going to get added to their mailing list (hopefully not :-) ?

    I entered a comp on GP legends and was entered to their mailing list for something I didnt ask for :-)


    Website looks great though.

  19. Cool, cool, cool, cool! Really enjoyed your post!

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