There is little threat of rain falling during the Monaco Grand Prix weekend.
Forecasts rate the chance of rain on any of the days practice between low and nothing at all – sparing the drivers from having to negotiate the barrier-lined track in slippery conditions.
The rainfall radar for Europe shows there are showers in the area but they are centred away from the principality.
The warmest track temperatures should be seen tomorrow, with conditions slightly cooler on Saturday and Sunday, when air temperature will be in the low 20C region.
Location of Monte-Carlo
2011 Monaco Grand Prix
Image © Red Bull/Getty images
25th May 2011, 9:28
We need rain. We need safety cars. We need crashes.
25th May 2011, 10:27
Im not sure if we do need rain. This is the first year ever that ive watched F1 and dont care if theres rain or not during the race. Dont need it with the pirellis being so random.
Chris P
25th May 2011, 11:11
In the past for some races I used to pray for rain (Barcelona, Hungary, Valencia and Monaco to a certain extent) but this year I’m glad we have been rain free so far. The action hasn’t needed rain for it to be spiced up.
damonsmedley (@damonsmedley)
25th May 2011, 14:22
If you said that before any other races this season, I’d scoff at that. But Monaco is never going to produce lots of overtaking. I love the event itself for what it is. It’s like a parade of the fastest machinery on Earth amidst some of the most beautiful scenery our planet has to offer.
I always look forward to it, and dry races look good on TV. But if it’s excitement and carnage you’re looking for, rain and Monaco is the perfect combination. I really enjoyed the 2008 race, because the amount of crashing meant you couldn’t be sure of who was going to win. But I also enjoy the ‘boring’ (I don’t find them boring) dry races, just for the novelty of it.
This is one of my favourite weekends of the year. F1 needs Monaco.
29th May 2011, 6:32
We need crashes? No, you need to find a different motorsport to follow, sicko.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
25th May 2011, 9:37
Comment from Prisoner Monkeys moved here
25th May 2011, 9:40
We don’t need audience thirsty of life hazardous situations!!!
Try somewhere else, this is motor-sport not kamikaze competition.
25th May 2011, 9:57
Today’s annoying low attrition rate makes the survival of the bottom 4 teams increasing difficult.
25th May 2011, 10:07
This season the cars do seem annoyingly easy to drive – we’ve seen just a couple of spins during all the races so far, for instance. Where’s the challenge (or entertainment) in driving cars that seem nailed to the road?
25th May 2011, 10:15
Hopefully there will definitely be crashes in Monaco….Look at last year.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
25th May 2011, 10:17
I don’t agree at all – we see the cars moving around a lot more this year as the tyres wear down. Massa spun during the race on Sunday which has been an uncommon sight among drivers in the top teams in recent years.
25th May 2011, 10:24
Have you seen any of these in the 2011 season so far besides the Massa spin.
25th May 2011, 10:39
We are talking about massa though :)
Im not sure if the cars are any easier to drive. From what i can see its just a case of the current crop of F1 drivers seem very mature in their way of driving. Take first lap incidents for example, its almost unheard of now to have a large multi car pile up into turn 1. I think the current drivers are just very well behaved in general and know how to get a car to the chequered flag safely. The only exception to this could be Schumi who definataly likes a bit of contact it seems.
Philonso (@philonso)
25th May 2011, 11:08
In my opinion the complete opposite is true. since 2007 onwards the cars seemed to have got harder to drive year on year as the fronts get narrower and narrower
Todfod (@todfod)
25th May 2011, 10:18
We need some rain and safety car periods. With the uncertainty of changing weather conditions and safety car periods, we could see Vettel and Red Bull lose some points.
25th May 2011, 10:23
uncommon??? Have you forgotten Alonso in Spa? Hamilton’s three retirements in four races? And the freakish Webber-Vettel crash in Istanbul??
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
25th May 2011, 10:31
(Obviously) I meant drivers doing so under normal racing conditions, not in the rain or while dicing for position.
King Six
25th May 2011, 10:41
Is that a mosque in the picture? Never noticed that before in Monaco, then again I’m not some Monaco aficionado like most F1 people seem to be so I don’t know every single building!
AndrewTanner (@andrewtanner)
25th May 2011, 13:48
What’s with people wanting the cars to crash out?
I would rather drivers gain places via skill as opposed to being gifted a place due to someone sticking it in the wall.
Cheap thrills.
Fixy (@)
25th May 2011, 14:23
No motorsport is about crashing. Obviously everyone wants to win and some may crash doing so, but wanting them to crash is killing the aim motorsport was created for.
25th May 2011, 15:17
Crashing is an element of Motorsport and what makes it exciting at times (as well as great driving skill and brilliant overtakes). Dont get me wrong im not wishing bad luck on anyone in the sport but as a kid i always liked seeing incidents and as ive grown older the feelings remains. Its the natural consequence of getting something wrong in the sport just like seeing poor defending in football resulting in a goal. Crashing will always be in motor racing and thats what makes it a thrill and a adrenaline rush for drivers and specators alike.
xbx-117 (@xbx-117)
25th May 2011, 15:33
I would as well, but I wouldn’t be so quick to just label it a cheap thrill. Personally, I would rather watch 50 laps of great racing, than 1 spectacular crash and then 49 laps be doldrums. But a good crash can enhance a race just like good overtaking.
There is no denying though that crashes are spectacular and grab attention. They have also been a part of racing since racing started (obviously), so in my mind they are not “cheap thrills” but another obstacle in the road for some and a strategic advantage for others. They show error on one side, which then results in victory for another. That is all a part of racing.
If some people watch racing just for the crashes, I see no problem with that. Sure that’s not solely what I watch it for, though I do on occasion like to treat myself to a good crash, haha, but in the end we’re both watching the same thing.
AndrewTanner (@andrewtanner)
25th May 2011, 18:12
I don’t actually have a problem with the results of a crash, it can throw a real spanner in the words which is often an exciting thing about the race, however, wishing for it is a different matter. you aren’t watching the sport for the right reasons.
If I did watch football I would want to see my team perform well, not necessarily the other team perform poorly ;)
Prateek727 (@prateek727)
25th May 2011, 19:54
It’s not so much the slam-bang-derby-demolition that most of us really look forward to from a wet race. Just that underlying knowledge that drivers have to put in a little bit extra to keep the car pointing forwards on a wet track adds a whole new layer of awesomeness to any Grand Prix. The visual spectacle of cars storming around under dark-grey clouds and kicking up all that spray doesn’t hurt either.
sato113 (@sato113)
25th May 2011, 17:16
there could be rain according to-