Lotus: Trulli matches team’s best result

2011 Monaco GP team review

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Jarno Trulli equalled Lotus’s best result of the year with 13th.

Heikki Kovalainen Jarno Trulli
Qualifying position 18 19
Qualifying time comparison (Q1) 1’17.343 (-0.038) 1’17.381
Race position 14 13
Laps 76/78 76/78
Pit stops 3 3

Lotus drivers’ lap times throughout the race (in seconds):


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
Heikki Kovalainen 101.074 84.602 83.814 82.698 82.909 82.437 82.547 82.263 82.629 82.22 81.906 81.804 81.825 82.023 82.588 82.601 83.147 83.278 103.247 85.644 84.394 81.736 82.048 86.574 83.012 83.592 83.264 81.887 81.597 82.302 81.608 83.674 91.749 105.145 115.703 117.714 114.204 86.725 83.79 86.861 84.804 83.728 82.514 82.147 81.831 84.209 82.22 82.075 82.454 82.867 83.21 101.407 87.913 80.678 81.143 82.022 80.774 80.915 83.113 84.674 86.98 83.945 81.872 81.835 81.488 81.453 98.026 115.663 95.049 122.799 89.488 83.84 81.719 81.858 81.77
Jarno Trulli 99.391 84.509 83.655 82.977 82.633 82.272 82.124 82.017 82.172 82.164 81.959 81.656 81.878 81.865 82.267 82.111 83.563 82.946 82.79 82.763 82.988 83.571 83.8 103.222 89.386 83.104 82.25 82.137 81.629 82.255 81.448 82.851 91.954 106.042 117.344 117.048 114.284 86.967 82.893 82.482 81.87 81.861 81.803 82.052 81.892 100.957 87.668 82.531 81.844 81.327 81.813 84.152 82.841 86.097 82.899 84.262 83.497 83.868 83.892 84.7 84.674 86.21 81.788 81.928 81.438 81.277 97.716 114.626 95.55 123.044 87.281 85.649 81.996 82.017 81.913

Heikki Kovalainen

Pipped Trulli by less than four-hundredths of a second in qualifying.

But lost the advantage at the start as he dropped behind Trulli and Alguersuari.

He finished a somewhat despondent 14th: “I lost a position at the start and that was pretty much the end of my race.

“The first stint was pretty difficult and on the second stint I couldn’t really find a rhythm as I kept having to let cars past. After the second stop I was able to start pushing but by then I couldn’t really do much.”

Heikki Kovalainen 2011 form guide

Jarno Trulli, Lotus, Monaco, 2011

Jarno Trulli

Trulli was particularly pleased to pass his team mate at the start:

“I had another great start – I wish I had made starts like that in previous seasons as I think I would have won several races with starts like that.”

He dropped behind Alguersuari through the pit stops and was passed by the recovering Paul di Resta, ending up 13th behind the Force India.

Jarno Trulli 2011 form guide

2011 Monaco Grand Prix

    Browse all 2011 Monaco Grand Prix articles

    Image © Team Lotus

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    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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    10 comments on “Lotus: Trulli matches team’s best result”

    1. I can’t help but feel that Jarno should bite the bullet soon and hang up his helmet… he has been off form all season. I don’t know if it’s motivation related or what but he is simply not cutting it against Kovalainen.

      1. 3 places off points? Not a bad race! He did better than Kovalainen.

        1. Yeah, after this race he shows it makes sense to have him in the car. I like him saying how he could have won more with better starts, as he was always dropping back at Toyota!

      2. This is not the time to say this, he beat his team mate in the race and was so close to him in qualifying, despite being 7 years older.

        1. Not to mention that he still isn’t happy with the power steering…

    2. Good job by them as there were lots of action on track & they kept away from everything.

    3. Can anyone elaborate on the power steering problem Jarno has mentioned this season?

      Seems weird that one it doesn’t affect Heikki and also that the team haven’t found a solution after this many races.

      1. Apparently it’s the way the system feeds back given feel to the drivers. It does also affect Heikki’s car, but he feels more comfortable with it than Trulli.

        1. It will be replaced in Canada.

    4. Kovalainen did have a pretty dire start. At least he finished though which is better than what happened in Barcelona.

      It must be so frustrating to be two race winning drivers, constantly being blue flagged. But, their choice I guess!

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