Virgin: Glock slips to 15th with damaged tyre

2011 Canadian GP team review

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Virgin fell to last in the championship as their drivers finished behind Vitantonio Liuzzi.

Timo Glock Jerome d’Ambrosio
Qualifying position 22 24
Qualifying time comparison (Q1) 1’18.537 (-0.877) 1’19.414
Race position 15 14
Laps 69/70 69/70
Pit stops 2 4

Virgin drivers’ lap times throughout the race (in seconds):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Timo Glock 163.407 123.699 124.886 117.89 101.067 100.498 101.391 107.898 112.637 129.793 127.091 117.91 99.456 99.229 100.157 99.217 99.945 101.786 113.178 118.339 111.194 109.689 109.039 131.666 143.991 129.02 122.528 120.236 120.291 120.631 122.877 122.25 134.022 98.552 96.692 105.436 112.106 125.758 118.106 97.103 95.89 95.328 95.335 93.307 92.422 93.464 92.853 92.102 92.107 109.777 104.317 89.314 92.647 93.929 99.908 106.832 120.348 121.223 88.761 89.752 86.613 86.677 85.536 92.462 87.382 85.36 84.59 85.74
Jerome dAmbrosio 167.564 122.113 125.371 117.24 103.522 101.354 101.444 108.411 109.72 130.724 126.409 117.22 101.951 100.865 100.767 100.598 115.16 101.14 110.132 118.721 114.911 113.048 133.519 114.141 152.108 126.537 120.521 118.379 119.585 120.542 121.293 138.86 100.433 98.002 106.311 104.873 112.525 125.851 118.701 96.198 97.207 97.816 95.992 94.019 93.937 93.337 92.044 92.408 92.343 93.887 116.496 98.127 88.586 89.241 100.795 106.166 120.27 121.016 98.945 91.257 90.748 85.741 85.02 84.842 83.269 83.155 82.495 85.86

Timo Glock

Timo Glock, Virgin, Montreal, 2011

Was 14th with seven laps to go before being passed by his team mate and Narain Karthikeyan.

Glock said: “It was a bit of a shame in the last part of the race as I had quite a good pace and I managed to catch and pass [Jarno] Trulli.

“But then I had a massive lock-up on both front tyres which cost me badly at the end. I couldn’t go flat any more on the straights because of all the vibrations, so when Karthikeyan came up behind me I tried to stay in front but he made a move into the last corner and pushed me off the track. He short-cut the chicane when he overtook me and Jerome got by in that incident too.

“On the last lap there was nothing I could do as the tyres were completely destroyed.”

Glock was promoted to 15th by Karthikeyan’s penalty.

Timo Glock 2011 form guide

Jerome d’Ambrosio

Crashed heavily at the end of second practice, damaging his chassis and having to switch to the spare.

He was outside of the 107% time in Q1 but the stewards allowed him to start the race.

He said: “Getting the car built overnight and running again was a huge task for the guys but only half the battle as we then had just this morning’s free practice session to try to arrive at a set-up that would enable us to qualify.

“In the end it wasn’t enough and I’m just very disappointed for myself and the team to have missed out. The car felt completely different to yesterday and clearly Timo’s time is more representative of what we should have achieved in qualifying”.

D’Ambrosio picked up a penalty during the race when the team incorrectly switched him to intermediate tyres before the race suspension had ended. He finished 14th.

Jerome d’Ambrosio 2011 form guide

2011 Canadian Grand Prix

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    Image © Virgin Racing

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    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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    11 comments on “Virgin: Glock slips to 15th with damaged tyre”

    1. I am starting to get worried for Virgin now, HRT are looking like they have overtaken them and it looks as if they are going to struggle to qualify for many more races this year

      1. To be fair, HRT didn’t even qualify in Monaco so I don’t think you have too much to worry about. They will be glad when this year is over now Wirth is out of the way and they can get some tunnel time.

    2. Their car might not be all that good. And Liuzzi beat the both of them on pace in this wet race.

      But their rookie seems to be better than expected and with the changes in the team I feel they might still grow into a strong team. But probably not this year.

      1. Karthikeyan has returned from a 5-year absence, otherwise he would challenge the Virgins more. I think both teams are on the same leverl now, and both Glock and Liuzzi are previous GP2 (or F3000 for Liuzzi) champions.

      2. dyslexicbunny
        13th June 2011, 16:11

        Or the next one. I just don’t see the drive from these guys that Lotus has. I think it’ll be a slow, painful couple of years for them.

        Once everything changes in 2013, they might be on even footing at the start. Maybe they’ll be more effective at developing updates too.

    3. D’Ambrosio picked up a penalty during the race when the team incorrectly switched him to intermediate tyres before the race suspension had ended. He finished 14th

      I guess this was when he came in to the pit while the Safety Car was still out rather than when the race was halted and they were back on the grid?

      1. Yes it was. “Resuming the race on full wets under the safety car” turned out to be a condition which lasted until the safety car went in.

      2. Wasn’t the penalty for pitting and changing from wets to inters when everyone was behind the safety car after the race restarted?

        Either way it was quite an amateurish mistake to make.

        It seems that HRT have caught and possibly passed Virgin with their upgrades, so I think they’ll have to get their car in wind tunnel soon to catch up.

    4. I would always prefer to see 24 cars on track but i’m glad the rule is geared to judge each race weekend on it’s own merits. A good result for Jerome.

    5. Not much of any use for them to gain from this weekend, but a bit to learn, some silly errors made. Suppose on paper 14th doesn’t look too bad.

    6. Maurício Fonseca
      14th June 2011, 17:56

      Heck, the three new treams entered since 2010 took part in 26 Grand Prix. That would make 156 starts for theirs Cars (counting it down due to some no starts). Not even one single point yet to any of them!

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