He’s won more races and world championships than any other driver.
How well do you know the career of Michael Schumacher?
Take the F1 Fanatic Quiz and see how you stack up against other F1 Fanatic readers:
See here for information on how the quizzes work to make sure you enter your answers correctly and get the best score possible:
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Image © Mercedes
GameR_K (@gamer_k)
8th August 2011, 11:08
Apologies Michael, I got only 6. Looking at the brightside I am at 4th place :)
Fixy (@)
8th August 2011, 11:23
I got 9 :(
jsw11984 (@jarred-walmsley)
8th August 2011, 11:48
same here, I just simply ran out of time,
matt90 (@matt90)
8th August 2011, 11:57
Same. All this quizzes are doing is proving how little I really know.
AndrewTanner (@andrewtanner)
8th August 2011, 23:19
Awful, isn’t it?!
Schumi the Greatest (@schumi-the-greatest)
8th August 2011, 11:19
is there a way to find out what questions you got wrong? I reckon I made a mistake typing in the answers that were numbers
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
8th August 2011, 11:23
Not at the moment.
Fixy (@)
8th August 2011, 11:28
I just did the Fernando Alonso quiz and got 15/20, but my original score of 12/20 has been counted. Does this mean we can’t improve, and we have only one opportunity to get a high score?
BasCB (@bascb)
8th August 2011, 11:37
I think that is it Fixy. Otherwise we would have people having a go long enough to get every answer right in the top scores.
Fixy (@)
8th August 2011, 12:22
There could be something which after a certain amount of days allows you to take the quiz again, so that one forgets the questions and answers he gave the previous time, and this could allow the quiz to show which questions were answered wrong because the user would have to wait before taking the quiz again, thus not remembering every correction he made.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
8th August 2011, 12:45
Yes, your first score is the one that’s counted. You can re-take the quizzes but it won’t change your score.
8th August 2011, 16:01
Rightly so !
BasCB (@bascb)
8th August 2011, 11:37
Ha, no Schumi expert, but I hope I can beat my Alonso facts score of 9. Although from the results so far, it looks like a tough nut to crack!
BasCB (@bascb)
8th August 2011, 12:05
Yes, got 11/20! But I had to use three attempts to get answers in for all questions within the time limit :-(
Still a lot better than for the Alonso one.
damonsmedley (@damonsmedley)
8th August 2011, 18:27
I thought I fared poorly in the Alonso quiz… If only I’d known how well I was going to go in this one! I scored… *whispers* 7.
FullSpe3d (@dryyoshi)
8th August 2011, 12:00
6 points. It doesn’t help that half of these events happened before I was born though :)
Icthyes (@icthyes)
8th August 2011, 12:03
I’m blaming my particularly low score on the number of questions about Schumacher’s early career.
BasCB (@bascb)
8th August 2011, 12:11
It looks as if the “highscore on this quiz so far” line does not update itself Keith. It is 15/20 for each quiz and stays that way currently (looks like its like that for all 3 quizzes so far.)
In the highscores table there are several higher scores.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
8th August 2011, 12:41
Yep we’re looking into that.
Journeyer (@journeyer)
8th August 2011, 13:18
If I were to guess, it just updates itself once – after the first guy who took the test completes it. After that, it’s not updated again.
PJTierney (@)
8th August 2011, 12:16
Those “name the specific race he did this in” questions are the ones that catch me out the most :D
KaIIe (@kaiie)
9th August 2011, 10:12
Yeah, some really hard ones in there. Still 16/20.
Ginger (@ginger)
8th August 2011, 12:24
Am I an expert? 4 out of 20 suggests not! I drink too much and this makes me forget.
sato113 (@sato113)
8th August 2011, 12:50
nooooo sorry Michael, I only got 7. oh the pain!
damonsmedley (@damonsmedley)
8th August 2011, 18:36
So did I. But I sense you’re a Michael fan, so I should be proud that I matched your score! :P
8th August 2011, 12:58
That was FAST, Keith. :D Thanks!
Journeyer (@journeyer)
8th August 2011, 13:11
Just 19? As a Schumi fan, I’m rather disappointed. :D
Out of curiosity, is there a way for me to find out which item I got wrong?
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
8th August 2011, 14:00
Not yet, it may be put into a future version.
Journeyer (@journeyer)
8th August 2011, 16:11
Ta. Other minor bugs to take a look at:
1. While the table says it’s the “Top 10 scores”, it’s showing everyone’s scores. Not that I mind, personally.
2. The order of those with tied scores seem to be based on how quickly (or slowly) you answered the test. The first time I took it, I was ranked 2nd. When I tried retaking the test (answering only 1 item to see if that was the item I got wrong), the original score was still recorded correctly, but I was now ranked 1st.
8th August 2011, 13:05
This should be good, I’ll have a go!
daykind (@)
8th August 2011, 13:35
Ah, 3. That was very poor. I ran out of time though thinking about question seven.
Eggry (@eggry)
8th August 2011, 13:10
16. I’m not a good Michael fan, for sure.
Doance (@doance)
8th August 2011, 13:24
Woo! 1 out of 20! Don’t be jealous, I’m just too good.
JCF1 (@jcf1)
9th August 2011, 15:02
Yep me too. My schumi Knowledge apparently only stretches to his age on his comeback in 2010.
Becken Lima (@becken-lima)
8th August 2011, 13:28
15 out of 20
Not bad…
8th August 2011, 13:35
12 out of 20. Some of the events highlighted in the questions happened before I was born.
DaveBanchero (@mfdb)
8th August 2011, 13:48
Don’t hit “enter” when you type an answer!!!! it automatically finishes the quiz for you, even if your not ready….oh well….I hit enter after the first typed answer just out of habit so i got 2 out of 20…
Keith, can this be fixed?
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
8th August 2011, 13:59
I’ll have a look into it. Presumably it’s happened because the ‘Finish quiz’ button is selected and you’re hitting enter on it.
French Steve (@french-steve)
8th August 2011, 13:56
I’m glad on my 16/20 on MS quiz (some questions were hard).
I had 19/20 on Alonso quiz (my favorite driver).
Dan_the_McLaren_fan (@dan_the_mclaren_fan)
8th August 2011, 17:12
My absence during the best years of MSC certainly did not help me score a lot in this quizz :-(
Damon (@damon)
8th August 2011, 17:52
Haha, I was absent during the best Alonso years.
I’ve watched F1 in the years 1992-2002, 2007-
Dan_the_McLaren_fan (@dan_the_mclaren_fan)
8th August 2011, 18:19
I was also absent until 2007, but I scored better on the Alonso quizz (13/20)
David-A (@david-a)
8th August 2011, 19:48
15, not particularly good
Ben Needham (@ben-n)
8th August 2011, 21:25
Quite gutted to get only 11 on that one, although I did struggle on the one’s we had to name specific GP’s in! I’m very good at trivia and stats, but not memory! A great feature!
Harry Palmer (@harry-palmer)
8th August 2011, 22:14
10/20… that 5 minutes just flies by (doubly so as I kept checking to see how much time I had left!) I ran out of time and just had to have a wild stab at about half of them, which might explain a few of the ones I got wrong! ;)
AndrewTanner (@andrewtanner)
8th August 2011, 23:20
4/20. Wow.
I’m a walking Michael Schumacher encyclopaedia!
sato113 (@sato113)
9th August 2011, 18:25
please do a (currently used) F1 circuits quiz! with pictures!
dsob (@dsob)
10th August 2011, 6:42
Well, dang. Can’t re-take the quiz to change your score. Lightning storm blew my internet connection on Question 2. The system now shows I answered 2 correctly. Bummer.