Sauber: Kobayashi helps team clinch seventh

2011 Brazilian GP team review

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Sauber held on to seventh in the constructors’ championship.

Kamui Kobayashi Sergio Perez
Qualifying position 16 17
Qualifying time comparison (Q2) 1’14.129 (-0.053) 1’14.182
Race position 9 13
Laps 70/71 70/71
Pit stops 2 2

Sauber drivers’ lap times throughout the race (in seconds):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Kamui Kobayashi 90.911 81.282 81.257 79.916 79.852 79.557 79.819 79.69 79.646 80.14 79.59 80.165 79.765 79.496 79.432 79.383 79.598 79.394 79.375 80.11 83.688 96.713 78.746 78.008 78.271 78.056 77.953 78.298 78.316 78.708 78.547 78.444 78.457 78.045 78.453 78.149 78.085 78.331 78.499 78.439 78.914 79.6 83.367 92.155 77.875 77.828 79.01 78.243 79.513 79.044 78.626 78.347 78.127 78.206 77.644 78.008 77.836 78.023 77.998 77.783 77.712 78.215 77.922 79.792 78.399 78.031 78.107 79.075 77.701 77.89
Sergio Perez 91.652 81.405 81.316 80.58 80.053 80.052 79.778 79.787 79.892 79.857 79.808 80.342 79.865 80.043 79.843 79.871 79.945 80.031 80.239 85.132 94.217 79.074 78.735 78.43 78.357 78.603 78.567 78.345 78.762 79.126 78.538 79.367 78.652 78.633 87.324 78.957 80.51 80.352 79.063 78.898 79.514 79.695 79.836 83.501 92.736 78.671 78.714 78.623 78.37 78.459 78.679 78.735 78.903 78.406 79.086 78.426 78.174 78.148 77.889 78.098 78.005 77.933 77.78 78.375 77.932 78.389 78.002 78.283 78.078 78.188

Kamui Kobayashi

Kamui Kobayashi, Sauber, Interlagos, 2011
Start tyre Soft
Pit stop 1 Soft 25.117s
Pit stop 2 Medium 21.231s

Kobayashi admitted he had difficulty just reaching Q2 in the Sauber: “I was really fighting on every lap. It was tight to get into Q2 because already in Q1 it was difficult to warm up the tyres.”

Kobayashi struck an important blow in the constructors’ championship battle with Toro Rosso, splitting the two drivers. He then jumped Sebastien Buemi at the first round of pit stops.

“The team did a very good job to recover from a really bad qualifying,” he said. “I had a good start and also a good race pace. We worked a lot on the race pace and I’m happy that I was able to score in the final two races of the season. It was important for us to finish ahead of Toro Rosso and I’m glad we managed to do that.”

After several point-less finished in the middle of the season, Kobayashi has now scored in the last two races, which helped Sauber secure seventh in the constructors’ championship.

Kamui Kobayashi 2011 form guide

Sergio Perez

Start tyre Soft
Pit stop 1 Soft 22.221s
Pit stop 2 Medium 21.337s

Perez struggled on his way to 16th in qualifying: “The main problem for me was that the car was so inconsistent: every lap was different, and I couldn’t get temperature into the tyres.”

He was one of several drivers who set his car up expecting rain on Sunday, and found the car less well suited to the dry conditions.

“The rear tyres tended to overheat,” he said. “The car was quite difficult to drive and I’m sorry for the spin at half distance.”

Sergio Perez 2011 form guide

2011 Brazilian Grand Prix

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    Image © Sauber F1 Team

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    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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    9 comments on “Sauber: Kobayashi helps team clinch seventh”

    1. what a crucial drive by KOB. he pulled that performance out of the bag when the team needded it the most.

      1. Exactly @sato113! Very well done, mature driving by Kamui.

    2. Glad Kobayashi got some points in the last two races as he was starting to falter somewhat. It is a shame that Sauber just can’t keep up with the rate of development of the other teams. Well I assume that this is the problem and why they dropped off the pace towards the end of the season. After a great start to the season, albeit with some illegal wings, I thought they would be and should have been a lot further ahead of the Toro Rossos.

      1. Toro Rosso had some bad luck, too… In Spa both cars were looking for a strong race…

      2. They apparently decided not to pursue a true off-throttle blowing EBD. Possibly because the Ferrari engine doesn’t do it as well as the Renault or Mercedes (as the the Scuderia Ferrari contrasting pace in Silverstone+quali/race shows), so the gain wasn’t worth the cost for them, and they didn’t seem to expect the STR and FI to take off so well after the summer break.

        But it does mean their car is fundamentally sound, so next year they can evolve it, so that’s good.

    3. Therealscottyd
      28th November 2011, 16:08

      Any idea why KK’s 1st pit stop was so slow? 25.117s to Perez 22.221s & their 2nd pit stops were almost exact time

    4. “We need the points!!”

    5. I just hope next year the team can give them a good car as both the drivers are capable of fighting for the points every race.

    6. Great last effort by Kobayashi. To finish the last two races in the points when they’ve had a relatively dire second half of the season was great.

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