F1 fans’ videos from the 2012 Spanish Grand Prix

2012 Spanish Grand Prix

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Videos shot by F1 fans during the Spanish Grand Prix weekend, including two views of Michael Schumacher’s crash with Bruno Senna.

Practice at turn three

The long, fast turn three is one of the Circuit de Catalunya’s tyre-killing corners. Here an HRT gets out of shape during practice, adding another rubber mark to the surface.

Hamilton takes pole position

The crowd cheer as home hero Fernando Alonso briefly takes pole position – before his time is beaten by Pastor Maldonado and Lewis Hamilton.

The McLaren driver gets a round of applause – but he was stripped of pole position later that evening, putting Alonso on the front row.

The start


Alonso converted second on the grid to first place by turn one, to the approval of the crowd.

Schumacher and Senna collide

The crash involving Michael Schumacher and Bruno Senna at turn one was caught on video by two fans.

Button passes Massa

Button shows how it’s supposed to be done, passing Massa into turn one.

Maldonado wins

Pastor Maldonado crosses the line to claim his first Grand Prix win, followed by Alonso with Kimi Raikkonen close behind.


Maldonado celebrates his first F1 win.

Fire at Williams

The fire which broke out in the Williams pit after the race was captured by this fan opposite the garage. Although several people who worked to put out the blaze suffered smoke inhalation and were hospitalised, there were no serious injuries.

The race weekend

Highlights from the Spanish Grand Prix weekend.

If you’ve shot any F1 footage you’d like to share, please get in touch via the contact form, using Twitter or via F1 Fanatic’s YouTube account.

Thanks to Damonsmedley for his help with this feature.

2012 Spanish Grand Prix

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Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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15 comments on “F1 fans’ videos from the 2012 Spanish Grand Prix”

  1. Chris Renota
    19th May 2012, 18:11

    Can’t help but realize the girl in red in the first video had her top falling off!!

    1. maybe that was the reason Schumacher missed his braking point? ;)

    2. the first video? there is no one there

    3. Spanish delight

  2. Keith that the McLaren overtaking Massa belongs to Button not Hamilton. In the latter case Massa served a drive through as opposed to being overtaken by him.

    1. So it does – have changed the text, thanks.

  3. This is really interesting, watch the first video re: Schumacher and Senna Collide…
    I think you can hear that the Mclaren and Red Bull cars still have slightly ‘gravely’ sounding exhausts on the downshifts. They may still be exploiting the tiny bit of exhaust blowing allowed within this years regs.

  4. Arno Neemers
    19th May 2012, 19:28

    “Although several people who worked to put out the blaze suffered smoke inhalation and were hospitalised, there were no serious injuries.”

    This statement is incorrect. There is one individual who reportedly has 30-40% burns, and last I heard was still hospitalized, after having been transported back to the UK. I would imagine with burns to that degree, it will be a while before he or she can be released, and a lengthy period indeed before they can resume a somewhat normal life.

  5. Hi, the top 2 videos are mine and I have finished my race edit now if you want to view it. Includes some good racing action as well as schumacher and senna’s crash

    1. you can find it here: http://youtu.be/SDNkzs68V9I

      1. @jcf12011 Great work Josh, another good view of the Schumacher Senna crash.

    2. Nice job @jcf12011, thanks!

  6. Surely Massa should get a penalty for this (doing 101kph+ in the pits)? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJsqex_hSlY

    1. The stewards couldn’t kick a man when he’s down, surely?

    2. them grphics are not entirely acurate

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