2012 Hungarian Grand Prix TV Times

2012 Hungarian Grand Prix

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F1 Fanatic Live will be running during the entire Hungarian Grand Prix weekend so look out for the live page on the site during every session.

Here are the details of Sky’s live video coverage and BBC’s highlights of the Hungarian Grand Prix here in the UK:

Friday 27th July 2012

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Hungarian Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 08:45 09:00 10:30
GP2 Hungary practice live Sky Sports F1 10:50 11:00 11:40
Hungarian Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 12:45 13:00 14:30
GP2 Hungary qualifying live Sky Sports F1 14:45 15:00 16:30

Saturday 28th July 2012

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
GP3 Hungary qualifying live Sky Sports F1 08:45 08:45 09:15
Hungarian Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 09:45 10:00 11:00
Hungarian Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 12:00 13:00
GP2 Hungary feature race live Sky Sports F1 14:35 14:40
GP3 Hungary race one live Sky Sports F1 16:15 16:20
Hungarian Grand Prix qualifying highlights BBC2 17:15

Sunday 29th July 2012

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts
GP3 Hungary race two live Sky Sports F1 08:20 08:25
GP2 Hungary sprint race live Sky Sports F1 09:30 09:35
Hungarian Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 11:30 13:00
Hungarian Grand Prix highlights BBC1 / BBC HD 17:00

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2012 Hungarian Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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17 comments on “2012 Hungarian Grand Prix TV Times”

  1. If memory serves, it was at this race last year that the bad news broke that Sky was showing F1.

    One year on, its another sky exclusive race, which is yet another Sunday spent pacing around trying to avoid the result so that I can watch the highlights later. Once you get into that habit you can barely be bothered to wtch the live ones anymore either.

    It is certainly a good way to turn people off the sport, well done BBC and Sky.

    1. watch it on the internet then…. coolsport.tv or something
      personally, I have the inlaws up for the weekend, so the likelihood of watching, even if on the BBC, is less than zero ;-)


      1. I was 2 laps into the German GP last week before the stream died… Maybe I was using an unreliable one but that made it worse!

    2. Yes, it was on the morning of Friday practice:


    3. Wish people would stop whinning about Sky showing F1. BBC should be getting the blame for what happened, not Sky.

      1. Well said.

      2. I did say BBC and Sky, for those reasons.

    4. Simple answer to all your pacing problems. Get Sky. The coverage is really rather good and there are no ad breaks during a race. I personally just dislike the main presenters (Simon Lazenby and that woman) but guest presenters are mostly good (with the exception of Damon ‘ZZZzzz…’ Hill.)
      And the commentary team is basically the same. It’s a fair package and if you love F1 – it is worth it… If it’s out of principal then fair enough – but I would say things like nose, cut, face, spite…

      1. +1 Georgie Thompson is the trophy presenter really. Very pleasing on the eye, but isnt very clued up on the sport. I prefer Lazenby to Humphery though.

      2. Not really out of principle. More like money. I have freeview and its fab, I rarely watch the TV for anything else. 50 quid a month can’t be afforded in my house sadly!

        1. Yeah, sorry WillP – a bit ignorant of me to assume that may not be an issue. For what it’s worth we’re paying just a tadge over £30 a month (we’ve never had Sky before btw) as we got the HD pack which throws in the F1 channel. We’re not interested in other sports channels. I think this is the minimum cost package for F1 anyway.
          Agreed, Freeview is a great package indeed and did us fine since the day it was introduced.

  2. Dimitris 1395 (@)
    26th July 2012, 14:40


    Free Practice 1 (OTE Sport 3 & HD): 10-50-12:45
    Free Practice 2 (OTE Sport 3 & HD): 14-50-16:45

    Free Practice 3 (OTE Sport 3 & HD): 11:50-13:15
    Qualifying & GP@ Feature Race (OTE Sport 3 & HD): 14:50-18:00

    GP2 Sprint Race (OTE Sport 3 & HD) 11:30-13:00
    Race (Alpha TV) 14:00-17:00
    (OTE Sport 3 & HD) 14:45-17:15

    Note that the coverage might get affected due to Olympic Games. All times are GMT+3

  3. Yes, I agree, the Sky coverage is damm good & you get the awsome in car choices on the red button, perfect when you see a passing move on the cards & you can cut out the commenatators gibbering & enjoy the engine sounds..
    Plus it’s effectively inclusive in your subscription – even without HD it’s on live. And btw, I am paying less for Sky and b/band-landline than I was for muppet BT b/band & landline monthly.
    I am arch anti-Murdoch in principle but overall Sky are a pretty good service provider. And I don’t say that very often…

    1. Yeah you really sound anti Murdoch with your advert! It is definitely not inclusive in a basic subscription. I dont even think Sky coverage is any good. Not original whatsoever, good bits are just staff stolen from BBC. Lazenby is cringe worthy….even he looks like he is cringing. The show is too long making it boring and dragged out. I get to see both (dont pay for sky) I would choose BBC all day long.

      1. And those bits were taken from ITV. If it aint broke, dont fix it.

        1. Like what? Jake? EJ? DC? Commentators? Red Button forum? Light hearted banter? Technical analysis? Great intros like wing walking, camping, cycling? No thats right they are all original to BBC.

  4. I still blame the Olympics for all this. All the resources of the already financially squeezed BBC have had to devote to what is just a fortnight’s running and jumping means that a sport which GENUINELY leaves a financial legacy in the UK is being swallowed up by a pay-TV broadcaster.

    Seriously guys, does not the motorpsort industry in this country have a bigger fan base, provides more long-terms jobs, and provides more YEAR-ON-YEAR income to the British economy than what is going to be a massively expensive one-off ??

    I can see now why Bernie wants the London GP to be held at the Olympic Park. It’s the only way to get any long term use out the damned thing.

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