Fans’ videos from the 2012 Hungarian Grand Prix

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Fans’ videos from the Hungarian Grand Prix including a great close-up from the grid, Michael Schumacher facing questions from local Hungarian children, and more.

Practice in slow-mo

Some slow-motion shots from practice, including the wet second session. Keep an eye out for the flow-vis on Fernando Alonso’s car and Romain Grosjean getting a bit of opposite lock on.

Schumacher and schoolchildren

Some good questions – and answers – as Michael Schumacher meets a group of local children. “It is usual to slide but not hit the wall”.

Continues here.

On the grid with Rosberg

A terrific close-up video with Nico Rosberg from someone who was on the grid at the start of the race.

Aborted start

Perhaps still sweating from the grilling he received from a group of infants, Schumacher fluffed his start by pulling up in the wrong spot.

Here’s an angle showing his mistake (see another one here) which caused the cancellation of the first start.


Lewis Hamilton gets a perfect launch as the race starts while Bruno Senna also gets away well in the Williams.

Hamilton almost loses his lead at turn one as Romain Grosjean fends off Sebastian Vettel. Michael Schumacher arrives at the first corner much later than the rest having started from the pits.

Lap one

Further around on the first lap the drivers have settled into the familiar Hungaroring single-file.


McLaren’s pit stops verged on shambolic earlier this year. Now they are one of the slickest and best-drilled teams in the pits. Here they turn around race leader Hamilton lickety-split.

Track invasion

Fans pour onto the track at the final corner after the race.

Thanks to @Girts for researching this article. If you’re interested in contributing to F1 Fanatic, see here for details on how you can:

Were you at the Hungarian Grand Prix? Did you capture any videos? Post them in the Hungarian Grand Prix forum.

2012 Hungarian Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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9 comments on “Fans’ videos from the 2012 Hungarian Grand Prix”

  1. publicly blaming them for their poorer performances.

    McLaren should use this in their next press-release.

  2. McLaren’s pit stops verged on shambolic earlier this year. Now they are one of the slickest and best-drilled teams in the pits. Here they turn around race leader Hamilton lickety-split.

    This is what the quote should have read. Cocked up like a Schumi.

  3. In the ‘On the grid with Rosberg video’ you can really appreciate the difference in sound between the cars. The HRT really does sound odd…

  4. Some of those video’s are really amazing, thank you guys for sharing them. And thanks @girts for sorting through.

    Love it.

  5. Thank you, @BasCB ! It wasn’t very easy to find decent footages among all the videos of half-naked spectators but I tried to do my best :)

    1. @girts – the close up with Nico Rosberg was quite stunning, didn’t know there are people that close to the cars allowed to make videos. Probably that’s a team member.

      1. @kiril-varbanov Yeah it’s Rob Chant, Track Support Engineer at Mercedes.

        1. @mustalainen Thanks for letting us know – mind if I ask how you found that out?

          1. @keithcollantine He has the same picture on his youtube channel and his LinkedIn so I just googled the picture and it checked out.

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