Mercedes marked the 300th Grand Prix appearance for Michael Schumacher by presenting him with a front wing and nose bearing the name of every F1 race he has entered.
It includes all 91 of his Grand Prix wins highlighted in red.
Schumacher was also given a cake in the shape of the special helmet he wore to mark the race and a model car from Mercedes:
the_sigman (@sigman1998)
2nd September 2012, 18:00
That’s so nice! Well done Michael!
ScuderiaVincero (@scuderiavincero)
2nd September 2012, 18:02
Quite a tribute there, and well deserved too!
2nd September 2012, 18:10
awarded honorary citizenship of Spa and an amazing tribute for the 7 times WDC, Truly well deserved. Glad can see this special 300.
frood19 (@frood19)
2nd September 2012, 18:38
300 races is an incredible achievement. admittedly there are more races these days, but 18 seasons is fantastic longevity.
Max Jacobson (@vettel1)
2nd September 2012, 18:38
Does anyone know wether he received a penalty for cutting across Vettel?
2nd September 2012, 18:48
of course not he did nothing wrong
Fixy (@)
2nd September 2012, 22:26
He was… naughty but he was a full car length ahead of Vettel, and that’s why he didn’t hit him.
AndrewTanner (@andrewtanner)
3rd September 2012, 19:37
I’m glad he finished the race, I thought it would be just his luck to have to retire.