2012 Korean Grand Prix TV Times

2012 Korean Grand Prix

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F1 Fanatic Live will be running during the entire Korean Grand Prix weekend so look out for the live page on the site during every session.

Here are the details of Sky and the BBC’s live video coverage of the Korean Grand Prix here in the UK:

Friday 12th October 2012

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Korean Grand Prix first practice live BBC Red Button 01:55 02:00 03:30
Korean Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 01:45 02:00 03:30
Korean Grand Prix second practice live BBC Red Button 05:55 06:00 07:30
Korean Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 05:45 06:00 07:30

Saturday 13th October 2012

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Korean Grand Prix third practice live BBC Red Button 02:55 03:00 04:00
Korean Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 02:45 03:00 04:00
Korean Grand Prix qualifying live BBC1 / BBCHD 05:00 06:00
Korean Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 05:00 06:00

Sunday 14th October 2012

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts
Korean Grand Prix live BBC1 / BBCHD 06:00 07:00
Korean Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 05:30 07:00

Please share details of the F1 coverage in your area below.

If you’re unable to watch the race at your location, join the F1 in Pubs forum to find a place to watch the race:

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2012 Korean Grand Prix

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    Author information

    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

    Got a potential story, tip or enquiry? Find out more about RaceFans and contact us here.

    6 comments on “2012 Korean Grand Prix TV Times”

    1. Going to take a guess, but it looks like you’ve got the session start time for Sky Sports F1 slightly wrong there, unless they have a 7.5 hour buildup and delay showing the race by 6 hours

    2. @keith, slight typo on the Sky race start time? :)

      1. Sorted, thanks.

    3. For 2nd race in a row, there is no live broadcast of the race in Greece. Well it is, unless you pay 50 euros a month…

    4. Looks like early starts this weekend!

    5. Another punishing weekend! Bring it on.

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