2012 United States Grand Prix TV Times

2012 United States Grand Prix

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F1 Fanatic Live will be running during the entire United States Grand Prix weekend so look out for the live page on the site during every session.

Here are the details of Sky’s live video coverage and the BBC’s highlights of the United States Grand Prix here in the UK:

Friday 16th November 2012

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
United States Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 14:45 15:00 16:30
United States Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 18:45 19:00 20:30

Saturday 17th November 2012

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
United States Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 14:45 15:00 16:00
United States Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 17:00 18:00
United States Grand Prix qualifying highlights BBC2 22:30

Sunday 18th November 2012

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts
United States Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 17:30 19:00
United States Grand Prix highlights BBC1 22:30

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    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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    16 comments on “2012 United States Grand Prix TV Times”

    1. Does anyone know why the race starts an hour later than qualifying (19:00 and 18:00 respectively)?

      1. Probably to ensure that the race clashes with NASCAR’s finale so F1 fails again in the States.

        I think the real reason is just to start the race a bit later; the local start time is 1pm now, starting a GP at noon seems a bit early doesn’t it?

    2. BBC qualifying’s at 21:00, not 22:30 – http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01p1nm5

      1. @tomsk Thanks for pointing that out, however elsewhere on their site it says 22:30:


        At this point on a race weekend I’ve usually had an email from them with confirmation of the times. One hasn’t appeared yet, I’ll chase it up.

    3. When races are in this time zone the BBC’s highlights-only coverage is particularly annoying – it’s on too late, especially on Sunday night when I need to get up for work the next day. I know they’re prevented from showing it any earlier but it’s these instances where I most feel the loss of the live coverage and feel like I’m missing out – had the same problem with Canada as well.

      1. In the age of Internet such time lapse is pathetic.

        1. Record the events for viewing later and where ear plugs between.

        2. @jcost I’m not sure what the internet has to do with it, they’re not allowed to show it live.

          1. Because via the internet you can watch any live sports stream from any broadcaster in the world in real time

        3. Well they have to show highlights, and they have to be edited, and that takes time. What’s the problem here?

    4. I bet every single person in the beeb is routing for Alonso this weekend. It would be pretty embarrassing for them if they missed the title being won in the inaugural race at Cota.

    5. Anyone know what the support races are this weekend? And if they’ll be shown anywhere.
      Shame that V8 Supercars got so badly treated in Abu Dhabi.

      1. This listing gives something called HGP, Pirelli GT3 Cup Trophy USA West (try saying that three times fast!) and Ferrari Challenge as the support classes. So nothing too major.

        1. Historic Grand Prix, if I’m not mistaken.

    6. USA coverage on SPEED Channel, all times Eastern.
      Friday, November 16th
      ~10:00am — FP1 {Live}
      ~11:30am — All American Victor: Dan Gurney Belgian GP {re-air}
      ~12:00pm — Mobil 1 The Grid: USGP Special {New}
      ~1:30pm — Building the Circuit of the Americas {re-air}
      ~2:00pm — FP2 {Live}

      Saturday, November 17th
      ~12:00am — F1 Debrief {New}
      ~10:00am — FP3 {Live}
      ~1:00pm — Qualifying {Live}
      ~11:00pm — F1 Debrief {re-air}

      Sunday, November 18th
      ~12:00am — Qualifying {re-air}
      ~1:30pm — United States Grand Prix {Live}
      ~4:00pm — All American Victor: Dan Gurney Belgian GP {re-air}
      ~11:00pm — United States Grand Prix {re-air}

      Tuesday, November 20th
      ~12:00pm — United States Grand Prix {re-air}

      The SPEED website will also have 4 streaming cameras throughout all 5 sessions. 3 of the cameras will be onboards & the 4th will be rotating between various onboard & trackside cameras. You can find that at http://stream.speedtv.com/mercedes

    7. Gonna be quite the novelty with the late starts this weekend, kinda like Canada 2011 without the endurance-esque session.

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