Horner says Red Bull “support Webber’s decision”

2013 F1 season

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Red Bull team principal Christian Horner says the team support Mark Webber’s decision to retire from F1 at the end of the year.

Porsche confirmed this morning Webber will drive for them in the World Endurance Championship next year.

“I am sure Mark thought long and hard before making what has no doubt been a very difficult decision,” said Horner.

“His achievements in Formula One are extensive and I am sure he will continue to push hard and build on that record until the end of the season.

“We support Mark’s decision, he has been an excellent addition to the team since joining us in 2007 and we wish him all the best in the next stages of his career.”

A statement from the team added “The decision on who will replace Webber will not be made until later in the season.”

Webber is Red Bull’s longest-serving driver having started 116 races for them.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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29 comments on “Horner says Red Bull “support Webber’s decision””

  1. Surprised theres no “Horner wants clarity on Webber decision” headline ; ]

  2. Traverse (@)
    27th June 2013, 12:11

    I think Horner is finally relieved to get rid of some dead weight…

    1. If Webber is dead weight then what would you call Massa? A giant anchor?? Dead weight is a bit of an unfair stab.

      1. Traverse (@)
        27th June 2013, 12:18

        A giant anchor??

        Sounds about right to me.

        1. Kamui to replace Massa? Although I am a Massa fan, I won’t be surprised if Kamui gets the seat..He has talent..And is also Asian.. xD (Yes I am Asian)..

          1. Traverse (@)
            27th June 2013, 13:03

            Massa doesn’t deserve to be in a Ferrari. Whether it be Kamui or another driver, (such as Hulk) one thing is clear, Ferrari should cut this anchor loose!

      2. petebaldwin (@)
        27th June 2013, 16:09

        @nackavich I disagree. Massa is a #2 driver and will give up positions to the #1 and will block his rivals when they try to overlap him.

        Webber is more on the pace, doesn’t tend to get overlapped and thus doesn’t hold up other cars and would never surrender a position to Vettel. He’s #2 in terms of speed but that’s about as far as it goes!

    2. @hellotraverse – Ooh, harsh :P
      Webber’s done a good job at Red Bull though, 9 wins, 11 poles is no mean feat.

    3. I really do not think Horner is that happy to see Webber go. Marko is likely to be glad to have a spot to fill and show what the junior program is worth, Vettel is probably not all too unhappy to see a tough nut Webber go either, but Horner?

      Don’t they run a racing team together in lower tier racing too?

    4. You don’t know F1, do you?

  3. Aditya (@adityafakhri)
    27th June 2013, 12:48

    does “support” mean celebrate? (JK)

    1. It means a huge party thrown by Vettel, Horner and Marko; the latter 2 being stone drunk at the end of the evening, ending up in bed with eachother, feeling bad about that the next morning until the realisation that Webber leaves, comes again.

    2. I am pretty sure they are looking forward to celebrate a LeMans victory for the Red Bull sponsored Porsche next year @adityafakhri, as its been reported that Webber will have Red Bull backing there.

  4. Chris (@tophercheese21)
    27th June 2013, 13:36

    His walking interview with the Sky Sports F1 lady was the happiest I’ve seen him since the last time he was on the top step of the podium

    1. You have to feel for Webber, what he must have had to put up with.

      I think it’ll be interesting what happens the rest of the year.

      1. OmarR-Pepper (@)
        27th June 2013, 16:18

        not accepting more team orders probably? Or finally to learn how to start a race without losing 4 places :P

    2. Which interview was this, please?

      1. Chris (@tophercheese21)
        28th June 2013, 2:13

        It’s on Sky F1’s website.

  5. I feel gutted. Not an RBR fan but I really liked Mark. No bs, shoot-from-the-hip mentallity and a fast racer. I was hoping he might have gotten a seat at Ferrari but it seems it won´t happen.
    I really cannot help feeling he had the same thing done to him as Michaell had in Ferrari And what I hate the most is that his replacement is going to be the same guy that replaced Michael. That really sucks. I hope the best for Mark, another great talent that leaves us!

    1. @karter22
      Wait, what exactly did Michael have done to him in Ferrari?

      1. @metallion
        Michael was “pushed” out at Ferrari, same as what is going on at RBR, they wanted KIMI and were very obvious about it.

        1. As far as I can remember, Michael decided to retire and had himself chosen Kimi to be his successor. Why would Ferrari, the team who he had won 5 championships for, push him out of the team? Kimi on the other hand was definitely pushed out of Ferrari.

  6. I think the headline should read: “Horner says Red Bull, Marko thrilled with Webber’s decision”

  7. Horner says Red Bull “support Webber’s decision”

    Who cares what Horner “says”?! He proved during and after Malaysia that he is a team principal in name only and commands neither respect, nor authority over his subordinates!

  8. Webber has always defended against Vettel as if he’s the Russian army at the Battle of Stalingrad.

    And defended against Alonso like the French army facing the Blitzkrieg.. The saddest man in F1 today is probably Fernando Alonso.

  9. I can’t wait for Webber stories about his time in RBR, a book maybe?

  10. Nigel Martin
    28th June 2013, 1:36

    Mark was a young lad riding a trail bike around Queanbeyan NSW when I first met him – and what a ride it has been!!! For all the nasty and ** comments – including the dead weight ones above – the Malaysian GP showed that some drivers respect the equipment (it is not theirs – in this case owned by Mateschitz) and their team mates. Champions in LIFE (not just F1) do not have to be ruthless, selfish or arrogant (yelling rudely on the radio like an idiot – ‘tell him to move – he’s too slow’) – Mark shows what the best of F1 sportsmanship is about. WELL DONE MATE – GO RED BULL PORSCHE LMP1….

    1. Funny how you use Malaysia as an example of Web respecting his teammate, or not being selfish/ruthless by following team orders- it’s not like he’s never broken them before. Not to mention that you appear to want to dig at others for being rude on the radio mid-race, when Web has been rude about others in post race interviews.

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