McLaren has presented its new car for the 2014 Formula 1 season, the MP4-29.
Having been championship contenders in 2012, the team endured a win-less season last year. Jenson Button remains with them for a fifth season but has a new team mate.
Kevin Magnussen will make his grand prix debut for McLaren this year. He will be the first rookie to drive for the team since Lewis Hamilton seven years ago.
The MP4-29 has been built to F1’s new regulations which include a switch to all-new V6 hybrid turbo power units. McLaren will continue to use Mercedes engine this year.
“We’ve never had such significant new regulations before,” said their managing director Jonathan Neale. “Reacting to them, and managing those changes, while still pushing the performance limits, has been an extremely tough job.”
Neale said the team have taken a “pragmatic” approach to the new regulations. “We know that the need for consistency initially outweighs the need for performance – the winter tests won’t be about chasing set-up or refining the car; the envelope of performance is likely to be so wide, and so relatively unknown, that the winter – and to some extent the opening races – will be about understanding the operational boundaries of the car as best we can.”
“This year, more than ever, will come down to a development race,” he added. “I don’t necessarily think you can expect the car that wins the opening race to be the car that leads the championship charge, something we’ve often seen in the past.”
“No, it will be all about a team’s ability to react and respond. We already have an update package that we’re readying for race one, and we’re discovering new things in the [wind] tunnel, or in CFD, all the time. Once we start track testing, I think you’ll see an intense throughput of ideas and concepts – that’s the nitty-gritty that will win or lose the world championship.”
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Alec (@vonhoff)
24th January 2014, 11:56
Damn, thats fugly
Jarnooo (@jarnooo)
24th January 2014, 11:59
It’s hideous! Oh boy I can’t help but laugh.
Retired (@jeff1s)
24th January 2014, 13:19
The thing is: 4 grey ‘Mercedes’ in the field, this year? Hpefully they all won’t wear yellow helmets!
24th January 2014, 13:27
Nico posted on twitter yesterday. His helmet is black.
Dphect (@dphect)
24th January 2014, 12:03
That really does look like a one eyed snake.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
24th January 2014, 12:16
@dphect The slot on the tip doesn’t help.
Patrick (@paeschli)
24th January 2014, 12:20
Are they really gonna race with the MP4-29 logos? Writing Jenson and Kevin (like they did with Kimi in the old days) would be much better!
matt90 (@matt90)
24th January 2014, 12:25
No, they’re waiting to sign a main sponsor. That might mean the livery changing significantly too (I hope).
OppositeLocke (@oppositelocke)
25th January 2014, 0:16
I think they’re waiting to sign a title sponsor. I was thinking Durex would be appropriate.. due to the fact that they are a global brand with a history in the sport of course.
MazdaChris (@mazdachris)
24th January 2014, 12:21
I definitely wouldn’t be kissing the nose if I won a race in it
matt90 (@matt90)
24th January 2014, 12:31
At least the slot isn’t vertical.
BasCB (@bascb)
24th January 2014, 12:50
mateuss (@mateuss)
24th January 2014, 13:09
It’s amazing how they have managed to design something that looks both like a middle finger and a ……. at the same time.
Overall I like it, and from the side it looks beautiful, if it would put some pants on it would look good from the front as well.
But ultimately a fast car is a beautiful one, and thats not just a saying, for me that definitely is the case, that when a car is fast or slow the esthetic perception of the car changes. So it is how fast the car will be that will dictate how beautiful it is in my eyes.
bull mello (@bullmello)
24th January 2014, 15:40
It looks like it is trying to tell us something… like – many snouts will be broken in anger.
DC (@dujedcv)
24th January 2014, 19:48
More like this:
Jan (@yancheelaa)
24th January 2014, 12:07
agree ugly as hell…
Mashiat (@)
24th January 2014, 12:09
I thought they said they wanted to identify themselves and differ from Mercedes. Well…that certainly hasn’t happened.
24th January 2014, 12:09
I have to agree. It looks like the merc.
petebaldwin (@)
24th January 2014, 12:14
What’s really gutting is that if you cover the **** up, it’s actually a really beautiful car. The livery must just be a launch one. They won’t go for something so boring and similar to Mercedes to actually race in surely? McLaren have always been so stylish but this is just so dull!
The Blade Runner (@)
24th January 2014, 12:21
I hope you’re right re: the livery.
It looks like it needs “WEST” on the side of it!
24th January 2014, 12:54
Rats…I really don’t mind the Williams solution and was hoping more would be like that. This looks terrible, as does the Lotus. I don’t mind the looks of the cars from the side, but…hopefully we’ll get used to this over time, but I’m getting less and less sure of that with each nose we see as they get revealed.
hzh (@hzh00)
24th January 2014, 12:49
Must see this
Joe (@joetoml1n)
24th January 2014, 15:43
Yay, another Proboscis Monkey picture…
toiago (@toiago)
24th January 2014, 15:47
Would it be so difficult to make it like this?
Also, I’d like to hear what Ron has to say about his new car’s looks.
Strontium (@strontium)
24th January 2014, 17:52
Aerodynamic gains under the nose probably.
TMF (@)
24th January 2014, 19:24
I like the new designs. Granted they look a bit awkward but the stepped noses bothered me more.
Fer no.65 (@fer-no65)
24th January 2014, 19:58
@vonhoff from the side it looks absolutely magnificient ! it’s oooooooooonly that nose tip that oh so ruins every other point of view.
zimkazimka (@zimkazimka)
24th January 2014, 21:41
can we officially brand them “penis cars” already?
Estesark (@estesark)
25th January 2014, 12:34
This would be an improvement on the current livery, in my opinion. It just looks too much like a Mercedes at the moment.
mrjlr93 (@mrjlr93)
24th January 2014, 11:56
i want to throw up
JCost (@jcost)
24th January 2014, 12:27
So ugly. After Williams CAD pictures I was a bit more optimistic now this… oh my!
btw, where’s the orange livery?
Strontium (@strontium)
24th January 2014, 17:53
Livery looks horrific. It was fine with the Vodafone colours on, but now it is just bland.
reg (@reg)
24th January 2014, 20:58
Please. Make. Them. Stop. The. Horror.
ajokay (@)
24th January 2014, 11:57
Grey can be an excellent shade. You can have warm and cool ones, they can be deep or airy…
But McLaren have gone for the most middle-of-the-road, bog-standard dull grey. So sad.
Jarnooo (@jarnooo)
24th January 2014, 12:00
So boring. Not ugly, but so so boring.
The Blade Runner (@)
24th January 2014, 12:06
It’s the same “chrome” coulour as in previous years isn’t it?!
I think the lack of Vodafone colour makes it appear darker thank it actually is.
matt90 (@matt90)
24th January 2014, 12:28
And the black wings accentuate it. I think you’re right.
The Blade Runner (@)
24th January 2014, 12:39
Actually, with the black and chrome look being prevalent on the car maybe the Sony predictions were correct as per this photo
24th January 2014, 15:23
Looks like a trustworthy site.
jason tomlinson (@jasonryan)
24th January 2014, 20:36
that sony livery looks 100% better than the launch livery
24th January 2014, 12:11
@ ajokay – they’ve gone for the “Ron Dennis OCD” grey.
BasCB (@bascb)
24th January 2014, 12:51
Ron Dennis-gray. Fitting
Kingshark (@kingshark)
24th January 2014, 16:27
Speaking of Vodafone, is it just me or does this McLaren barely have any sponsors at all on it? I mean, the name of the livery is on the sidepod, where typically the title sponsor is located.
Strontium (@strontium)
24th January 2014, 17:59
Not just you. Remember though, this is just the launch. There are two months until the first race.
Magnificent Geoffrey (@magnificent-geoffrey)
24th January 2014, 11:57
‘Don’t mention the nostrils, don’t mention the nostrils, don’t mention the nostrils…’
ScuderiaVincero (@scuderiavincero)
24th January 2014, 11:57
Oh god why….
Arijit (@arijitmaniac)
24th January 2014, 12:06
On first sight it looked like a Mercedes with a bad cold!
Daniel (@collettdumbletonhall)
24th January 2014, 15:21
Hahaha, I like that
Mikkel Sørensen (@)
24th January 2014, 11:57
Oh my God. Not pretty.
Wallbreaker (@wallbreaker)
24th January 2014, 11:57
Not sure if badass or fugly as hell…
andae23 (@andae23)
24th January 2014, 11:57
Savage! And hurray for black wings!
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
24th January 2014, 21:33
True, they do look good. But it took a while before I noticed them…
hunocsi (@hunocsi)
24th January 2014, 11:57
It’s weird but I quite like it – or at least more than the previous models and models we’ve seen.
sushant008 (@sushant008)
24th January 2014, 11:57
It is like watching a black n white movie :/
Atticus (@atticus-2)
24th January 2014, 11:58
Looks like they indeed stuck to the pullrod at the front. Interesting that – I think – Force India adoped it as well.
Atticus (@atticus-2)
24th January 2014, 12:00
Nope, I misjudged it.
mantresx (@mantresx)
24th January 2014, 12:56
I knew they would ditch the pulllrod suspension!
Like I said months ago, the low chassis makes the pushrod a better option, now let’s see if Ferrari also make the switch.
BarnstableD (@barnstabled)
24th January 2014, 13:24
Pretty sure I read an article saying that Ferrari were definitely sticking with pullrod. Cannot remember where though, sorry.
PWP... (@indyf1fan)
24th January 2014, 17:31
Absolutely back to push rod design – agree the question is will Ferrari follow? If they stick with it, they certainly haven’t learned anything from their inability to tune their cars. Even more of an issue in 2014 given the increased attention in the practice sessions to the “power train” setup… Can’t wait to see Kimi loose his temper when the car drives like crap…should be entertaining!
PWP... (@indyf1fan)
24th January 2014, 20:57
Ferrari ditch pull rods and go back to push rod front suspension according to the Marco debut article…
Max Jacobson (@vettel1)
25th January 2014, 12:51
To be fair I didn’t understand why any of the teams tried pull-rod front in the first place. Ferrari proved in 2012 it was difficult, McLaren reinforced that in 2013 and Red Bull in the meantime ran away with it…with push-rod front suspension.
mrjlr93 (@mrjlr93)
24th January 2014, 11:58
i hope Ferrari do a better job unlikely though
Lucas Wilson (@full-throttle-f1)
24th January 2014, 11:58
Lewis McMurray (@celicadion23)
24th January 2014, 11:59
Joe (@joetoml1n)
24th January 2014, 11:59
The nose is as expected, please everyone stop complaining now.. We know they may look like this…
DaveF1 (@davef1)
24th January 2014, 12:00
Oh my…
D (@f190)
24th January 2014, 12:00
It just looks unfinished. The lack of main sponsor gives the impression of it being a “poor car” if that makes sense. It reminds me of the HRT, which is never a good thing. Such a shame Mclaren as usually their cards look pretty good.
BasCB (@bascb)
24th January 2014, 12:59
Reminds me of Sauber 2 years back. Including the horribly boring white with light gray team ware.
24th January 2014, 12:01
These new cars and their new noses are far to phallic of my liking but this is the worst one so far.
Sharon H (@sharoncom)
25th January 2014, 10:51
It’s a real problem from a merchandise point of view. I used have Formula 1 matchbox toys and Scalelextric cars as a child. Whoever would buy their child a modern F1 toy when they look like that?
Chris (@tophercheese21)
24th January 2014, 12:01
Aside from the ‘dripping-snot’ nose, it looks decent.
Seriously, has there been a regulation that says they have to have these disgusting nose cones? Can’t they just gradually become narrower, rather than just having this bulbous blob of cack drooping off the front of their car?
jh1806 (@jh1806)
24th January 2014, 12:20
The rules just mandate a minimum cross section (which is quite small) for the nose beyond a certain point. This is why we see the anteater nose extensions – they’re as small as possible to maximise airflow beneath the car.
matt90 (@matt90)
24th January 2014, 12:01
From above it look like it’s giving you the finger. I assume this is just a launch livery? Although I like the black wings, it seems silly going for such a similar colour as Mercedes.
Mads (@mads)
24th January 2014, 12:18
I don’t think the colour is any different to the chrome they have had for quite some time now.
Chrome is entirely dependent on surrounding colours that it can reflect and since the MTC has practically no colours what so ever, it is going to look grey and dull.
Mike Dee (@mike-dee)
24th January 2014, 12:02
The anteater nose even has a mouth!
Calum (@calum)
24th January 2014, 12:02
That is absolutely horrendous. These noses are absolutely ridiculous. Even worse than step-noses.
Luke Adams (@devious)
24th January 2014, 12:02
I didn’t think you were allowed any bodywork forward of the front wing?
Roald (@roald)
24th January 2014, 12:02
It looks agressive and I like it. The first 2012 car to be reveiled, the Caterham, was MUCH worse to me. I don’t mind this one.
Nic Morley (@robocat)
24th January 2014, 12:02
I think it looks badass. It’s different and I really like it. Mclaren clearly having a much bigger penis than Williams.
petebaldwin (@)
24th January 2014, 12:03
HAHAHA!!! WHAT!? Ok so I was right yesterday then when people were saying the new regs werent as bad as they thought having seen 1 car and I suggested to wait until we see the rest. I don’t even know what to say about the front end of that. It’s.. well… umm… hahahaha!!!!!!
Alec (@vonhoff)
24th January 2014, 12:03
is it just me or are the sidepods MASSIVE ?
AlbertC (@albertc)
24th January 2014, 12:18
They are massive. They will hold not only radiators as usual but also the intercooler (for the turbo-compressed air).
Neel Jani (@neelv27)
24th January 2014, 12:03
The nose was expected so better get used to it guys. As far as I am concerned, I quite like it!
Cyclops_PL (@cyclops_pl)
24th January 2014, 12:04
It looks like the thing which crawls from under my bed every night. Now I’m afraid Red Bull’s gonna have wings and teeth.
Patrick (@paeschli)
24th January 2014, 12:04
I kinda like it, with the narrower front wing, the car looks less like a vacuum cleaner than the 2009-2013 cars. They should reduce the width of the front wing even further and increase the width of the rear wing.
If they could sort that nose out for 2015, we’ll really have a beautiful car!
Sad they didn’t go for an orange livery though.
Slr (@slr)
24th January 2014, 12:05
That nose looks horrendous. As far as the livery goes, this video sums up my feeling of it.
Craig Woollard (@craig-o)
24th January 2014, 12:05
That looks… Vile… Doesn’t mean it will be slow though!
Prisoner Monkeys (@prisoner-monkeys)
24th January 2014, 12:05
I actually quite like it. I think the way the wing supports merge into the nose make for an interesting approach. The other teams appear to have added the anteater nose in as a sort of mandatory afterthought, almost as if they are treating it as a separate piece. The MP4-29 looks like the nose assembly is all one piece, which has the unusual arch shape to the wing support. Looks like there is going to be planted of space for air to get in under the car.
Miko-Jarvinen (@miko-jarvinen)
24th January 2014, 12:08
They should have added a second colour. Red or orange.
Lucas Wilson (@full-throttle-f1)
24th January 2014, 12:08
Why does it have to erm stick up so much!
matt90 (@matt90)
24th January 2014, 12:09
Anybody thinking of a pipefish?
Aden (@blacksimus)
24th January 2014, 12:09
‘Ohh god its ugly’ really who cares??
Just hope they’ve produced a car capable of taking the fight to the top this year and be much better compared to 2013.
Mads (@mads)
24th January 2014, 12:25
I think most of us do actually.
24th January 2014, 12:11
I think it looks awesome! Far better than I was expecting. And the colour scheme looks dangerous!
love it!
Ian W
24th January 2014, 12:12
It looks weird, but kind of cool. It ain’t pretty though!
Adrian (@adrian_debian)
24th January 2014, 12:13
It’s ugly… and i imagine when the head of the pilot will be there that thing in the front will just look like…. I just laughed so hard :)
just.daz (@nemo87)
24th January 2014, 12:14
Considering the rule change, I like it.. much better looking than the Lotus!
just.daz (@nemo87)
24th January 2014, 12:17
it’s the birds-eye view that kills it..
24th January 2014, 12:14
I couldn’t disagree with the general sentiment more, I think it looks awesome
Sensord4notbeingafanboi (@peartree)
24th January 2014, 12:15
Livery improvement but those drivers look ridiculous up there.
Force Maikel (@force-maikel)
24th January 2014, 12:15
24th January 2014, 12:15
It reminds me of those USF1 pictures where they had a truck-grill.
Bullfrog (@bullfrog)
24th January 2014, 12:15
Got to feel sorry for the guy on the front jack this year.
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 19:13
he’ll be a soprano in no time
MazdaChris (@mazdachris)
24th January 2014, 12:17
I reckon it looks pretty good. Shame the livery isn’t a little bit more creative, but the car itself seems to be a total departure from what McLaren have done since 2009. Looks more like the McLarens of old. Still, who cares what it looks like, the big question is – is it fast?
Atrebata (@atreba)
24th January 2014, 12:18
Oh dear… that nose… reminds me of something…
Am I wrong, people? It’s the McLaren-Kilroy! ;-)
hello kitty
24th January 2014, 12:18
not as cute as Hello Kitty, dat for sure.
Me need to see it from da side though…
hello kitty
24th January 2014, 12:21
akilly, not bad considering mindless rules and all…
Sensord4notbeingafanboi (@peartree)
24th January 2014, 12:22
Large air intakes both the top and side ones, strange nose but in my view much better than any type of stepped nose.
Girts (@girts)
24th January 2014, 12:22
Scary front wing, pointy nose
Alien look and bigger holes
andae23 (@andae23)
24th January 2014, 12:22
Livery-wise it looks really good, apart from the red logos on top of the sidepods. But.. dat nose..
PhilEReid (@philereid)
24th January 2014, 12:23
I have to admit, I love the livery. There’s something about it that just works. Probably it’s minimalist look to it. It looks ferocious. And the black wings are a yes as well.
But the nose… I mean…
melkurion (@melkurion)
24th January 2014, 13:03
what livery…..? You mean that can of battleship paint that was left from WW II ?
Mads (@mads)
24th January 2014, 13:36
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 12:23
It’s actually good that they have a pointer in the nose so they now which direction is forward.
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 12:23
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 12:25
Don’t forget that the side views of these cars we have seen so far are pretty cool. A minor adjustment to the front and they will be really cool looking.
The Blade Runner (@)
24th January 2014, 12:26
If you look at it from this angle it’s awesome (apart from that “nose”!!!) I can’t imagine that they’ll race with MP4-29 all over it.
Chicane85 (@ramysennaf1)
24th January 2014, 12:30
i mean in the history of the sport, why does it have to stick up so much in front of the nose, that’s what making it ugly as hell….!!!!
Nathan (@il-ferrarista)
24th January 2014, 12:32
Man, – bring Ron in as quickly as possible! Something has to be done with their design.
24th January 2014, 12:39
Looks like that nose was designed by Ann Summers.
On a more serious note where are the Santander logos?. I know they’ve only just announced the continuation of the sponsorship but I would’ve thought they had enough time to put some stickers on the car…..or was the deal close to collapse?
Deej92 (@deej92)
24th January 2014, 19:59
There haven’t been Santander logos on the McLarens since they’ve been on the Ferraris, so from 2010. They were only the rear wings from 2007-2009.
ECWDanSelby (@ecwdanselby)
24th January 2014, 12:42
I must be the only one that likes:
a) The lack of red – I think the livery is quite nice! Mercedes ruin their livery with that tacky green
b) The shape! (Bar the ugly nose, of course…)
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 13:05
Milansson (@milansson)
24th January 2014, 12:46
I think we will get used to the noses as the season will go on. We won´t do anything with that.. If everyone is using almost the same concept (at least so far it looks like that), then there is a reason to it.
a decently looking car.. curious about the other ones
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 12:50
From the front it looks almost like the air intake of a turbine. Time for jet engines again!
Alex McFarlane
24th January 2014, 12:52
A head on collision between this and the lotus could be interesting. Maybe mclaren and lotus could have their cars go slowly backwards and forwards nose to nose as a party trick
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 13:06
one of them will get pregnant
barkun (@barkun)
24th January 2014, 13:31
lol…it that case it ll be the Lotus
petebaldwin (@)
24th January 2014, 16:54
Yeah we’ll end up with little McLotus karts.
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 19:16
Lucas Wilson (@full-throttle-f1)
24th January 2014, 19:22
Oww, how cute!
melkurion (@melkurion)
24th January 2014, 12:58
Ok…I can’t unsee that…ever…
But after inspecting all images , it actually looks ok, especialy like the rear end, but full-frontal view is hidious!
Malcolm Tucker (@malcolmtucker)
24th January 2014, 13:05
The rear wing looks ridiculously tiny! The nose looks stupid but in a good way. And why is it silver? It’s time they ditched the Merc connection, I was hoping for the classic orange for the unveiling at least.
24th January 2014, 13:07
the McLaren and the Lotus can literally make love….. ;-)
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 14:17
this will be a strange f1 season
Sharon H (@sharoncom)
24th January 2014, 17:18
Some shunts may be X-rated this year.
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 19:17
Tempting for the pit girls..
toiago (@toiago)
24th January 2014, 13:15
I find these new noses hideous, and whenever I look at them I just sit thinking of every possible way to just remove them from the cars. But I guess I have to convince myself that they’re not going anywhere and get used to them…
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 19:17
looks like an appendix
24th January 2014, 13:46
McLaren will win this year.
What will happen is this. When the car ahead sees the McLaren in his rear view mirror, he will laugh so hard that he will drive off the track.
Matthew (@f1matt)
24th January 2014, 13:53
Awww it just looks so sad :(
Bumfez (@bumfez)
24th January 2014, 13:56
If you raise your arm and cover the ‘finger’ with your thumb, it starts to look like a really pretty car. But then, unfortunately, your arm gets tired after a while.
Which also leads me to another problem, I don’t have 22 thumbs or fast enough reflexes to cover every cars nose whilst watching a race on TV :(
PMccarthy_is_a_legend (@pmccarthy_is_a_legend)
24th January 2014, 14:02
I don’t think the nose is that ugly. If anything it is interesting as to see the different interpretations of the nose regulations by the different teams. We will get used to it soon enough. What worries me is the lack of sponsorship on that car and the drivers overalls.
Aveen R (@aveenr)
24th January 2014, 14:15
Hope its better than it looks
ANDREW (@johnson102)
24th January 2014, 14:19
PEEEEEEEEENISSSSS!!!! Just saying what I see.
Always thought cars were like ships and were referred to as females until McLaren let it all hang out…
smokinjoe (@smokinjoe)
24th January 2014, 18:34
I think F1 is trying to attract more women to the sport with the tip of the head of the car. It must be bernie secret plan
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 19:20
or maybe they want Mr Bean to drive one of those cars
24th January 2014, 14:20
If the Red Bull design is similar, Vettel probably stops naming his car after a female, more like “naughty Wolfgang” :)
24th January 2014, 14:21
These cars are so age-inappropriate.
First they have these inappropriate extensions on their noses that look suspiciously like oh well.. and then at the rear, they all have a single exhaust hole.
Its like, one could fix every 2014 car to the other and they could all form a straight line.
Ripudaman (@ripudaman07z)
24th January 2014, 14:41
had the slot in the nose been vertical and painted red like last year’s car, it wouldn’t have been called the anteater nose!!!
Israel Rios (@israelrios)
24th January 2014, 14:50
I have seen this nose before. It’s from Squidward Tentacles .
Israel Rios (@israelrios)
24th January 2014, 14:51
Squidward Tentacles
OmarR-Pepper (@)
24th January 2014, 14:50
This year, the best photos will DEFINITELY be of the rear. The high-res photo is practically NSFW :P
karter22 (@karter22)
24th January 2014, 14:56
McLaren seems like they were “hard” at work when building this car!
Oh man… I definitely like the profile shots and not so much the front ones! LMAO!!
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 19:23
now we know that F1 cars are boys. next year they add the balls..
Steven (@steevkay)
24th January 2014, 14:59
I hadn’t had my morning coffee yet, and I thought for a couple of minutes I was looking at a Mercedes unveiling. I knew something was wrong, but I couldn’t figure out what… until now.
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 19:27
too much sugar in the coffee?
Thomas (@smashnfanatic)
24th January 2014, 15:11
Whats up with the twin extensions either side of the air intake and flaring up near the central exhaust?
BJ (@beejis60)
24th January 2014, 17:18
I also wondered this… Looks like a beam wing-like structure but I’m not sure.
Also, anyone notice the RB9 like tea tray stay?
24th January 2014, 15:21
Its gonna be funny watching the front wing changes this year. I wonder if they will use the *** as grab points.
George (@george)
24th January 2014, 15:38
Hah! Jenson looks like a teacher with two students
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 15:46
I hope with the help of upgrade packages that the engineers will make the cars ******** before the end of the season.
Patrick (@paeschli)
24th January 2014, 15:49
There is something bizarre at the rear wing. They’ve mounted a fixed outlet under the wing to influence DRS opening or something like that. Is that legal?
deanmachine (@deanmachine)
24th January 2014, 15:55
I remember when I used to use F1 car launches to change my desktop background.
Bendanarama (@bendana)
24th January 2014, 16:02
Well, I think it’s just lovely that McLaren are paying tribute to one of their legendary drivers with this car.
…This car is inspired by James Hunt, right?
24th January 2014, 16:18
McLaren shall dub the MP4-29 the “Dodger Todger”
QuadQuantum (@quadquantum)
24th January 2014, 16:48
There must have been a collective gasp of horror when the covers came of that. McLaren opting for the most boring shade of grey in the range.
Djangles LeVaughn (@royal-spark)
24th January 2014, 16:53
Djangles LeVaughn (@royal-spark)
24th January 2014, 16:54
Well that didn’t work. Was trying to post a link.
Mark McDonald
24th January 2014, 16:53
I am pleasantly surprised by its shape.
Even though I had hoped for “McLaren Orange,” I don’t mind the minimalist livery.
From what I’ve seen so far, these cars are a step (back) in the right direction.
Osvaldas31 (@osvaldas31)
24th January 2014, 17:53
Am I the only one who thinks that it looks aweome? At least it’s better than duck noses.
24th January 2014, 18:01
Its a Ron penn!$ Car!!
Good job.
erastus (@crazy)
24th January 2014, 18:12
These are not photos they are fake “shots” look at the car with the three drivers then you can see it is a photo-shop badly done joke by them.
This is not the actual car and launch
It is a joke
Only done by McLaren Mercedes
No wonder they did not do a live release.
Wonder if the car is truly finished as they say.
Fixy (@)
24th January 2014, 18:18
Just like with nearly all recent McLarens, it’s a beautiful car, but the nose of course. The airbox is wonderful, the livery is great (but too similar to the Mercedes), the driver suits are also fantastic.
PS: where’s Paffett?
bbbalazs (@bbbalazs)
24th January 2014, 18:23
By playing with the colours the new McLaren look much better
Here is a link have a look at it:)
DaveD (@daved)
24th January 2014, 19:05
Wow, that looks like a different car! Nice.
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
24th January 2014, 21:37
@bbbalazs Sorry, doesn’t do it for me. If anything it draws more attention to the horrible nose.
The Blade Runner (@)
25th January 2014, 17:25
I agree with Keith.
I think we’re going to have to put aesthetics to one side for the time being and accept that for the foreseeable future F1 cars will be, er, quirky
24th January 2014, 18:42
I hate these new rules. Last years noses were bad enough but now we have anteaters all over the grid. This is terrible…
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 19:25
almost like indycars
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
24th January 2014, 19:36
They put the Mercedes logo on the “thing”. Is there a subliminal message here?
24th January 2014, 19:53
I guess I’m in the minority, but I like it. Very futuristic looking.
tmekt (@tmekt)
24th January 2014, 20:35
I’m not quite sure what you guys are on about.
If the stub of a nose would be “cut” it would really beautiful. And it existing alone doesn’t make the car hideous.
Nick (@npf1)
24th January 2014, 20:53
I kinda like it, especially the engine cover and side pods. The air intakes remind me of F1 around 2006, which isn’t a bad thing.
24th January 2014, 21:41
looks awesome! space age car, totally different to what we’ve seen before, finally something a bit more advanced than a standard internal combustion 100+year old technology engine!
I love innovations in aero and this is a good example of it… we will get used to the weirdness of it…
and no sponsor, surely they are just biding time this year waiting for all the lucrative benefits the Honda tie in will have next year, probably have big sponsors waiting in the wings for next year and at the moment just seeing which of the existing partners wants to up the $$ to get prime spot on this new beauty! won’t matter to them if it wins or not its McLaren! win or lose it **** loads of publicity!
go McLaren!
24th January 2014, 22:33
Did you see, that the tires are Made in Turkey. I would not buy my car tires from turkey. No wonder they blew up.
jre_f1 (@jre_f1)
24th January 2014, 22:38
I like low slung front ends far nicer, but the nose tips are not great, although this is more elegant than the awful Lotus.
They ain’t going to sell much merchandise this year, that livery is so bland, I don’t get why they are keeping grey when it just looks like a Merc? Why would they do that?!
The only reason I can think of is to confuse Hamilton into driving it.
The Blade Runner (@)
25th January 2014, 17:26
It’s chrome as previously!
Tenerifeman (@tenerifeman)
24th January 2014, 22:51
From the front ….. its a praying mantis.
24th January 2014, 22:53
Has anyone else noticed the nose looks like a knob?
soundscape (@)
24th January 2014, 23:14
I find it interesting how often I disagree with the F1 Fanatic comment crowd on aesthetics. :P
This car to me looks bold and quite incredible – and I much prefer it to the Lotus. The only issue for me is the livery, but it doesn’t look to be the final paint job (starkly lacking in sponsors, including Vodafone).
SauberS1 (@saubers1)
24th January 2014, 23:51
It’s a beautiful car!
25th January 2014, 2:05
Was expecting much worse. But what a beautiful car. People complain too much. If F1 cars looked the same all the time it would be boring too.
25th January 2014, 3:31
Houston, we got a problem.
Shimks (@shimks)
25th January 2014, 11:05
I like it! I think it looks slick.
zicasso (@zicasso)
25th January 2014, 12:16
I love it. And, I like more McLaren’s attitude. Here we are. This is us. We are ready. Lets do this. Unlike Red Bull who hides, complains when things don’t go their way, secretive, cheeky and, sorry to say, boring.
Welcome back, Mr. Ron Denis-Cojones.
Boxcar Racer (@mojopixel)
27th January 2014, 17:29
When you look at the car from the front, does anybody see a goats head?