John Surtees’ F1 cars and bikes at the 2014 Goodwood Festival of Speed

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A special tribute to the racing career of John Surtees forms part of this year’s Goodwood Festival of Speed.

On the 50th anniversary of Surtees’ drove 1964 championship victory a collection of his diverse racing machinery has been brought to the Festival.

They include examples of bikes he competed on before he began his grand prix racing career (which are not being taken up the hill). Surtees remains the only driver to have won world championships on four wheels as well as two.

Surtees himself drove his 1964 Ferrari 158 up the hill. The car, which has a 1.5-litre V8 engine, appears in the unusual blue-and-white North American Racing Team livery it was in when Surtees won the 1964 championship.

At the time Enzo Ferrari had stopped running his cars in the tradional Italian red in protest at the Italian automobile federations refusal to sanction one of his Le Mans cars for competition on the grounds that too few examples had been made.

Once his driving career had finished Surtees built his own cars, and in 1977 future world champion Alan Jones drove for his team.

John Surtees cars and bikes at the Goodwood Festival

Goodwood Festival of Speed

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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8 comments on “John Surtees’ F1 cars and bikes at the 2014 Goodwood Festival of Speed”

  1. The car, which has a 1.5-litre V8 engine, appears in the unusual blue-and-white North American Racing Team livery it was in when Surtees won the 1964 championship.

    For those interested: Ferrari wanted to homologate the 250 LM as a GT car. However, because of the limited number of 250 LMs built by Ferrari, the Italian motorsport authorities didn’t accept it as a GT, and thus considered it to be a prototype. Ferrari protested against this by not featuring their heritage livery (national colours of Italy in motorsports). The car was entered by NART, who had previously entered Ferraris in sportcar races, and thus featured a blue and white livery.

    1. @andae23 i was just about to google about it.

      Thanks, mate!

    2. Chuck Lantz
      27th June 2014, 18:36

      I wonder what F1 would look like today if Enzo was alive and well? We can be reasonably certain that he wouldn’t stand still for the sound of the new cars, nor all the eco craziness.

  2. Also, where’s the Honda? He drove it there last year..

    1. @andae23 Not here unfortunately.

  3. would have loved to see bike photos too. I just found on youtube surtees has riden his bikes before at goodwood.

    1. As noted in the article, his bikes aren’t being run up the hill, and there is a picture of them on display.

  4. The TS19’s sponsor wouldn’t look bad in modern F1 cars

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