Bianchi returns to France but condition still “critical”

2014 F1 season

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Jules Bianchi has been brought back to France after making an “important step” in his recovery from the severe brain injury he suffered in October’s Japanese Grand Prix.

The Marussia driver remains unconscious and in a critical condition, as he has been in since the crash, but is “no longer in [an] artificial coma” according to his family.

Bianchi’s parents Philippe and Christine said their son is breathing independently and his condition was considered sufficiently stable for him to make the journey to France.

He remains in intensive care after being moved to Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire in Nice.

Statement from Jules Bianchi’s family

Almost seven weeks after Jules’ accident at Suzuka Circuit, and following a challenging period of neurological intensive care, we are able to announce that Jules has made an important step.

Jules is no longer in the artificial coma in which he was placed shortly after the accident, however he is still unconscious. He is breathing unaided and his vital signs are stable, but his condition is still classified as ‘critical’.

His treatment now enters a new phase concerned with the improvement of his brain function.

Jules’ neurological condition remains stable. Although the situation continues to be serious, and may remain so, it was decided that Jules was sufficiently stable to be repatriated to his native France. We are relieved, therefore, to confirm that Jules was transferred aeromedically last night from the Mie Prefectural General Medical Center in Yokkaichi, Japan, to Le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice (CHU), where he arrived just a short time ago.

Jules is now in the intensive care unit of Professors Raucoules and Ichai, where his care will also be monitored by Professor Paquis, Head of Neurosurgery Service.

We are thankful that the next phase of Jules’ treatment can continue close to home, where he can be surrounded and supported by his wider family and friends. We have nothing but praise for the outstanding care provided by the Mie Prefectural General Medical Center since the accident. We owe the medical staff there an enormous debt of gratitude for everything they have done for Jules, and also for our family, during what is a very difficult time for us. In particular, we would like to extend our thanks to Doctors Kamei and Yamamichi, and also to Mr Ogura, all part of the team of personnel caring for Jules in Japan.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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19 comments on “Bianchi returns to France but condition still “critical””

  1. I am overjoyed at this news-Jules may still be in a critical condition, but the fact that he has made a step in the right direction shows he still has the fight in his heart. With such a terrible accident, its so great to hear this news. The whole F1 community wishes Jules and his family the best and hope for another step in his recovery.

  2. That’s encouraging. I was beginning to think it was completely hopeless lately, I’m glad it’s not the case.
    Keep it up Jules !

    1. “Breathing on his own” and “out of the artificially induced coma” is wonderful news, it means his autonomic system is ok. Higher brain function is still a question mark. Forget ever racing again, I’m sure his family only wish he could regain consciousness and speak and retain memory. Diffuse Axonal Injury is really not to be taken lightly, still it is far better than I feared. #forzajules

  3. That’s certainly great news ! specially for the family, which obviously had some terrible 7 weeks in Japan.

    Now they’ll be surrounded by french doctors, together with all the family and friends. It’s going to be a lot easier for them, and hopefully for Jules too. It’s critical, but let’s just pray.

  4. I am very hopeful for Jules but he still has a very big struggle ahead. Good for the family to have Jules back in France which should make it easier for them.

  5. If nothing else, that’s good for his family. Must have been a really tough month for them. Still hoping for news of further improvement in Jules’ condition.

    1. For sure!! We hope it is also a good sign of evolution in the right path. But great for the family to have Jules near by. Forza Jules!!

  6. Good news .. i hope the best for the guy really. Seems to me even if the hit is like Schumi one it is less severe.. he came out of artificial coma much faster….

  7. That’s an encouraging news ! Forza Jules!

  8. hope he can overcome this godspeed to you jules

  9. Incredible and good news. At this point, it’s a great sign that doctors are fine with putting him in pressurization in an aircraft for like 12 hours and away from emegency intervention for that time. With a serious head injury, your life really hangs in the balance at every single second when you have damage to brain tissue and swelling, so he must be a definite stage of improvement.

  10. At last some good news, bless the Bianchi family for keeping us all in the loop. C’mon Jules!

  11. #forzajules

  12. Some positive news for Jules and his family and friends. Continued hope and prayers for them.

  13. Chris (@tophercheese21)
    19th November 2014, 22:23

    “No longer in an artificial coma” – that is fantastic news! Well my day has just been brightened.

    Come on boy! Pull through! #ForzaBianchi

    1. You’re forgot to mention that he’s at home..

  14. i am a negative soul, so i had been thinking the worst for some time. this is really good news

  15. Great news about Jules. Hope he recovers soon and gets back to racing. He is young and has time on his hands.

    A glorious talent should not go waste.

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