2014 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix TV Times

2014 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

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F1 Fanatic Live will be running during the entire Abu Dhabi Grand Prix weekend plus the second Formula E race from Malaysia. Look out for the live page on the site during every session and follow all the action with your fellow F1 Fanatics.

Here are the details of Sky and the BBC’s coverage of the 2014 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix in the UK:

Friday 21 November 2014

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix first practice live BBC2 08:55 09:00 10:30
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 08:45 09:00 10:30
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix second practice live BBC2 13:00 13:00 14:30
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 12:45 13:00 14:30

Saturday 22 November 2014

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Formula E Putrajaya ITV4 05:00 06:00
GP3 Abu Dhabi race one live Sky Sports F1 08:00 08:05 08:40
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix third practice live BBC2 09:55 10:00 11:00
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 09:45 10:00 11:00
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix qualifying live BBC1 12:10 13:00
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 11:15 13:00
GP2 Abu Dhabi feature race live Sky Sports F1 14:35 14:40 15:45

Sunday 23 November 2014

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts
GP3 Abu Dhabi race two live Sky Sports F1 08:50 09:00
GP2 Abu Dhabi sprint race live Sky Sports F1 10:15 10:20
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix live BBC1 12:10 13:00
Abu Dhabi Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 11:30 13:00

For details of coverage in your area see these links or share information in the comments:

If you’re unable to watch the race at your location, join the F1 in Pubs forum to find a place to watch the race:

Find times for every F1 session this year and all the 2014 race dates with the F1 Fanatic Google Calendar.

2014 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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3 comments on “2014 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix TV Times”

  1. Qualifying will be live and free on One in all markets where as the race will be shown live on Ten in all markets except Perth who will see it on One. Foxtel and Ten are the official F1 broadcasters from 2016 and beyond. Greg Rust is departing from the anchor desk

  2. Well I am so glad those of you in the UK will be able to finish your Roast beef with 2 veg and Yorkshire pud. before the race begins. Here in Oz it runs till 2 am Monday.

    1. Look on the bright side @hohum. This being Abu Dhabi, its quite likely the race will be boring enough that you can get back to sleep without any trouble before too long!

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