2015 Malaysian Grand Prix TV Times

2015 Malaysian Grand Prix

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F1 Fanatic Live will be running during the entire Malaysian Grand Prix weekend plus the season-opening round of the IndyCar championship on the St Petersburg street course.

Look out for the live page on the site during every session and follow all the action with your fellow F1 Fanatics.

Here are the details of Sky and the BBC’s coverage of the 2015 Malaysian Grand Prix in the UK:

Friday 27 March 2015

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Malaysian Grand Prix first practice live BBC2 01:55 02:00 03:30
Malaysian Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 01:45 02:00 03:30
Malaysian Grand Prix second practice live BBC2 05:55 06:00 07:30
Malaysian Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 05:45 06:00 07:30

Saturday 28 March 2015

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Malaysian Grand Prix third practice live BBC2 05:55 06:00 07:00
Malaysian Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 05:45 06:00 07:00
Malaysian Grand Prix qualifying live BBC2 08:00 09:00
Malaysian Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 08:00 09:00

Sunday 29 March 2015

UK changes from GMT to BST

Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts
Malaysian Grand Prix live BBC1 07:00 08:00
Malaysian Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 06:30 08:00
IndyCar Grand Prix of St Petersburg ESPN 20:00 20:30

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Find times for every F1 session this year and all the 2015 race dates with the F1 Fanatic Google Calendar.

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2015 Malaysian Grand Prix

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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20 comments on “2015 Malaysian Grand Prix TV Times”

  1. Way too early for weekends. I’d rather watch a race from 2AM to 4AM on a night between Sunday and Saturday. Can’t imagine a better time for really relaxing and enjoying something on my own.

    1. That’s the time the asian races are in the americas. It’s very relaxing staying up to watch the race, but I can never remember what happened 5 laps ago.

  2. now u know how i feel watching races in euro from here

    1. Atleast your in Europe. Here in the USA every weekend it seems like its 4am or later….

      1. @dohcschwab
        Don’t think @arznil ‘s European, Mike.

      2. @dohcschwab He meant that he now knows what it feels like to be a European watching a race in their backyard, since for once the race is held in his backyard, which isn’t Europe.

    2. I thought Australia a bit early, but this actually feels a bit late for me (mainland EU, so GMT+1) as it means I can’t finish the race before my wife usually wakes up, after which we can spend the day together – luckily this time she has to start early during next week so wants to sleep late.

      1. @arzni

        I said it before, most Asian and American races are quite nicely timed for me, leaving the rest of the day to do something else – 2-4pm really is not a great time, except for actually going to a race, in my opinion.

        1. @arznil, sorry typo in your name

  3. At least you have coverage

    1. @kwacky1 What F1-deprived part of the world are you in? There seems to be quite a few places with no coverage at the moment.

      1. @keithcollantine Well, not so deprived, but I’ve been spoilt. This lovely land of Oz has joined the ranks of many others in no longer showing all quali and races live. Ten/One may be the home of ‘big event’ motorsport, but not the home of F1 anymore it would seem, even with Webber on board. /whinge over.

  4. Keith, is the entry in the Google Calendar for this race wrong (showing Quali as 9-10am for me in London) or have I got my timezones setup incorrectly? Fairly sure I haven’t …

    Also, very minor point but “Find times for every F1 session this year and all the 2014 race dates with the F1 Fanatic Google Calendar.” should read 2015.

    1. It’s set to 8am in the calendar so I’m not sure what’s going on there – see this tweet from a couple of days ago:


      And I’ve tweaked that bit of text, thanks!

      1. Don’t worry, I was being an idiot and reading the “Coverage Starts” time instead of “Session Starts” time in the table above and getting myself confused.

        1. Good to hear – I checked that many, many times in order to be sure as it was wrong on FOM’s website when I last looked.

  5. US times, all times Eastern:
    P1 Thursday 10 pm, NBC Live Extra (online)
    P2 Friday 2 am, NBCSN
    P3 Saturday 2 am, NBCSN
    Qualy Saturday 5 am, NBCSN
    Race Sunday 3 am, pre-show 2:30, NBCSN
    Race replay at 3:30 pm Sunday, and all sessions replayable online a little after they finish.
    More times here: http://motorsportstalk.nbcsports.com/2015/03/25/malaysian-grand-prix-highlights-nbcsns-weekend-of-motors-coverage/

  6. From this season even in India we are deprived of F1. The Australian round was live only on star sports HD 4 which forced me to search for online streaming.

  7. Australian TV Schedule
    Foxsports Schedule (Foxtel Subscription Required)

    Friday 27th March 2015
    FP1/Foxsports 4 Channel 505 (13:00-13:30) *Live
    FP2/Foxsports 5 Channel 506 (17:00-18:30) *Live

    Saturday 28th March 2015
    FP3/Foxsports 4 Channel 505 (17:00-18:30) *Live
    QUAL/Foxsports 5 Channel 506 (20:00-21:00) *Live

    Sunday 29th March 2015
    RACE/Foxsports 5 Channel 506 (18:00-20:00) *Live

    Channel Ten/One Schedule (Free to Air)
    Friday 27th March 2015
    FP1/OneHD (Not Aired)
    FP2/OneHD (Not Aired)

    Saturday 28th March 2015
    FP3/OneHD & Ten (Not Aired)
    QUAL/OneHD & Ten (Not Aired)

    Monday 30th March 2015
    RACE/OneHD (21:30-22:30) *Highlights

    Note: All times are AUS EST based in Melbourne – Please check local guides

  8. @keithcollantine A very rare opportunity where the 24-hour pass for Sky Sports Now TV should be sufficient to watch both qualifying and the full race live (assuming the race does not last longer than two hours).

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