2015 Malaysian Grand Prix fans’ video gallery

2015 Malaysian Grand Prix

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Among the footage filmed by fans during the Malaysian Grand Prix weekend is Marcus Ericsson spinning his Sauber, a dramatic illustration of how quickly the weather changes at Sepang, and a time-lapse video of the cars in superbly clear 4K resolution.

4K-quality time-lapse perspective

The rain arrives during qualifying




Turn one


Turn eleven


Ericsson brings out the Safety Car

Pit straight perspective

Vettel takes the chequered flag

The podium

Sprinting up the pit straight


Vettel receives his trophy


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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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16 comments on “2015 Malaysian Grand Prix fans’ video gallery”

  1. This is amazing, thanks for the share!

  2. At least this year you can hear the cars one turn before arriving (see video turn 11 because the first ones had music)! It’s better, not perfect like the V8 or V10 but I think if they decide to stay with this engine for more years they will understand it more and the sound will develop!

    1. And really like the “Pit straight perspective” video because you can clearly distinguish all the engines just by the sound of it! It seems that Ferrari lasts more, maybe it’s louder, don’t know! But it’s different from Mercedes and Renault! Honda is the beast of the group lol

  3. That turn eleven is just. empty.
    It seems to be a decent spot though. Last year at Spa, it was much more overcrowded, despite the falling audiences.

  4. Given the events of last year it’s a little concerning to see 11 marshals immediately rush out to Ericsson’s car (that number eventually rising to 13) along with the pickup. Only six actually get involved in removing the car. It looks like this all happens before the SC is deployed as well so only under double waved yellows. I admire what these guys and girls do but that’s just too many people putting themselves at risk for what is a very minor incident.

    1. That many people could’ve easily pushed him out in seconds. The rule says if a car gets stuck in a gravel trap in a potentially dangerous position, marshals are allowed to push it back on to the track provided that it is still in running condition. I don’t get why they opted not to push him. Would’ve been easier and shorter than having to crane it away…

      1. That clip really shows how misinformed the person was who castigated Ericsson for not immediately abandoning his car. He can be clearly seen arguing with the stewards to get his car back on track, wheels spinning. Like others have pointed out, had it been a Schumacher or Hamilton, he would have been pushed back on track. Keith! Shame on you for selecting that comment as “comment of the day”.

  5. Three notes:
    – You can’t be any further to the track than in turn 11.
    – Ericsson pushed the throttle for about 30 seconds after he beached his car, unnecessary.
    – Vettel popular in Malaysia, all the opposite from 2 years ago.

    1. “– Ericsson pushed the throttle for about 30 seconds after he beached his car, unnecessary.”

      And then he stays in his car for almost another minute. It took 80 seconds from him beaching the car until he was out of the car. The crane waited 55 seconds for Ericsson getting out of the car doing nothing before being able to continue recovery. Ericsson should have been out of the car by the time the crane arrived. In that case, the recovery operation would have been complete with the crane off track again within 65 seconds after the car was beached. I think Ericsson deserves a very stern talking to from the Stewards.

      Ericsson was about 11 seconds behind Hamilton when he spun off. Hamilton’s lap time was around 107 seconds, so he would have passed Turn 1 approximately 96 seconds after Ericsson beached his car.

      So there would really not have been any need for a safety car had Ericsson got out of the car more expeditiously as recovery would have been completed around 30 seconds before the leader of the race arrived at the scene again…


      1. @mike-dee I think to be fair Ericsson was going for the ‘pushed from a dangerous position’ ruling and would have been well within his rights to stay in the car. I’m not sure, they might have changed that rule now since the infamous Hamilton 2007 situation, but even so if I were Ericsson I wouldn’t just give up if I found myself in the kitty litter, I’d wait until I knew for sure they couldn’t nudge me out.

  6. Driving for Ferrari will do him good in all sorts of ways.

  7. is it odd to anyone else that spectators have higher definition cameras at the circuit than FOM (we’ve seen a few 4k videos now).

    Come on Bernie, put your hand in your pocket and deliver us some better quality :)

    1. @snowman-john As I understand the greater obstacle with 4K is having the bandwidth to transmit the footage, rather than the hardware in the first place.

      1. @keithcollantine Agreed, FOM is limited by the satellites they use at the moment. But I thought the deal they signed with TATA a few years back was meant to open the door to an internet based system that would have more bandwidth. I’m hoping we hear more about that sooner rather than later

  8. These are very good videos, thanks for them.

    1. Yep :)

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