Compare the Haas VF-16 with its 2016 rivals

2016 F1 season

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The newest team on the Formula One grid has revealed its first ever grand prix racer.

But how does the Haas VF-16 look compared to cars from three of F1 championship-winners? See how the team’s first F1 design looks next to its rivals with these interactive images.

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2016 Haas VF-16 and 2016 McLaren MP4-31: Side view

2016 Haas VF-16 and 2016 Ferrari SF16-H: Side view

2016 Haas VF-16 and 2016 Mercedes W07: Side view

2016 Haas VF-16 and 2016 Mercedes W07: Three-quarter view

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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27 comments on “Compare the Haas VF-16 with its 2016 rivals”

  1. The Haas car has the same front wing endplates as Ferrari, similar barge boards & turning vanes, same shape sidepod air intakes and almost exact same rear wing as Ferrari’s rear wing.

    1. you heard it here first


      1. Yeah, but is says “Haas” on the livery, and it’s not Ferrari red. So there is that.

        Anyone recognize that track map at the front of the side intakes?

        1. Looked a lot like Sebring to me until I took a look to an high res photo and realised it was just a reflection :)

          (And there’s the alpinestar logo as well)

        2. @geeyore you mean the alpinestars logo?

          1. @cdavman Duh. Yeah, that.


          2. Don’t feel bad. I sat behind a Ford Fusion in a Tim Horton’s drive through line once and was so confused as to what race track sticker they had on their rear window (next to a monster energy sticker). I couldn’t figure it out to save my life, so I took a picture of it.
            I couldn’t figure it out for days until I showed it to a friend of mine and she just started laughing.

          3. Don’t feel bad. I sat behind a Ford Fusion in a Tim Horton’s drive through line once and was so confused as to what race track sticker they had on their rear window (next to a monster energy sticker). I couldn’t figure it out to save my life, so I took a picture of it.
            I couldn’t figure it out for days until I showed it to a friend of mine and she just started laughing at me.

  2. Whoever created these slider things is a genius. SUPER idea!!!!

    1. It’s Keith! Again ;-)

      1. Its been out there for a while, i had seen it in Nvidia’s website for graphics comparison/setting guides.

        1. Yeah. Also saw it first when a the new version of de_nuke, a map in an e-sport called counter-strike was released. Was used to show the comparison and changes between the old and new version of the map.

  3. Wouldn’t it be nice if it became the class of the field like Brawn in 2009… but yet, I liked the Lotus a lot when it entered F1 in 2010 and it wasn’t exactly fast, as was Dallara’s last attempt with HRT…

  4. Haas has The best looking rims IMO

    1. I agree. Simple, bright, neat, elegant, really nice!

  5. Brilliant, the cars are virtually identical in profile, give or take the odd centimetre here and there. Makes me think any “cost saving standardisation” should be in the bodywork, then open up the PU regs for variety.

    1. ColdFly F1 (@)
      21st February 2016, 22:43

      Agree @hohum from the side view.
      But have a look at the 3/4 view and you can clearly see the camelback on the Haas car. The seems to be a lot more PU and cooling they have to cover.

      1. @coldfly, yes, on second look I can see it, obviously different engine layouts require different shaped covers, but the amount of money spent by the teams to achieve these almost identical chassis is obscene when you consider its total lack of value to any other product. I certainly wouldn’t care if chassis design from front to rear bulkhead was frozen for a few years, possibly allowing all teams to start with the same WCC design. Maybe we could have 3 years of PU development only, followed with 3 years of chassis development only, if we really have to have spending restrictions.

  6. The sidepods and engine cover are HUGE but the airbox is pretty small.

  7. Looking at HAAS’ car I see how difficult is to start in this sport. It reminded me to one of my teachers saying: “We built a whole ship and could make a propeller too. However, if our propulsion has deficit of only half a knot per hour it makes a huge difference on 20 days voyage. So, we order it from UK.” Tradition and know-how are invaluable asset in this sport as well. Just to stick to the subject: From the side view monocoque has exactly the same curvature as Ferrari’s.

  8. Haas sidepods and airflow looks almost the same as Ferrari. The livery is typical American grey red and black they use those colours for sport related events. The mercedes is really high compared with the others.

    And Keith those slider super!

  9. Does the Honda McLaren really have that much ground clearance?!

    1. That’s an “Extreme Rake Angle”, taken directly from the Red Bull playbook from a couple years ago.

      It’s apparently one of Prodromou’s favorite tactics.

  10. I’d like to see a 2015 Ferrari comparison. Only the nose and front wing seems to be a 2015-2016 Ferrari hybrid, the rest seems identical to the 2015 Ferrari. My guess is that the Haas F1 will be quick during the testing days. As the car has already proven itself. It is just made by another manufacturer.

  11. The HAAS looks “chunky” and not as sleek as the others. It also looks like it has pop rivits, holes and gaps all over.

    Looks like the Frankenstein’s monster of F1.

  12. The only easily noticeable visible differences appear to be between the Haas and the Mercedes on the side angle. The others look pretty much identical to me on my phone (which is therefore small). Love the comparison though.

  13. Basically a bulkier car that seems to be missing fine details and extra slim down developments. What you would expect from a new team. The car seems more like an initial baseline for future development.

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