IndyCar race postponed for two months due to rain

Weekend Racing Wrap

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Persistent rain forced the running of last weekend’s IndyCar race at Texas Motor Speedway to be postponed until August.


Race 9 of 16: Texas Motor Speedway 600

The weather was unco-operative in Texas
Round nine of the IndyCar series at Texas Motor Speedway was red-flagged after 71 laps due to heavy rain on Sunday. The race start had already been postponed from Saturday, and the rest of the event will now be run on August 27th, one week before the penultimate round of the championship.

The race had already been under caution since lap 43 after a shocking crash involving Josef Newgarden and Conor Daly. Daly lost control of his car as the Carpenter driver was passing him on the outside, and the contact forced Newgarden into the wall twice. His roll hoop bore the brunt of the second impact but despite huge damage to the Dallara DW12 chassis Newgarden escaped serious injury. He was taken to hospital with a fractured right shoulder and hand.

Carlos Munoz had led much of the race from pole position prior to the caution period but James Hinchcliffe was leading when the race was postponed.


Races 11 and 12 of 24: Moscow Raceway

Lada claimed their first victories on home ground in two rain-affected races at the Moscow Raceway. Gabriele Tarquini fought his way through to victory from ninth on the grid in race one, the start of which was delayed due to a downpour.

Citroen, whose C-Elysees had to run 50kg more weight than any other car under the WTCC’s compensation rules, saw their cars easily overhauled by the Vestas in race one and could only manage a best of eighth for Jose Maria Lopez in race two.



Joey Logano was in contention throughout the 400-mile race at Michigan, leading 138 laps on his way to his first win of the season. The previous Monday Kurt Busch won the postponed Pocono round.

Also last weekend

Lewis Hamilton won the Canadian Grand Prix for the fifth time, further cutting Nico Rosberg’s championship lead.

Over to you

What racing action did you watch last weekend? Let us know in the comments.

Next weekend Formula One heads to a new circuit in Baku, Azerbaijan, for the European Grand Prix, with the GP2 field supporting them. Meanwhile 60 cars will take to the Circuit de La Sarthe in France for the Le Mans 24 Hours.

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Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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10 comments on “IndyCar race postponed for two months due to rain”

  1. @keithcollantine Always appreciate the weekend round up.
    You need to change the NASCAR heading, as it’s the same as the WTCC.

    1. Yeah, I was caught by surprise by the Nascar race in Moscow, too. :D

  2. Robert (@skylab007)
    13th June 2016, 10:33

    That was a nasty accident. The ‘safer-barrier’ probably saved Newgarden’s life.

  3. Newgarden is one lucky guy. I’m surprised they have decided to restart it from that lap from what I have read. Does that make it the longest red flag period ever in a race?

    1. Indeed. James Hinchcliffe gets the record for longest time spent in the lead.

  4. It looked liked a nasty head injury.very lucky boy!

  5. 2 months? That is a lot of rain, then.

  6. TexanHombre
    13th June 2016, 13:59

    Minor problem: You’ve titled the NASCAR race at Moscow. They raced at Michigan International Speedway.

  7. Second minor problem: Pocono last week for NASCAR was Kurt Busch’s first win. You confused Kurt for his brother Kyle Busch, the reining Sprint Cup Champion…A driver whose talent would win championships in any series had he found his way to it. I know the overwhelming majority on this site will critsice that comment but at the end of the day the difference between the majority of All top tier racing drivers whether it be on two wheels, four wheels, asphalt or dirt is simply their discipline. I love all forms of motors ports and I wish…I wish we could all just appreciate the difficulty of each discipline. Thanks for your weekend racing wrap ups Keith. Best racing website ever.

    P.S.: wow that comment’s point changed quick!

  8. *motorsports

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