2016 United States Grand Prix Predictions Championship results

F1 Fanatic Predictions Championship

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Last weekend was one of the closest-fought rounds of the Predictions Championship we’ve ever had: 33 players tied for the highest score.

That meant only those who made exceptionally accurate pole position predictions stood a chance of winning prizes. The top prize this weekend went to @Sanjaynj45, who impressively got within 17 thousandth of a second of predicting Lewis Hamilton’s lap time. Second place went to @Straightline, who was a tenth of a second off.

But if you’re not one of the winners this week don’t worry because the next round is just days away.

There are chances to win every race weekend and at the end of the season for the top scorers. The F1 Fanatic Predictions Championship is free to enter. You will need an F1 Fanatic account to place so sign up here if you haven’t got one.

Enter your predictions for each race using the form below, and scroll down for more information on the prizes and the rules.

Make your predictions

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Author information

Keith Collantine
Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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1 comments on “2016 United States Grand Prix Predictions Championship results”

  1. I could not enter the USGP Prediction from my login even 1 hr was left for the Qualification start.

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