Two-times Formula One world champion Fernando Alonso swaps notes with another Honda-powered Spaniard: Dani Pedrosa.
Can you come up with the best caption for this picture? Post your funniest suggestion in the comments below.
A selection of the best will feature in a future edition of the F1 Fanatic Round-up.
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- Caption Competition 261: Champions’ chat
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toiago (@toiago)
10th December 2016, 13:04
Wanna swap engines?
Tayyib Abu
10th December 2016, 13:06
WHAT?? Your Honda engine is reliable AND powerful.
10th December 2016, 13:06
So, this is how you open a can of Redd Bull, No?
Pastor_Maldonado (@pastor-for-the-win)
10th December 2016, 15:23
hzh (@hzh00)
10th December 2016, 16:38
My browser crashed when I reached your comment.
Joni (@theflyingfinns)
10th December 2016, 13:07
Alonso: You look an awful lot like Dani Pedrosa!
Fer no.65 (@fer-no65)
10th December 2016, 13:26
@theflyingfinns LOL!
Keith Collantine (@keithcollantine)
10th December 2016, 15:46
@theflyingfinns @fer-no65 Apologies for the screw-up with the names – have made a note to steer clear of two wheeled motorsport as it’s obviously not my strength!
10th December 2016, 16:34
You should actually consider following it more closely! What MotoGP produces is by far the most interesting type of racing. Most races are absolutely thrilling.
George (@george)
10th December 2016, 14:28
Poor Keith, he really doesn’t care about bikes! :D
10th December 2016, 13:08
You always have to leave enough space, like this much.
Strontium (@strontium)
10th December 2016, 14:56
10th December 2016, 13:09
I think a steering wheel should give your bike better handling…
10th December 2016, 13:09
I really like to sit in a deckchair!
10th December 2016, 13:10
…and then, when you press the pedal, it actually goes fast! I’m telling you, this Mercedes engine is something else!
10th December 2016, 13:10
Sadly Fernando made the move to MotoGP just days before the new McLaren became the fastest and most reliable F1 car of all time.
Bruno (@brunes)
10th December 2016, 13:13
This is how much torque my Honda engine has…
10th December 2016, 13:16
“I had the Mercedes contract and pen, then Flavio said no.”
10th December 2016, 13:19
Alonso trying sign language, because Dani’s earplugs won’t come out.
Laine Baker (@bainelaker)
10th December 2016, 13:20
Hey Dani, you’re sitting in Marc’s chair! (that’s Dani Pedrosa, not Marc Marquez)
Pete (@petey84)
10th December 2016, 13:41
Yeah Keith, that’s Dani Pedrosa
Corey (@dragon86)
10th December 2016, 13:25
We use this thing called a steering wheel to turn.
DK (@seijakessen)
10th December 2016, 13:28
You should probably at least know what Marc Marquez looks like if you’re going to post this Keith.
A pity you don’t watch MotoGP as the racing blows away anything F1 has offered for years.
Scalextric (@scalextric)
10th December 2016, 13:31
No, no, I’m not going bald. My sponsors make me wear a cap even when I’m pretending to ride a bike.
James Brickles (@brickles)
10th December 2016, 13:50
Alonso: “GP2 engine?”
Pedrosa: “No, Moto2 engine… Moto2… argh!”
Pat Ruadh (@fullcoursecaution)
10th December 2016, 14:46
+1 Haha beat me to it
Mach1 (@mach1)
10th December 2016, 13:55
Alonso gives Marques a graphic and life-like demonstration as to the physical and mental extremes he experiences whilst racing in modern F1…….;)
10th December 2016, 14:02
Alonso proudly shows off his 3rd WDC trophy
bezza695 (@bezza695)
10th December 2016, 14:12
Wow Marc, you’ve shrunk
10th December 2016, 14:19
The real trick to getting out of a tight contract is to cup em by the balls like this.
OmarRoncal - Go Seb!!! (@)
10th December 2016, 14:29
“So, you got a face-off style surgery to look like Marquez… Can your surgeon make me look like Hamilton?”
Alex W
10th December 2016, 21:45
Lol but keith wont pick it!
10th December 2016, 14:31
Alonso: so with your motorbike being so small, you must have a really tiny steering wheel like this…..
GP2 racer: what are you talking about? Who are you anyway? Someone said Valentino Rossi was here, have you seen him?
10th December 2016, 14:38
Alonso: I once won a trophy this big, but now I am old and I like the slower cars so I moved to Honda.
Peppermint-Lemon (@)
10th December 2016, 14:48
Alonso: Now if we can borrow two of your bikes and strap them together it would be a good start for our 2017 f1 car. What do you think?
Broke84 (@broke84)
10th December 2016, 14:57
You are certainly bigger than Pedrosa, when I met him he was literally this tall!
Broke84 (@broke84)
10th December 2016, 14:59
Hang on I realised my above comment makes no sense, @keithcollantine as that actually is Pedrosa and not Marquez.
Jordi Casademunt (@casjo)
10th December 2016, 15:39
Actually, I think it makes it even better.
Jaume JB
10th December 2016, 20:18
Sure, the idea might be that he thinks it’s Marquez…
Broke84 (@broke84)
10th December 2016, 15:01
So I’ll say this instead as that isn’t Marc Marquez
“Dani, have you been in contact with Messi’s doctors? Last time I saw you you were only this big.”
Alex Brown (@splittimes)
10th December 2016, 15:12
Flav can get me a drive anywhere. So, how big a carriage clock you want? Like this?
Retired (@jeff1s)
10th December 2016, 15:15
Alonso: “You have to get balls that big ti race in MotoGP, compared to F1 drivers.”
Jonathan Parkin
10th December 2016, 15:16
Then you have a hard turn left, just before the sweet shop
hzh (@hzh00)
10th December 2016, 15:30
“Excuse me Fenando but I still have years of racing and I will not consider you advice about moving teams.”
10th December 2016, 15:44
Alonso – ‘Err did you know your a now a three time world champion….?’
‘And F1 fanatic has no idea what your name is?’
10th December 2016, 15:46
Dani – ‘yep that F1 stuff sure is easy Lewis’
10th December 2016, 15:50
So I will tear the contract like this.
10th December 2016, 15:51
Here’s Bernie’s present for Christmas.
10th December 2016, 15:53
In an F1 car, you turn left like this. Do you understand the message?
Fritz (@)
10th December 2016, 16:00
If the Mercedes deal don’t happen I might join you.
10th December 2016, 16:28
“I went to turn the wheel like this, but then I realised it doesn’t have one!”
Nick (@theawesomefish)
10th December 2016, 16:29
In a sensational twist to the F1 driver market, Sauber announce their 2017 line-up.
Steven Smith (@ragwort)
10th December 2016, 16:29
I’d like to grab hold of my contract just like this and……….
JackySteeg (@jackysteeg)
10th December 2016, 16:40
“…so he just had to sharply turn left like this, and that’s how I won the Singapore Grand Prix.”
Levente (@leventebandi)
10th December 2016, 16:55
“…then I steered to the right, a few push of the brake pedal, aaand this is how I managed to avoid those early dreadful races with that trainwreck Mclaren Honda. “
David BR
10th December 2016, 17:04
Alonso: Look, here’s one of the 154 Pokémon I caught with my Poké Ball while racing this year.
Pedrosa: Okay… I know you said Formula 1 is too easy now, I didn’t realise that easy.
Nick Wyatt (@nickwyatt)
10th December 2016, 17:07
“. . . so I’d take Bernie’s head like this, one ear in each hand just so, and . . .”
McF1 (@mccosmic)
10th December 2016, 17:27
And for my next trick, I make a you disappear too. Just like Nico.
Mark Thomson (@melthom)
10th December 2016, 17:37
Alonso: “in cars, we steer like this”
Pedrosa: “nooo, really..”
Ian Murtagh
10th December 2016, 17:42
Alonso… can you see my new Mercedes contract…
Steven Smith (@ragwort)
10th December 2016, 17:48
“Firstly Verstappen goes this way. Then he goes that way. Then back this way again.
Or so Sebastian told me.
I just pull to one side of the track and let him lap me”
Richard (@rick1984)
11th December 2016, 23:40
@ragwort Brilliant!!!
Stephen Crowsen (@drycrust)
10th December 2016, 18:00
Dani: How do you survive with so few corporate sponsors logos on your overalls?
Fernando: Yeah, I don’t know. At one time our marketing manager’s in tray was this full every day with requests … but now it’s all dried up.
Andy (@andybantam)
10th December 2016, 18:10
“So, are you interested in the seat I’m going to vacate, Pedro? You have experience with the team already. Oh sorry, I thought my invite read Pedro dela Rosa… Forget I said anything… Doo doo de Dum”
10th December 2016, 18:13
Fernando: hey Dani I am this close getting a seat at Mercedes.
Tomsk (@tomsk)
10th December 2016, 18:16
Dani is very excited to meet Fernando, but finds a way of hiding it.
Craig Wilde (@wildfire15)
10th December 2016, 18:27
Fernando: It sort of dangled like this.
Richard (@rick1984)
10th December 2016, 20:19
Dani: “i thought you guys wore fireproof overalls not leathers”
Fernando: ” i changed after melbourne”
Alex W
10th December 2016, 21:49
Maciek (@maciek)
10th December 2016, 20:19
So then Nelson turned like that and the race was mine.
Steven Smith (@ragwort)
11th December 2016, 8:06
Good one.
Jaume JB
10th December 2016, 20:22
-Yeah, and there were bikes and cars models this small, with our names and World Champion’s #1…
-Sure? I don’t remember that!!!
-Neither do I… they do whatever it takes to sell merchandising!
charliex (@photogcw)
10th December 2016, 20:28
FA: In America, that NASCAR series only drive to the left!
Richard (@rick1984)
10th December 2016, 20:34
Alonso” and then grosjean went over me like this. Its easier to clean up wearing this, ferarri had to power hose it off the tub.”
10th December 2016, 20:56
We have these things called steering wheels…
10th December 2016, 21:14
Alonso: ”You’ll have to leave the space. Always leave the space. And so Nico retired.”
Pedrosa:”Wait what?”
hzh (@hzh00)
10th December 2016, 21:37
“And then I tried to connect my earphones and I couldn’t find the jack on my steering wheel. They said less weight will make us faster. But now that they started testing with less number of tyres I know exactly what Jack warned me about.”
Jarv F150 (@jarvf150)
10th December 2016, 22:12
I turned the wheel like this and the engine exploded.
10th December 2016, 22:31
During the races I feel like my car is this big
10th December 2016, 22:37
FA: “No, it’s actually really simple, you just take the contract like this, screw it into a ball, and drop it into the bin.”
Derek Edwards
10th December 2016, 22:53
…and I said to Nico “If you don’t retire now and leave the seat free for me I’ll twist the other one as well”
10th December 2016, 22:55
And-a then, we have-a to wind up-a the engine like-a this…
verstappen (@verstappen)
10th December 2016, 23:39
“Take a look at this Wehrlein fellow. For sure he would be a nice team mate”
11th December 2016, 1:28
Dani you must have cojones this big to race with only two wheels!
skylien (@skylien)
11th December 2016, 2:43
Alonso: So your wings are this big and you are afraid of dirty air???
hoshino (@hoshino)
11th December 2016, 4:38
“And for steering we use a wheel“
Todfod (@todfod)
11th December 2016, 6:30
Alonso – “If your bike breaks down then just grab a deck chair and open a can of …”
11th December 2016, 8:27
To go left, you should turn like that! See, noob?
11th December 2016, 8:43
I think if I add it to a jug of water and shake, it will show if the contract is truly watertight
Actascedin (@actascedin)
11th December 2016, 9:58
KA……ME……HA……ME ……
skylien (@skylien)
11th December 2016, 12:16
Haha nice one !
hzh (@hzh00)
11th December 2016, 10:25
“And then I decided to turn left into Nico’s garage but suddenly saw my McLaren contract flashing on my steering wheel.”
Dan_the_McLaren_fan (@dan_the_mclaren_fan)
11th December 2016, 11:37
– How would you’ve gone through that corner in a F1 car?
– You turn the wheel like this.
11th December 2016, 14:08
-So I double the amount of salt, AND pepper!
– :O
PT (@pt)
11th December 2016, 16:30
What, you don’t have paddle shifts in MotoGP? Not even a steering wheel?
11th December 2016, 21:21
This caption begs for a counter steering-related comment.
Alonso: So you’re telling me that if were to turn the wheel to the left like this, my car would go to the right?
discotheque (@discotheque)
12th December 2016, 7:08
Now Dani, when play cricket my ‘box’ is about this size and I wear it discretely INSIDE my trousers….
Placid (@placid)
12th December 2016, 11:00
Fernando: Dani – Your face is like ugly silk.
Dani after taking out his plugs: WHAT DID YOU SAY?
Fernando: I said Indy Car will give you milk.
12th December 2016, 13:29
You can turn in flat out with a GP2 engine
Rich Mac
20th December 2016, 0:17
No, they changed them. The new ‘whoopass’ cans have a screw top, I didn’t know either, … so that’s 2 years written off!