2017 Azerbaijan Grand Prix TV Times

2017 Azerbaijan Grand Prix

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Join us on F1 Fanatic Live throughout every session of the Azerbaijan Grand Prix weekend. We’ll also be following this weekend IndyCar race plus the two rounds of the Formula V8 3.5 championship as they happen.

Look out for the live page on the site during every session and follow all the action with your fellow F1 Fanatics.

Here are the details of Sky and Channel 4’s coverage of the 2017 Azerbaijan Grand Prix in the UK:

Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th June 2017

Day Session Channel Coverage starts Session starts Session ends
Friday Azerbaijan Grand Prix first practice live Channel 4 09:45 10:00 11:30
Friday Azerbaijan Grand Prix first practice live Sky Sports F1 09:55 10:00 11:30
Friday Azerbaijan Grand Prix second practice live Channel 4 13:55 14:00 15:30
Friday Azerbaijan Grand Prix second practice live Sky Sports F1 13:45 14:00 15:30
Saturday Formula Two Azerbaijan feature race live Sky Sports F1 09:00 09:00
Saturday Azerbaijan Grand Prix third practice live Channel 4 10:55 11:00 12:00
Saturday Azerbaijan Grand Prix third practice live Sky Sports F1 10:45 11:00 12:00
Saturday Formula V8 3.5 Aragon race one live BT Sport 1 12:30 12:40
Saturday Azerbaijan Grand Prix qualifying live Channel 4 13:00 14:00
Saturday Azerbaijan Grand Prix qualifying live Sky Sports F1 13:00 14:00
Sunday Formula Two Azerbaijan sprint race live Sky Sports F1 10:55 11:00
Sunday Formula V8 3.5 Aragon race two live BT Sport ESPN 12:30 12:40
Sunday Azerbaijan Grand Prix live Channel 4 13:00 14:00
Sunday Azerbaijan Grand Prix live Sky Sports F1 12:30 14:00
Sunday IndyCar Grand Prix of Road America live BT Sport ESPN 17:30 18:00

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    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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    12 comments on “2017 Azerbaijan Grand Prix TV Times”

    1. Really not enjoying C4’s picks this year, I appreciate they don’t get a free choice, but they’ve ended up with some poor races for their live shows.

      1. @beneboy ah but how do you know they have picked a poor race before the race has happened… you never know it could be a corker, keep the faith! (I’m just praying we don’t have a repeat of last years snore-fest)

      2. I’m just grateful I don’t have to watch it on Sky (really not enjoying Sky’s coverage) and while C4 aren’t perfect they’re more balanced and not bad at all.

      3. I guess just enjoy it while it lasts before 2019.

        1. Ben Rowe (@thegianthogweed)
          20th June 2017, 16:10


          Lets just hope Channel 4 will be able to still offer a highlights package for every race. Just that will still be really good. It will be a real shame if there is no free coverage of F1 whatsoever for 6 years! Even if it isn’t live.

        2. @john-h
          It’s already got to the point where I’m struggling to keep an interest, let alone enjoy it.
          The highlights are so badly edited that it’s hard to follow what’s happening, and as it’s almost impossible to avoid spoilers it’s hard to find the motivation to watch when FB etc are full of complaints about another boring race most weekends.
          And seeing almost guaranteed borefests like Monaco and Baku making up most of the live C4 races, I’ve been struggling to justify giving up a couple of hours of family time on a Sunday afternoon to spend watching those races live, so have ended up watching them on the Tivo once the family are in bed, and more often than not end up browsing the net after the first few laps as so little is happening on screen.
          Silverstone, Spa and COTA will probably be the only races I bother watching live this year, which, considering I went over 20 years without missing a single race, is one hell of a change. And the worrying thing is that I’m not really missing it, once I got out of the habit it was hard to explain why I’d previously made watching a boring race at a crap circuit a priority on my days off. And as Baku was one of the worst races of last season, I doubt I’ll be making it a prority this weekend. It’s only been a few years, but the combination of limited live coverage and an increase in the number of bland circuits has turned me from being a fanatic to a casual fan.

          1. Ben Rowe (@thegianthogweed)
            20th June 2017, 19:39


            I may be in a minority here but I really seem to enjoy tracks that most people seem to dislike. Such as Russia and Baku. While the races may not have been as exciting, I think both locations look great and I do actually really like the shape of both tracks. A really, really long straight is something that makes Baku stand out. It may help the weaker teams that are still very fast in straight line.

            I don’t actually see anything wrong with the Channel 4 highlights from what I’ve seen. I Enjoy it much more than Sky’s repeats just because I prefer the commentators. The fact that Channal 4 is totally free makes me accept the few irritating moments and the fact it has more adverts.

            I think the main reason why people thought the race in Baku would be so much more interesting was maybe related to the fact that there were so many spins and crashes throughout practice and qualifying. This may have prepared people for an exciting race. The location also looked very impressive with some very unique looking corners. The drivers learned from their mistakes which resulted in a very clean race with not much happening. But I wouldn’t call it boring and I don’t think I could have rated it lower than 6/10. But many others clearly thought differently.

      4. Unicron (@unicron2002)
        26th June 2017, 9:30

        @beneboy I bet Channel 4 were gutted that they got that non-eventful race ;)

        1. @unicron2002
          Sometimes it’s nice to be proven wrong.

    2. You’re timetable for f2 is quite different from the official F1 website https://www.formula1.com/en/championship/races/2017/Azerbaijan/Timetable.html

      1. Thanks for the heads-up. As it’s on Sky’s channel I use their information, however this has now changed and I’ve updated the times accordingly.

    3. Let’s face it, F1 is less about racing and more about tyre compounds and whether this car or that car can get them to work better on any given circuit; if that’s motor racing, I’m a Chinaman.
      Having watch Formula One for decades, there have always been poor races, but generally speaking, the best drivers could outperform their machinery, and that rarely, if ever, happens nowadays.

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