New video from Stroll’s car reveals Vettel crash view the stewards didn’t see

2017 Malaysian Grand Prix

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Lance Stroll’s view of his collision with Sebastian Vettel has been shown for the first time in a new onboard video from the Williams driver’s car.

The pair collided at turn five on the slow down lap after the end of the Malaysian Grand Prix. Vettel blamed Stroll for the collision but the Malaysian Grand Prix stewards cleared both drivers following their investigation.

The footage shows Stroll turning left around the corner and the pair making contact after Vettel appears on his right.

Immediately after the crash Vettel told his team: “Stroll is not looking where he’s going. He completely shunted into my car.” Stroll reported Vettel “just ran right into the side of me” on his radio.

The video was not available to the Malaysian Grand Prix stewards at the time of their investigation according to Formula One broadcaster Sky, who obtained the footage.

The collision left Vettel’s Ferrari with left-rear damage which prompted concerns he might require a gearbox change and receive a five-place grid penalty. However Ferrari have confirmed the gearbox can still be used.

Stroll’s view of crash with Vettel

Stroll turns into turn five on the slowing-down lap.

As Vettel appears alongside Stroll the Williams driver appears to be the same distance from the inside of the corner as before.

The pair make contact. At this point Stroll’s steering wheel is turned slightly to the right which may have been caused by the impact with Vettel turning the rack.

The impact tore Vettel’s left-rear wheel off his Ferrari.

2017 Malaysian Grand Prix

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    Keith Collantine
    Lifelong motor sport fan Keith set up RaceFans in 2005 - when it was originally called F1 Fanatic. Having previously worked as a motoring...

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    224 comments on “New video from Stroll’s car reveals Vettel crash view the stewards didn’t see”

    1. Why would that have not been available to the stewards?

      1. Ferrari International Assistance will be able to tell you.

          1. No deviation by Stroll whatsoever……..and He Who Can Do No Wrong
            glides quietly away to the ever sheltering RED ZONE. If you combine
            Baku and this Malaysian event with half-a-dozen other extremely
            questionable actions by this Ferrari ‘untouchable’ a very unpleasant
            stench fills the air around Formula 1.

            1. If you watch the video, you can see that if Stroll continued as he was, he would run off the road and wouldn’t make the corner.
              Stroll wasn’t turning enough on the corner, and that’s why he crashed into Vettel.
              If this happened on the road, Stroll would be blamed for the crash. Since it happened in F1, and because the FIA have a boner for Ferrari, Stroll doesn’t get blamed.
              Of course.

            2. James, It just looks that way because Grosjean was close to overtaking Stroll on the inside. Parallax makes it look like the object closest to you is moving faster

        1. @keithcollantine Are you proud of this? This video was on c4 straight away. Is this sky sports f1? When you watch the actual video of this onboard, it’s evident that Stroll wasn’t paying attention, and not turning into the corner accordingly. When you make a video such as this, you don’t show the facts, but rather what you wanted to see, are you going to suggest he wanted to collide with stroll?

          1. This video was on c4 straight away.

            I watched the post-race and saw no such thing.

          2. @peartree way to kill your credibility.

            1. @offdutyrockstar The video was shown, I was watching both c4 and sky but the video was shown. I have nothing to retreat.

          3. @peartree I’ve sent you a chill pill. No charge.

      2. One can find the video on line.

    2. Channel 4 showed the video from Stroll’s car right after the crash, not sure how is it possible that this video wasn’t available for steward to watch during investigation.

      1. Sure it was this video and not the one from the car following them? Just asking.

        1. I’m sure I saw this on Sunday straight after the event.
          Not sure which channel it was (I swap between 3-4 channels especially after the race, to cut out adverts and get the best interviews).

      2. No they didn’t. Channel 4 had the world feed pictures from Vettel’s car during the race, then in the post-race they added the view from Grosjean’s camera on the front of his car, but they didn’t show the view from Stroll’s car.

        1. The view from Grosjean’s car confuses me. That clearly seems to show Stroll moving to the right, whereas the view from Stroll’s onboard, he makes no such movement, and seems to stay the same distance from the apex…

          1. It’s seems to me that Grosjean turns left (gets closer to de kerb) and that looks as if Stroll moved right.

            1. The amount he appears to move to the right is dramatically increased because Grosjean is catching him up. The video is slowed at impact.

          2. I think Stroll did moving to the right, as you can see in the video from his onboard cam. Right before the crash, see the distance between his car and the kerb increased.

          3. Grosjean is moving left which gives the appearance of Stroll moving right quicker than he was because the kerb isn’t close enough to provide a reference.

            1. It makes you wonder if Stroll wasn’t driving too slow if he had to overtaking cars on his tail. Maybe Vettel was already comitted to his line due to him overtaking Grosjean?

          4. Michael (@freelittlebirds)
            5th October 2017, 13:15

            @hugh11 I thought the same but Grosjean turns inside – it seems that Stroll had the least blame of the 3 and kept it under control.

            1. Yeah, I think Stroll did ease slightly to the right, but Grosjean’s movement did make it seem more exaggerated. Still, I don’t think it warrants any further investigation, was just a coming together – cars overtake each other and speed up and slow down all the time on the slow down lap, nothing more to it.

          5. If you go through the Sky Sports video, at the early 42 second mark, you see Stroll’s left tyre barely to the right of the upcoming rubber marks on the left of the track. Then if you advance to the late 43 second mark (so just under 2 seconds later and right before you see Vettel alongside him), he is much further away from those same rubber marks. Those marks seem to remain at an equal distance from the apex, which is proof Stroll was drifting towards the right side of the track, not by turning to the right as the commentators pointed out, but by turning leftwards to a lesser degree than the corner. Another unfortunate racing incident for both drivers.

        2. In India we get Channel 4’s F1 coverage, and right after crash first thing they showed was Stroll and Vettel’s onboard footage of crash(watched the race again today when it was aired for the first time since last weekend). They didnt show Grosjean’s onboard till late in the show.

    3. I’m all for Vettel, blind like every tifoso should be. But from Sky’s article I assume (can’t watch the video) Stroll is 100% not guilty and this poses a great question mark on Seb.

      I mean, I can defend Baku and Singapore ’till death but this is not acceptable at all.

      1. you can defend Baku? really? what’s to defend about that?

        1. I’m done with that discussion, you can review my opinion in this thread:

          Anyway, you should upgrade your username to something like @alfagiuliaquadrifoglio or something like that ;)

          1. There was no real opinion on that thread, just untrue statements that Hamilton slowed down in front of him, and no attempt at defending the subsequent and more serious contact instigated entirely by Vettel.

      2. Farmer Palmer
        5th October 2017, 11:56

        Oh come on now. Clearly Stroll brake-tested him.

      3. I am a Tifosi too. But I think I can defend this more than Baku or Singapore.

      4. sarcasm?

        1. ‘There are none so blind as those who refuse to see stark reality.’

      5. @m-bagattini Uno momento! Why is this so conclusive? I can see a corner, but Stroll keeps going straight… Seb assumed Stroll will turn the corner and took the outside himself, albeit too close to him.
        Watch again on Sky… second 41 our 1:41, Stroll does not turn. Again not to blame anyone; Seb is taking it to the limit and assuming everything around him should be a certain way, even on the cool down lap! Sigh. I really can’t take another weekend of this.

        1. @makana they were not racing so I don’t understand why Seb had to turn so tight, so close to Stroll. Lance was maaaybe vague in his turning, but he was holding a line anyway, it’s Seb that’s trying to overtake him. Why not giving Lance more room?

          1. Maybe you should wear glasses? Stroll loosened his steering into SV because he had no clue he was there. Novice move – not paying attention.

            1. steveetienne
              6th October 2017, 6:11

              fangirl much? take the blinkers off and accept that vettel is fallible and is prone to errors of judgement

      6. Matteo bud, shame to tifosi. It’s obvious from strolls on board he eases to the right. On the stroll onboard look as he gets further away from the kerb on the right moving right and connecting with vettel who was partially by him already. C’mon bud.

        1. I mean moving away from the kerb on the left and moving to the right.

        2. It’s actually 100% clear that he doesn’t move to the right and that this is purely Vettel’s fault for cutting Stroll off.

          In fact that was already clear from the images from Grosjean, behind the two, but only when somneone draws in the distance from the kerb. Since Grosjean moves to the left and overtakes Stroll, it’s impossible to see what Stroll does from that footage. It gives the impression that Stroll veers to the right, which he clearly didn’t

      7. @m-bagattini, why should you take it as a measure of pride to be “blind like every tifoso should be” towards your favourites? To be a fan of a person or a team should not exclude any introspection or questioning why somebody has behaved as they did.

        If anything, being able to accept the flaws in their characters and yet still find those moments which can inspire seems to me to be far more of a measure of what it means to be a true fan, since both those nadirs and moments of true greatness are what makes a person or a team.

        In the case of Ferrari and its drivers, I am sure that you are aware that the team has had moments of greatness, but has also gone through periods of bitter tragedy, misfortune and farce – Enzo himself did not shy away from those moments, and in the end made the team what it was from being able to accept the failings of himself and his team. So, to that end, it should be like that with yourself and your attitude towards Ferrari’s drivers – being able to accept that your heroes are flawed and can make mistakes adds to those moments of stunning performance, because it is from being able to contrast with those low points that those moments of brilliance stand out.

    4. Still hard to call. It looks so different from each of the three drivers perspective. Stroll was on a normal line into the corner, but then doesn’t input any further steering angle which puts him ever so slightly off the racing line. 95% of the time that wouldn’t matter and has the right to do that on the slowing-down lap, but Vettel took the risk that he would follow the normal line and tried to sweep around him. Neither driver swerved massively towards the other, but you can see how something like this can happen. I think it was the right call not to reprimand either driver.

      1. +1

        Exactly my point above.

      2. +1

        That is exactly how I saw it as well..
        Especially when you look at it in 1/4 speed..

      3. The Stewards have acces to telemetry, right? Maybe they can see more clearly the angle of the steering, the speeds and more things to consider than just a distorted (the lenses on those camera are almost eye-fishes) view on that footage.

        1. They got a whole lot of tools that we don’t have, so on a whole I think they made the right call..
          I call it an unfortunate “after race” accident..
          Just a shame that a thing like this happened, because we should really focus on the racing side instead..

      4. Only Vettel swerved into Stroll. You cant seriously think Stroll has to share some of the blame. Brain fade from Vettel

      5. -100%

        Look at it again from the footage above in the article. It’s completely clear that Stroll does NOT go to the right. In fact he stays at exact the same distance to the inside of the corner all along.

        This was already clear from footage of Grosjean’s on-board camera actually. It’s only because Grosjean moves to the left and inside of Stroll that it gives the parallax illusion that Stroll moves to the right. But in that footage also, someone drew in the distance to the side of the track and it stays exactly the same for Stroll.

        Vettel however comes from the complete outside of the track and cuts back to the middle of the track. In doing so he rams into Stroll.

    5. Honestly, Seb needs to sit down for a race now, that could have been far, far more dangerous than it ended up.

      1. You forgot to mention that he’s also a bad example for the kids. Why everyone always forgets about the kids?

        1. PC has finally reached F1.

      2. Jack Shepherd
        5th October 2017, 19:04

        Seb was at least 3 and a half cars widths from the kerb. Stroll was a cars width away to start and ended up clipping Seb. It wasn’t intentional from either driver. Stroll wasn’t expecting a Ferrari on his outside so he drifted wide to pickup rubber, Seb wasn’t expecting Stroll to drift wide. Just 2 drivers thinking that because the race is over no incidents can occur.

        Obviously they were both wrong, they both should have been paying more attention. No-one deserves even a penalty point for this, let alone a ban. The incident itself is a reminder enough to stay focused even on the in-lap, maybe a reprimand for both drivers would be justified.

        F1 Fans are quickly becoming insufferable. In fact it’s long past that. There’s no reason or logic to 90% of these comments. Calling for a race ban every time a driver is involved in an incident. Grow up.

        When was the last time you remember a driver getting a race ban? Grosjean right? And that was for turning from the left hand side of the track to the right hand side of the track- even though he was on a straight- and there were cars to the right of him. That was a dangerous move. Neither driver here has deviated much from their course of action. If anything Stroll has.

        1. ResultantAsteroid
          7th October 2017, 1:38

          You are preaching on Mars, Jack. The comments show how some people can be strayed back and forth with videos and counter-videos posted on sites and TV stations. And the people fire their very sure verdicts, regardless what the stewards and FIA, who actually have the telemetry and all video feeds from different angles, have investigated and concluded. Maybe from now on, after each incident on track, the FIA should use fan surveys to give penalties, instead of scientific approach by professionals.
          I understand we are approaching the end of the championship and nerves are getting high, but … come on.

    6. Vettel has flaws like all drivers. He cracks under pressure a bit. MS did before him. Lewis is ragged when he’s not fighting for a podium. All this shows is that Vettel loses concentration sometimes.

      People who say things like’ this is not acceptable’ make me laugh. Its the sharp end of a high stakes sport, its the human element that makes us watch . Far from being ‘not acceptable’. Actually, its imperative we have human error as well as bravery, or we have no sport.

      1. What actually surprises me is that his driving seems to worsen actually.

        He was at his peak in 2013, since the it’s been downhill overall.

        1. Disagree, not a huge fan of Vettel but I have to say he was quality in 2015.

          1. And his direct competition was Kimi who had just been annihilated by Alonso….

            1. Michael Brown (@)
              5th October 2017, 16:46

              Doesn’t matter when Vettel was the only non-Mercedes winner that year

            2. As relevant as the VOC losing Taiwan to the then-losing Chinese dynasty

      2. This was during the slow down lap! Not part of the race. I think Seb has a problem when under pressure he sees the ‘red mist’. He was the same at Red Bull against Webber.

      3. Tony, if you’re referring to my comment, it is not acceptable from a fan point of view. I can defend “my” driver and have a partially biased opinion most of the time, but here we have a clear responsibility on him for not preserving the car. This is not acceptable because it is his only behavior this time that leads to the collision, not a concurrency of bad or borderline events outside his will.

        This also puts other events under a different light.

        1. Yes Matteo:

          Its very difficult sat on your sofa or in the stands to understand what pressure they feel. Its a long season, the cars are tougher this year, he’s at Ferrari, the arch panickers, and Lewis is merciless – as Nico has stated before. I’m sure hes very clear on his responsibility and the expectations from fans and from his employer. I think better phrasing is needed by you and others who stat it as ‘unacceptable’ – and by implication it was meant . Of course that’s just my opinion

      4. Apart from Baku which was clearly a fit of rage and was totally avoidable, I would agree that vettels incidents are similar to others we see sometimes. He loses concentration or he co concentrates too much and can’t see things around him… However what is unacceptable is his attitude. Every incident is someone else’s fault and he goes crazy about it claiming that the other driver is an idiot etc. He never just says “sorry, I buggered up”. I mean last year he went on a massive rage storm at Charlie whiting!

        1. Did you not listen to his radio after Singapore?

          1. Plus Charlie Whiting is definitely past his prime so easily forgiven…

    7. At impact time, it seems Stroll steering wheel is straight and he is not turning left anymore. In any case Vettel should have left more margin when overtaking even if it remains a non racing incident to me. Should have been avoided.

      Now they are defending harder to pick up some marble than on track (how many drivers have not put a fight during the Malaysian gp because it was not their race).

      1. On the picture before that he is still turning left and the crash is already unavoidable…

        1. Might as well be a reaction to the contact itself

          1. Michael Brown (@)
            5th October 2017, 16:47

            He can’t react to the contact before the contact.

      2. That’s because of the shunt with Vettel, stroll tries to keep his car from getting out of the road. If you watch the video you’ll see it pretty clearly.

    8. Amaizing the Williams kept going as if nothing had happened while the Ferrari was basically destroyed

      1. @fer-no65 It often seems that in these kind of front-wheel-to-rear-wheel impacts it’s the rear corner which takes the most damage. Of course the front wheels are able to pivot which perhaps absorbs some of the impact. This reminds me of the Senna-Mansell crash at Portugal in 1989 in that respect.

        1. It’s because of the rotation of the wheels. When the rear wheel contacts the back of the front wheel the front wheel is forced into the ground whereas the rear wheel is lifted up. The front wheel has no where to go so all the force is transferred to the rear wheel of the other car. The wheel surfaces at the contact point are traveling in opposite directions so the relative speeds between the surfaces is twice that of the ground speed. All adds up to a catastrophic incident when the wheel of the faster car hits the back of the wheel of the slower car. Same happened in Singapore between Kimi and Max.

          1. The front wheel is supported by the track, the rear wheel by air…

        2. @keithcollantine I think Jimbo and Jdoleofabre nailed it. It must be that, definetly.

      2. Yeah the Ferrari basically flew apart.

        As the race was over and they were on a slow down lap, Vettel should never have been that close to Stroll in the first place regardless of weather or not stroll may have drifted a few cm´s, which he probably did not anyway.

        Vettel needs a reality check before he or somebody else gets hurt.

        I like having him as the villain in F1 but enough is enough.

        1. I imagine it’s because the rear axle is the driven one

      3. Especially comparing to incidents like Hamilton vs Massa at the second chicane at Monza in 2010 which left the Ferrari perfectly intact while Hamiltons front axle collapsed.

        1. @unitedkingdomracing If I remember correctly, the slight horizontal tap on HAM’s front tyre broke the steering arm, not the actual suspension.

      4. Might be due to tire rotation and where the forces go, Seb rear tire is rotating down at the front of the tire, Stroll’s front is rotating up at the rear of the tire, this causes Seb’s rear to want to climb up Stroll’s front, in the Williams all these forces are sent directly to the ground not the suspension, on the Ferrari the forces have to be absorbed by the suspension as there is nothing above the tire to absorb it, just air. So the suspension colapses and the tire shoots up

    9. Having watched the video on sky a few times, I believe Vettel at fault. For Stroll he was indeed turning the corner and was just outside of the racing line and in no way steered into Vettel, just running wide for pick up. Where as Vettel was aiming at the apex and was not aware of what Stroll was doing, a momentary lapse of focus it would seem

    10. Two drivers weren’t really paying attention to one another after the race and bumped into each other. It’s embarrassing, but it’s hardly a big deal. Don’t see what the fuss is all about or why people seem desperate to find someone to blame or punish.

      1. Probably the most sensible way of putting it really.

        Still can’t quiet wrap my head around the fact that some people (cough SkyF1 twitter followers cough) seem to be suggesting that Vettel did this deliberately to escape the fact he was under-fuelled or using Kimi’s car.

        1. @davef1 I have come to learn anything is possible in f1…

        2. I run an electric vehicle racing event for kids in Australia. One of our regulations says that the onus is on the driver doing the overtaking to do so safely. They are behind, can see more than the driver who is being overtaken (as that driver is also looking ahead and not watching their mirrors 100% of the time) and therefore can choose where to go and how close to get to the car they going past.

          It’s simple really. We also ask the driver who is being overtaken to drive in a predictable manner. I reckon Stroll did drive in a predictable way. The crash was Vettel’s fault.

          If absolute amateurs, most of whom have never raced karts, can manage to follow those simple rules and yet a four time world champ cannot, to me there is no excuse for what Vettel did. Stupid move, he needs to cop some consequence as a result.

          Imagine if Pastor had done this?

      2. I completely agree. It was a (post)racing incident. Vettel probably should have given himself more room but it was just carelessness really.

        The huge fuss including this story really, is not merited.

      3. agreed, stupid non-event really

        Although Stroll is steering left, it’s not enough to maintain a constant radius turn and is actually going slightly right across the track
        anyway, TBH, surprised it doesn’t happen more, especially on the warm-up lap when they’re trying to get heat into the tyres !

      4. @mazdachris, But then why should Stroll be paying attention to someone ramming into him?

        It’s 100% clear from this footage that it’s was completely Vettel’s fault. Strool does clearly not move to the right. He stays on the same line even after Vettel rams into him.

        While Vettel clearly cuts back from the outside of the track to the apex and into Stroll.

    11. NyakwarSusanna
      5th October 2017, 11:16

      Vettel is a disgrace, frankly. This looks so deliberate, I’m tempted to believe the theories doing the rounds about ferrari not wanting their car to be subjected to a fuel sample test after the race.
      Are the stewards allowed to reopen investigations into incidents when new evidence emerges after they’ve issued a verdict?

      1. I wondered if Stroll did something to Vettel during the race perhaps. Maybe Stroll held Vettel up a bit while being lapped? It does look like an “intimidating move” from Vettel yes.

        Much like Maldonado did to Hamilton at Spa after Maldonado felt that he was held up by Hamilton. Which resulted in a similar crash.

    12. I have to ask why the Stewards did not have access to this video. And with the revelation that they only seem to look into an incident if it has been ‘reported’ to them, their usefulness seems to have diminished somewhat. Bit like a chocolate teapot.

      1. Maybe they just didn’t want to have to make a decision that might impact the title run in, like they did in Baku.

        1. @blackmamba But surely the stewards aren’t so stupid as to not realise that not making a decision affects the title as well?

        2. I appreciate that @blackmamba, but I can’t imagine a referee not blowing his whistle for a foul because he ‘didn’t want to make a decision that might impact the title run in’. After all, the referee is there to apply and uphold the rules and the Stewards are there to do exactly the same. Plus as @fluxsource points out, they already have influenced the title race.

      2. @nickwyatt

        I have to ask why the Stewards did not have access to this video.

        Because the stewards only have access to footage taken from live feeds from the FOM TV cameras, CCTV cameras & whatever in-car cameras FOM have live at any one time.
        While every car carries an in-car camera (The t-cam on the roll bar) Due to bandwidth limitations FOM can only have cameras on about half of the cars active at any one time.

        From the start of last year they were also able to record to the cars internal data recorder from both the t-cam & the fia safety camera that is infront of the driver looking back. However they are unable to gain access to that footage until it has been downloaded from the cars data recorder & they are unable to do that until some time after the race.

        1. Understood. But here was an incident that they were supposed to be investigating. Are you suggesting that the Stewards (who knew of the existence of this video coverage) didn’t bother to seek it out or request it before announcing their decision. Or is it that they saw this footage and still announced that it was ‘a racing incident’ and that only now has it come to public attention?

          1. @nickwyatt They would have known it could be made available & would have needed to request it & wait for FOM to download it from the car before been able to see it. It’s likely that they felt they didn’t need to see it.

            Don’t forget that the stewards have a lot more than video data to look at including all of the telemetry & GPS data from every car with ways of overlaying the data.

            Seeing video like this is useful for fans as its the only way we can see Stroll’s steering input, However the stewards would have been able to get the same (If not actually a better) idea of what Stroll was doing by looking at the steering trace (And other bits of telemetry) as well as the various 3D GPS overlay’s that they have available to them to them (Broadcasters actually have some of the same stuff but don’t use it).

    13. I disagree with @keithcollantine s explantion of the second picture. Here it seems Lance is already taking avoiding measures, having finally noticed Seb. He was moving away from the line on the left, this is him turning back. The picture is deceptive, I feel one needs to see the video to really get the picture. Can’t see it from Germany.

      1. Having seen the video, Stroll appears to keep a constant angle on the steering wheel but this is not enough to match the radius of the turn. As he starts turning before the track turns this makes him initially start moving to the left but as the corner tightens the car then starts moving right relative to the track. At the same time Vettel is overtaking and turning in towards the apex assuming Stroll to be doing the same. IMHO the stewards still got it right.

        1. It seems fairly straightforward to me. There is a third driver on the grassy knoll just outside of the camera view. If you look closely, you can even see the puff of smoke from his tyres.. All we need to do now is identify the third driver..

          1. Aldridge Prior
            5th October 2017, 15:04

            That’s not smoke. That’s chemtrails.

          2. Baron – finally someone talking sense about the whole situation. Thanks foe that !!

        2. But that is completely ignoring the fact that the driver of the
          overtaking car MUST be prepared for all eventualities. This is
          true at all stages of a racing event. The driver being overtaken
          obviously has to watch his mirrors and I for one can see no fault
          whatsoever in Strolls driving. He’s heading safely back to the pits,
          minding his own business, and definitely not getting out of line.
          The angle Vettels car describes in relation to Strolls car and the
          left turn immediately in front of both drivers demanded full
          attention from both drivers. The ball is entirely in Vettels court.
          A very murky series of developments has ensued………

      2. I take issue with the description of the third picture… “At this point Stroll’s steering wheel is turned slightly to the right which MAY have been caused by the impact with Vettel turning the rack”…

        No, it definitely WAS caused by the impact, no maybe about it. Amazing how a random screen grab from a video with some very select words can be used to portray an alternative truth…

        1. @cdavman

          portray an alternative truth…

          By using the word “may” I say @keithcollantine abstained from stating any truth…never mind an “alternative” one.

        2. Yeah I saw the same in an analysis of the Singapore incident. Verstappen was dealing with some wheelspin which meant he needed a small steering correction to the right and they stopped exactly at that frame with Verstappen’s steering wheel to the right. The analysis then concluded that Verstappen steered into Vettel causing the accident.

    14. Even when we only had Vettel’s view of the incident I was inclined to put slightly more blame on Vettel’s side. He just appeared to be heading straight for the apex even though he wasn’t yet fully clear of Stroll. It just seemed like an unnecessary move. This new footage does seem to put it beyond doubt that Vettel has to shoulder most of the blame here.

    15. Another question: if it was indeed Vettel’s move, would he have any sort of interest in destroying his car?
      What could be a good theory on that? Because he isn’t stupid. If Lance didn’t do anything wrong, this sure looks like it was on purpose – but to what gain?

      1. @magon4 you imply it was intentional from either Stroll or Vettel or both while I think they were distracted and misjudged. No conspiracies here.

      2. I really think that is completely crazy to think @magon4. He could just have spun somewhere, gone off, or whatever if he had really wanted for some strange reason to destroy the car instead of trying to get another car involved.
        A move like that would risk far too much. And yeah, I know many poeple refused to believe someone would crash on purpose before Singapore 2008, but this is quite a bit different a situation.

        As @spoutnik mentions, this incident was almost certainly about not paying enough attention while going through all the procedures etc at the end of the race in the outlap.

        1. fair enough. it just seems to stupid to be true. but fair enough.

      3. Why would an incident being more one drivers fault than the other (or even completely one drivers fault) mean it was deliberate? It looks like both drivers were distracted and not paying enough attention, it’s more clumsy than anything, I suspect the drivers have lost focus once the race has finished.

        There is nothing to gain and plenty to lose, damaging the car could have led to a penalty for this race if a new gearbox was needed. If you are hinting at the ridiculous conspiracy theories being promoting then they are really not viable. All classified cars are subjected to full scrutineering post race, including any that are damaged or have crashed.

    16. evilhomer (@)
      5th October 2017, 11:31

      I was at the race and when we saw this happen it was a laugh and WT?? Did that just happen??
      All 4 of us (including a Seb fanatic) thought it was his fault at first glance, still looks the same but Seb certainly denying any fault for all this year.

      It cant be called a racing incident as, well…………… they weren’t racing :)

    17. Am i the one who only sees this an “after” racing incident?

      Looking at the cars driving after each other – with some waving to the crowds, others picking up rubber, with others are in a seeming rush to go and park the car, all overtaking one another; albeit slowly, i had always felt it was a miracle they never came together.

      If you have driven for 300 odd kilometers, over 2hrs and at the highest peak of concentration, it is indeed normal to lose concentration at the end of a race, and an accident at pedestrian speeds is far more likely than people assume.

      This is also the reason why we see far more drivers hitting the signs where they park their cars after the race, than hitting the front jack man or exceeding their pit stop markers.

      1. Link don’t seem to work, but c/p will do the job

        1. thanks for the link!

      2. I’m in the UK and just found this footage here

        1. Thank you for the Youtube link! Seeing this footage, it is pretty clear to me that Lance is completely innocent. He does not move his hands at all and is keeping his line. Why Seb, why?

      3. Thanks @matthijs!

    18. tgu (@thegrapeunwashed)
      5th October 2017, 11:57

      Got to admit my first instinct was that Stroll was to blame, then we got DC and Webber’s reactions and DC in particular was adamant that Vettel was entirely at fault. On seeing this footage it’s absolutely obvious that DC was right. Once again Vettel displays a complete lack of humility – he should have apologised to Stroll, not slagged him off!

      1. I do not agree. Stroll may be keeping his steering wheel fixed indeed, but the fact that the turn tightens results in Stroll actually moving away from the apex to the outside of the turn. That is clearly visible in the onboard footage! I’d say that obviously there is no intent to move towards another from either driver. The overtaking car should give way to the one in front in this stage of the race, but blaming Vettel is a bridge too far though. Stroll should remain vigilant as well since he is moving away from the race line at very limited speed. He was a moving chicane.

        1. tgu (@thegrapeunwashed)
          5th October 2017, 12:22

          At the point of contact Stroll is the same distance from the edge of the circuit as he was going into it – he was maintaining a constant radius, picking up rubber by staying off the racing line. Vettel had enough room to get by.

        2. evilhomer (@)
          5th October 2017, 12:43

          That’s true- when a 4 time world champion wants his bit of track young Lance should have just got out of the way!!

          Have you seen the footage from Stroll’s car?

          1. Yes I did. Stroll first goes wide, then starts to turn in, but maintains a turning radius which is greater than the turn’s itself. Vettel probably expected that Stroll would maintain his distance to the apex, which he didn’t. I am NOT saying that it is Stroll’s fault however. But it isn’t Vettel’s either in my opinion. Vettel took an unnecessary risk; Stroll didn’t maintain his line while being overtaken. Happens all the time in daily life! :-)

            1. But if this was on a public road, who would you blame? Has to be Vettel as he was the one overtaking and as you said taking the unnecessary risk.

              I’d also point out that the one throwing blame as soon as the incident occurred was Vettel, and he continued to blame Stroll long after! So it’s not really unfair to question whether he was right to do so.

            2. @david-br If the race was still on and this was truly a racing incident, we could definitely not accuse SV of not leaving LS enough room.

            3. @david-br if it was on the road, I would blame Vettel too. Unless you are in the UK, you can’t overtake on the right hand side

        3. @hogee Well said and I agree with your summation. Just as with the view from trailing Grojean’s car, Lance moves slightly away from the apex. We now see he doesn’t move his wheel to the right, but this confirms to me that they are both turning left for the left hander, Stroll slightly less so and hence the movement away from the apex, SV slightly moreso and hence a slight movement toward the apex.

          This was not a racing incident in the sense that the race was over, but had the race been on, SV could certainly not be accused of not leaving Lance enough room ie. a car width, between himself (SV) and the apex.

          I think Stroll was caught by surprise not looking in his mirror, but I also think that is understandable as the race was over.

          1. @robbie

            but had the race been on, SV could certainly not be accused of not leaving Lance enough room ie. a car width, between himself (SV) and the apex.

            And equally LS would not be accused of not leaving Sebastian enough room between himself and the outside of the corner. Not sure what purpose your statement serves, I don’t think anyone’s debating the amount of room Vettel gave Stroll relative to the apex.

          2. Jake (@jagged-jake)
            5th October 2017, 18:32

            @robbie all objectivity has been thrown out of the window and you have become Vettel’s defender in chief, going through great lengths to explain away all now too frequent king Seb’ concentration lapses and outright sense of entitlement on the racing circuit while slating your chosen villain driver Lewis for daring questioning his frequent car breakdowns in 2016. The Mercedes Racing and their champion Lewis have moved but you are still brooding :/

            1. @jagged-jake all objectivity is thrown out the window when commenters start calling names and straw-manning – regardless as to whether it’s VET or STR that’s being defended.

              The Mercedes Racing and their champion Lewis have moved but you are still brooding :/

              So are you (would also say Lewis isn’t the reigning champoion, but that’d be irrelevant since he did win titles and more than 1 of them were in fact with team Brackley)

          3. William Jones
            6th October 2017, 3:01

            The problem with your summery Robbie, is that the apex is not the line through that corner, because of the off camber. The cars come off line to collect rubber – which is ludicrous anyway, why not weigh the cars with the tyres removed so we don’t have this nonsense, however, back to my point – Stroll was off the line, collecting rubber. If he was drifting right, he was merely coming back onto the line, as he was entitled to do. If Vettel had stayed on the line, there would have been no contact, as the line is a good third further across the track from where Vettel is at the point of impact.

            Why did Vettel move offline there? Well, Occam’s razor would say, pretty much the only reason drivers go offline post race is to collect rubber, or drive in formation with a friend or teammate – let’s rule formation driving out, that leaves Seb collecting rubber.

            Why did Seb decide to collect rubber from a piece of track already being used by a driver to collect rubber? Well, it’s the inside of a hairpin, a place where there is more than usual. Is it normal for drivers to collect rubber while overtaking another car? Yes, on straights but most certainly not in corners, especially off camber hairpins.

            So that’s it really, Seb acted unexpectedly in trying to share the thicker patch of rubber on a difficult piece of track. It’s right before the pit entrance too, so he probably hadn’t done enough picking up through the rest of the lap. The correct action would have been to slow up and wait his turn, or stay on the line. Had he done either of those, no contact would have occurred. You can, and i’m certain you will say that Stroll could have not moved back towards the line, but as the front most driver, he has every right to do so.

            I doubt this will change your mind, but if you ask me, our efforts would be much more productive if we tried to get rid of this nonsense pickup act after every race.

        4. If you overtake another car, doing it in a corner as well, surely you have to be the one being carefull to give enough room, instead of relying on the other guy to have seen you and understand that you are taking the corner as if he was not there @hogee. Especially if there really is no need to even pass him as it is a cooldown lap AFTER the race.

          To me Vettel completely disregarded the fact that Lance was there, he steered in pretty sharply towards the apex, depending on Lance to brake and avoid him. Pretty stupid.

          1. @bascb

            instead of relying on the other guy to have seen you and understand that you are taking the corner as if he was not there

            I don’t think that’s what happened

            carefull to give enough room

            He did give room.

            However, VET could’ve, and (at least in retrospect, but that aside) should’ve given STR more room than he did (which however was still enough room – STR was after all moving away from the Apex when the impact happened)

          2. Jake (@jagged-jake)
            5th October 2017, 19:41

            @davidnotcoulthard I just stated the plain fact of Lewis as Mercedes F1 Team champion you added “reigning” on your own…

            1. @jagged-jake Indeed I did – as I said it is irrelevant.

              (hence my usage of “would” – as a way of showing that I was making a supposition. Or at least that was my intention – didn’t end up reading as that, I guess. My bad, sorry)

    19. Wow, the video appears to show 100% Vettel’s fault. He simply cuts across Stroll who was turning into the corner. It’s up to Vettel driving from behind and outside to judge the angle and room.

      That raises three questions. 1. Would the stewards have ruled otherwise (penalized Vettel) seeing this footage? 2. What exactly went on in the steward inquiry given they ‘missed’ this footage (how???? shouldn’t stewards have all FIA footage available immediately for their work?!) and they ‘missed’ the fact Vettel took his steering wheel (irrespective of whether it was a penalty offence or not). Personally I know find this yet again suspcious – suggesting FIA’s reluctance to penalize Vettel to maintain the championship competition. And 3. What is going in Vettel’s head? That’s three enforced collisions this season.

      1. Sorry, * now, * unforced
        Should drink some coffee before commenting…

      2. Actually if you look at the footage more closely you will see Stroll is drifting away from the curb as the corner starts/tightens which is why Vettel and he collided.

        1. Rubbish! Vettel could see the line Stroll was taking, a line that didn’t change right up to the point Vettel chopped hard across into the Williams.

          100% Vettel’s fault.

      3. @david-br GT-Racer explained it earlier – given all the cars are recording 4K images now, there’s not currently enough network bandwidth to stream all cars back to the paddock.

        All cars are recording, but any ‘non-live’ car has to have its data retrieved when the car is back in parc ferme.

        1. @optimaximal OK, thanks for the explanation!

        2. @optimaximal

          given all the cars are recording 4K images now,

          The in-car cameras are not 4K, They are all native 1080p/60fps.

    20. So…
      STR turning the corner, VET’s rear left tyre hits STR’s right front tyre FROM BEHIND.

      Can someone explain to me what STR could’ve done differently to avoid contact? Not being there isn’t an acceptable answer.

      1. STR turning the corner

        err…not enough. He way moving away from the inside way too early . But this isn’t the race so that should’ve been not needed, to be fair.

        1. Watched the footage a few times now and still can’t see it being STR’s fault. Maybe VET was “racing” STR to the rubber they’re trying to pick up, either way bizarre to say the least.

          1. @icarby

            can’t see it being STR’s fault

            well I’m not saying he is anyway. There was something he could’ve done to avoid it, but it’s after the race, when drivers aren’t quite expected to. He could, though AFAIK shouldn’t have had to.

    21. Vince Duggan (@vince-dugganvirginactive-co-za)
      5th October 2017, 12:16

      I don’t care if no-one got penalised for this. It’s not a racing incident.
      What annoys me intensely is Vettel being in complete denial that he’s at fault. The guy behind has the clearest view. Stroll was just minding his own business going around the track (and the corner). Vettel seems to think he’s never at fault at all.
      Ferrari should pay Williams for any repairs to the car that are required…if any.

    22. It seems that Stroll’s steering angle is lesser than the corner while Vettel’s steering angle is tighter than the corner.
      why are still people talking so much about this anyway? Ocon’s and Sainz’s and Palmer’s and Magnussen’ss incident are more noteworthy than this but nobody bats an eye?

      1. Because Vettel is in a championship battle? Also I still think Vettel should have been disqualified for the Baku road rage incident. Was this a penalty offence? Like Baku and Singapore (!) Vettel came out worse, much worse. But if the opposite had happened, say Stroll’s car had been wrecked, forcing grid penalties for the next race, would it be so innocuous? Same goes for Baku (had Vettel ruined Hamilton’s race by driving into him) and Singapore (if Vettel hadn’t received damage to end his race).

        Plus it was a bizarre incident! Seeing Vettel appear well after the race had ended with one of his tyres sat on top of his car was one of the strangest things I’ve seen in Formula 1.

        1. That’s sarcastic by the way. I know naturally that it will attract far more attention but the negative comments are way exaggerated. Baku, i understand as it was a very serious one. Singapore was a racing incident for me because almost all do this kind of stuff.

          1. I know, I was just trying to explain why some people (including me) might want to pick apart Vettel’s driving and general attitude after Baku. As for Singapore, my own view is, yes, lots of drivers in P1 do the sweeping-across-the-track move at the start to block before the first corner. Fine, allow the blocking move. But if a collision happens, and their move is the primary reason for the collision, they should get penalized.

            1. Haha, he was appropriately punished in Baku, get over it! and Singapore was more Verstappen trying to wedge his car into a closing gap.

            2. Michael Brown (@)
              5th October 2017, 16:56



              Drivers fighting for the championship get lesser penalties than drivers who are not.

            3. @asanator

              into a closing gap.

              to be fair such gaps usually open…eventually.

    23. Yes, Stroll kept a constant radius through the corner but while doing so he moved slightly outwards which can be seen from the car behind. So not Vettel to blame, not Stroll to blame, stewards decision absolutely right.

      1. Nope. Vettel chopped across and into the Williams whilst Stroll held a constant line. Vettel 100% to blame.

        1. Oh now it’s a chop? Lol perhaps you better go back and watch SV’s in-car view where you’ll see him only turning slightly to the left on a left hand turn. Where this ‘chop’ comes from is only in your tinted imagination.

        2. held a constant line

          @frasier A line at which rate would’ve seen Stroll not make the corner.

          Suzuka 1990 was totally Prost’s fault. I mean, Senna held a constant line.

    24. How can anyone watching this video blame Stroll. This is amateur stuff from Vettel. He should never have put his car in that situation. Honestly what are we doing here, racing or demolition derby?

      1. @tiya come on, reading your comment looks like he drove into him intentionally, which is definitely not the case.

      2. @tiya Well they were certainly not racing. The race was over. Had they been racing, this would have been called a pass by SV on the outside, and one which would have seen him leaving LS all kinds of room between himself and the apex.

    25. Vettel is a disgrace, the way he attacked Stroll in the media just shows how he feels as a 4 x world champion the rookie Stroll should have disappeared out of his way… puff

    26. If it was the first time, I’d say a simple mistake from Vettel, but it really seems as if he has a real spatial awareness issue.

      Or he just struggles maintaining concentration outside of the heat of competition.

      Either way, he needs to take responsibility for these mistakes and stop them happening.

    27. The screenshots aren’t very helpful by themselves and are your description is not very accurate @keithcollantine. If you watch the video you see that Lance’s line does run wider as he takes the corner. He still does nothing wrong, but it’s not fair to say he holds the same distance to the curb on the left.

    28. Watching the video in slow motion, Stroll does drift away from the apex slightly. He’s turning in, but a bit less than what would be needed to make the corner around while keeping a constant radius.

      On the other hand, Vettel seems to be getting closer to the inside at a bigger rate than Stroll goes to the outside. And as far as I can tell, Stroll’s right wheels were significantly to the left of the middle of the track, so Vettel had plenty of room to go around Stroll and pick some marbles.

      Vettel had plenty of room to his right, and absolutely no reason to get so close to Stroll while passing him. Stroll might have been able to take a tighter line, but that doesn’t take away the fact Vettel had a whole highway for himself and chose to crowd Stroll for whatever reason.

      1. exactly @casjo, there was ample room for Vettel to go around Stroll if he had not tried to turn as sharp into the corner. Why he did so, no clue (I guess he himself hasn’t either), but he could have easily avoided this.

    29. lets stop overanalyzing, it was a rare accidental coming together, NO ONES FAULT. vettel didn’t turn at stroll, and stroll did not turn at vettel. why do people always have to assign blame? is it to make themselves feel better and feel righteous?

      1. It’s being analysed because Vettel has a habit of blaming others for incidents that he causes. Stewards notice when drivers misbehave repeatedly and they get penalised for it, Stroll deserves zero blame for this one and Vettel 100%, the record must set straight publically.

        1. The speed difference is a factor as well. I wonder what an acceptable speed is in a cool down lap. It would justify (or not) the overtake and as a consequence, the undeliberate contact.

    30. @thegianthogweed you were right. This is Vettel’s fault after all.

    31. Roth Man (@rdotquestionmark)
      5th October 2017, 13:44

      When you watch the video you see Lance drift out a little but clearly turning left all the time. Seb shouldn’t have cut him that close. Can fully appreciate Lance being quite shocked by what was happening there. I blamed Lance for the mistake at the time but seeing this it’s all on Seb, why on earth was Seb that close to him? I’ve always questioned Seb’s spacial awareness, Turkey 2010, Spa 2010, Malaysia 2012, Baku and Singapore this year to name a few off the top of my head.

      1. Why was Seb that close? He’s leaving Lance about two car widths between himself and the apex. How much room should SV have been expected to leave LS? Unless we’re arguing that SV was foolish for expecting LS to be looking in his mirrors, this ‘spatial awareness’ argument doesn’t fly.

        1. So why do you think Seb decided to cut right in front of Lance when he could have quite easily opened up his own steering to ensure he didn’t get close?

        2. @robbie you often complain about LH fans, but here you are, once again, trying to defend the indefensible in regards to Vettels driving and blame storming.

          1. @frasier I have complained when the defence of LH has been over the top, just as now the slamming of SV is over the top. Look at Craig’s comment right above yours. He uses the term ‘cut right in front of Lance.’ Utter nonesense. The very first observations by Sky of SV’s in car of the incident shows him steady eddy with his steering wheel and Herbert acknowledges that. He was simply negotiating a left hander well wide of LS.

            Just because you have decided for yourself that SV’s part in this was ‘indefensible’ doesn’t make you right and me wrong, other than we are each entitled to our own opinion.

            I’ve called this more Stroll’s fault (in a small way) than SV’s and said it’s not even a racing incident as they weren’t racing. It was an incident and nobody did anything on purpose. If you’ve decided this is something indefensible on SV’s part then your version differs far more than mine from what the stewards seemed correct, so perhaps it is you that needs to explain yourself more than I.

            1. @robbie The Williams in-car video has been extracted from the on-board data record post-race.
              This makes it new evidence that shows very clearly that Stroll was driving a constant line without hesitation or deviation. By contrast the on-board from the Ferrari shows Vettel accelerating up to the Williams, then tightening his line such that the wheels of the Ferrari overlapped the Williams and his car struck the front wheel of the Williams.

              It’s crystal clear. Only a die-in-the-ditch Vettel fan would claim otherwise…

            2. @frasier

              without hesitation or deviation.

              or a future of making the corner at that rate

    32. Vettel’s at fault. Again. And again he denied the fact and pointed the finger to another driver.
      Pathetic behaviour. And one more time he goes out without a punishment.

      1. Seb, I thought you were better than this.

      2. Finbarr Saunders
        5th October 2017, 15:15

        To be fair, any driver admitting culpability in any accident rather than denying all responsibility and angrily pointing the finger at the other party is a rarity in F1.

    33. Stroll’s fault! He failed to drive off the road when Vettel wanted to be on that piece of track.

    34. Vettel’s lack of spatial awareness behind him, as again demonstrated here, reminds me of Turkey 2010 and the contact with Webber. He just isn’t as aware of where the rear of his car is!

    35. What I don’t get it, how come the stewards didn’t had this footage and it’s a Sky-exclusive? Shouldn’t they have access to every onboard feed of every driver at all times? That would make sense, right? Or is Sky paying so much money, they have exclusives beyond figures associated with the govermental body?

      1. It’s not exclusive to Sky, They were simply the 1st broadcaster to ask if it was available.

        It wasn’t available to the stewards as it wasn’t available to anybody (Including FOM) at the time of the stewards hearing.

        Every car carries an in-car camera, However only about half of them are active/live at any one time & the one’s that are live are what the stewards & broadcasters have access to during/immediately after a race.

        Something that is new from last year which Sky & other broadcasters will know about is that FOM are now able to record footage from all the in-car cameras (Including those not transmitting live) to the cars data recorder. This footage needs to be downloaded & FOM don’t have access to the cars to do this until some time after the race.

        When FOM get access to the footage any broadcaster can ask for access to it and in some cases FOM will make it available themselves via there website, youtube or directly to broadcasters at the next race.

        Sky were able to dive into this footage 1st as there the 1st broadcaster to get setup in Suzuka & be able to analyze it. Everyone else also has access to it but don’t tend to be ready to broadcast until there live coverage starts on Friday or Saturday.

    36. A lot of time between the first and second picture, especially compared to the others. If this is a video let us see it completly and judge then

    37. Conspiracy theory – that Vettels car was so fast because it was deliberately well underweight so he could cut through the pack and recover from starting last. He crashed the car so that it couldnt be weighed properly. But they sabotaged raikonnens car too so that it wouldn’t get weighed to compare it….

      1. Love this. Conecting the dots

        If this isn’t COTD the whole website is rigged

        1. lol, that’s an awesome theory!

      2. Yes ;) Plus Seb sat in Kimi´s car, who could not start as Seb´s car could not be fixed after quali. Misure disperate!

    38. If you look at the video, and this is weird that no one else has actually noticed it or has taken it into consideration, look were Lance’s helmet is pointing… He is looking completely to his lefthand side. That shows very clearly that he was looking behind to his left side at Grosjean to see if hee needs to make space for him. He only saw Vettel once the impact was inevitable…

      1. @chapor Well spotted and consistent with what appears to be a Stroll who was surprised that SV was coming around the outside. Drifts a bit to the right and collects SV who no matter how you look at it left tons of room for LS between himself and the apex. Had LS been looking in his right hand mirror which he clearly wasn’t he would have steered a little more left…he had plenty of room to do so.

    39. Way before the apex, and on the apex stroll left a car length width, vettel was coming fast and chose to take the apex line hoping stroll would have seen him and vettel expected stroll to be taking left turn but clearly stroll never reduced the gap to the apex in a left turn.. might be a misjudgment by vettel but clearly nothing wrong or intentional, however i do believe stroll should have been turning already rather than keeping that gap

    40. For me it’s just two drivers not paying enough attention to one another, which is the way most accidents happen at low speeds. Stroll’s onboard shows pretty clearly that he was taking the turn pretty smoothly, but taking an increasingly wider line away from the apex as he went through the turn, obviously not looking properly in his mirror. Far as I’m concerned though, Vettel is just as guilty for not looking properly at Stroll’s trajectory and simply assuming Stroll would see him in his mirrors instead of steering clear of him.

      1. @maciek I fully agree. Vettel decided to overtake for whatever reason and obviously carried much more speed than Stroll, he didn’t expect Stroll to wander off to the right and … bam. Silly and avoidable from Vettel, but also poor situational awareness from Stroll. I think nobody can be blamed really.

    41. This is a long left-hander, you do not have to turn your steering wheel to the right to go wide into the corner, it is clearly evident that Stroll stopped turning into the corner and continued going wide by looking at the distance between the inside curb and stroll’s front left wheel. Essentially one driver drifted off the line, the other driver didn’t. Stroll at fault.

      1. Precisely.

        1. Unbelievable

      2. William Jones
        6th October 2017, 2:38

        You may want to double check the line through that particular corner, and the camber. Because we have Vettel moving off the line and Stroll moving back onto it, which he’s more than entitled to do

    42. Who is the cucumber now, Seb?

    43. petebaldwin (@)
      5th October 2017, 17:46

      Even if you blame Stroll 100%, he’s in his rookie year and mistakes are expected. There was no reason for Seb to only leave minimal room…

      Either of them could and should have avoided that but you should expect more from a 4 time champion with lots to lose than a rookie driving a Mercedes powered car!

    44. If I watch the video from Stroll I actually see him do nothing wrong. He just steers around the corner; no unexpected steering to the left or right.
      Looks totally like Vettels fault.

      But to not damage the championship race, Vettel got away with it (again).
      How many chances are the gonna give him to come back, or stay in the race.

      Ferrari really needs Ricciardo: he doesn’t make many mistakes, always brings the car back at the best possible position and is fun.

      Verstappen would just destroy Vettel, because he already is in Vettels head.

    45. From all angles, it’s Vettel’s fault, and Vettel was the only one going too fast after the race had ended.

      1. And Grosjean was going too too fast….

        1. Grosjean didn’t hit anyone.

    46. Luis Lopez Carrete
      5th October 2017, 19:33

      Stewards designated for the race, Mr. Stevie Wonder and Mr. Jose Feliciano, did not find any evidence and considered this a race incident.

    47. @keithcollantine

      As Vettel appears alongside Stroll the Williams driver appears to be the same distance from the inside of the corner as before.

      This is not true if you draw some lines on the frozen frames you have supplied. On the first two pictures draw a horizontal line from the top of Stroll’s left tyre to the edge of the picture. From there you can see the vertical distance to the track edge is greater in the second photo. This means Stroll is further from the track edge than in the first picture.

    48. Unfortunate accident… I would say on a cool down lap, the downhill skiing adage would apply – the “down hill” skier has the right of way, the “up hill” skier plans any pass at their own risk and must take all reasonable action to avoid collision – collision is at the risk of the uphill skier, the down hill skier although attentive, is not obliged to react to the up hill skier. Of course, when I’m the skier doing the passing and have to take averse action to avoid a collision, I ALWAYS blame the “slow idiot”!

    49. Ferrari should pay williams for the damage Vettel caused. Seriously he has some brain fades sometimes. Wake up Vettel!

    50. If Sky has the footage from Stroll’s car, why do they post only stills THEY chose??? Post it all and let me decide for myself. Hmm , no outrage from Williams? Joe.

    51. Ferrari – get special money ( a lot of it), special veto over the rules, and special consideration when it comes to track incidents. Despite this, they hardly ever win. Without all these special advantages they’d be dead last every weekend.

    52. Slowing down after a race can be disorienting. No matter how much experience you have your brain is a little rattled while it’s adjusting to the new circumstances. And don’t forget the extreme heat. The final decision was made by people who’ve driving at high speeds and they probably now what it’s all about.

    53. Same opinion: mostly (90%) VET fault. They weren’t racing anymore, they should be careful and/to keep some more distance between cars, then it’s some common sense: VET is the one who came from behind, so he had a lot better idea where and what Stroll is doing. Instead, he took the corner as if Stroll did not exist.

    54. Ben Rowe (@thegianthogweed)
      6th October 2017, 8:44

      I really am surprised the amount of comments a crash after the race is causing! This page almost has as many comments as when Rosberg left. Seems these things are more interesting to many than the racing :D

      1. A crash does thousands of pounds worth of damage and a crash at any time can kill or injure somebody. I’m surprised that you can not figure that out. Vettel seems to enjoy crashing for no good reason and blaming his victims. He does it because nobody has the balls to punish him. He’ll continue until he sends somebody to hospital and is sued privately.

    55. I think that Ferrari should install some BSA (Blind Spot Assistant) to Vettel’s car, and then problems like this won’t happen again.


    56. Oh Keith, I thought you’re better than this (in typical Seb Vettel tone) :p

    57. Vittel is worst than Maldonado

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